
I'm the father of pokémon

(this story is chinese i saw it a while ago and i liked it a lot. aside from the obvious parts of china above all it's a good story) lu sheng arrived in a parallel world where biotechnology was extremely developed and open, and could create new species and bestow some special abilities. but in this parallel world they don't have pokémon! lu sheng carried a pokemon system with him, so pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle and other types of pokemon were born from his hands... new species created by others have low intelligence, and lu sheng's pokemon have high qi! the new species created by others has only one form, and lu sheng's pokemon can advance... under lu sheng's leadership pokemon became a big brand, and people affectionately called him the father of pokemons! the man in the trend of the times...

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one dares to mention, - one dares to pick up!

many people at the scene were confused.

how can it be done without a word?

someone came out to dissuade the two, and someone watched from the sidelines.

lu sheng had already walked to the door, and secretary wen followed closely and advised, "don't be impulsive, his black electric leopard is an adult!" you

three are all small babies ~ babies, how to fight?"

if the three little guys were injured later, the secretary-book would feel painful.

how old are they, they're going to come out and help their owners fight

, "you have to fight, just a kitten, and see how pikachu teaches it."

lu sheng also wanted to try the recent training results.

pikachu now has several skills to pack up a black electric leopard.


secretary wen said with a smirk, "a big black panther is bigger than the three of you combined, and i know that the black leopard's skills

are strong and fierce!" it can also release current, which can be immune to a certain degree of current attack.

"hit fang zhi."

lu sheng no longer spoke.

fern in the rear was talking to james, and the shopkeepers slightly dissuaded him, but fern was now so

angry that he couldn't listen.

"i have to teach him a lesson, humble bastard, insulting me in front of so many people and the media!" fern

said angrily.

"well, how is it different from the plan?"

james sighed.

originally, it was only intended to rely on words to squeeze lu sheng, but it evolved into a duel between genetic creatures.

"don't shame us to the northon group, beware of pikachu's electric shock, which seems to be called '100,000 volts', and its power is not low."

james reminds.

the black electric panther can withstand electric shocks more than most genetic creatures, and

fern's eyes flickered, "just be careful, with the agility of the black electric panther, enough to dodge the electric shock!" not only did i want to defeat

him, but i wanted to humiliate him and make him understand that the genetic creatures he had designed were garbage. a bold idea popped into fern's

mind, maybe he could challenge three of the little things on the other side at once!

a crowd of people followed the two men downstairs.

due to the prevalence of genetic creatures in gladiatorial fighting, there will be fighting places in almost all places.

the international exhibition center has also opened up an open space for guests to compete.

"come and come, who's going to bet with me?" haha, i bet the black electric panther to win.

someone itched his hand, took out a few bills, and waved his arms at everyone.

"i'll come, i'll bet on pikachu!" someone took it.

some took the lead, and the rest began to gamble in waves.

"this--black electric leopard seems to have reached adulthood, honed by a well-known training room, and heard that one was bitten to death in a battle

a giant python, amazing combat power!"

"pikachu is not weak, i have seen the video, that electric shock ability, spray, i am afraid that there are not many genetic creatures can withstand

"black electric leopard can also release electricity, itself can withstand a higher power, i don't know if it can withstand pikachu's 100,000


the sudden occurrence of a gladiatorial fight added some fun to this exchange conference.

whoever wins on both sides doesn't care, as long as they can play well.

most of them are more optimistic about the black electric leopard, bi jing is larger, or an adult, and has had high-intensity training.

how old is pikachu?

and without professional training, you may suffer losses in the battle for a while.

"maybe in a few seconds, the black electric leopard will eat that poor little mouse?"

one scholar ridiculed.

stand facing each other on both sides.

lu sheng motioned for pikachu to play.

the black electric leopard took a graceful step, hovering in front of fern, its scarlet eyes full of murderous energy.

everyone consciously gives up enough space to avoid being injured by mistake.

"are the two ready?"

henry, who was temporarily acting as referee, asked both sides.

"wait a minute!

fern licked his chapped lips and smiled strangely, "lu sheng, i'm going to use the black electric panther to challenge your three little things at once,

against a pikachu, i think it's too small!" my black panther is professionally trained, and if you win

pikachu too easily, people will think it's unfair. everyone was

stunned, not expecting fern to be unable to live with himself.

but the jenny turtle and the little fire dragon don't look much bigger, and if they really play, they don't think it will cause much obstacle

to the black electric panther, "are you sure?"

lu sheng's face became strange.


fern was full of confidence, regardless of the secret glances of lums.

"okay, i'm still seeing this strange request for the first time, so satisfy you!" whether it's one-only on or three on one

piece, abuse you is not negotiable.

lu sheng patted the jenny turtle and the little fire dragon and smiled, "you two also go up."

"jenny jenny!"

jenny was thrilled and happy to come to pikachu's side.

the little fire dragon slowly stepped forward.

the scene suddenly turned very strange.

dare to mention, - dare to agree!

"cough, are both sides ready?" henry asked again.


"it's time to get started!"

lu sheng and fern's eyes met, and the next second, fern took the lead in issuing the order: "black electric leopard, first solve the yellow skin in the middle."


ask for flowers

"roar !!!"

the black electric leopard, which had been preparing to attack earlier, stepped on his feet, flashed a black shadow, and quickly approached pikachu.

"pikachu, use electric shock!"

an alarming electric current jumped out of pikachu's body and pointed at the black electric leopard.

"black electric panther, dodge!"

fern's eyes were fast, and he gave orders quickly.

the black panther turned around halfway and jumped to the right.

pikachu's electric shock fell to the ground, hitting the black leopard in small amounts, making only the black electric leopard's feet pause slightly.

fern shouted again, "attack the turtle on the right!"


the jenny turtle seems to be unhappy with fern's statement.

it's fast!

lu sheng said in a deep voice, "jenny turtle, use foam!"

foam capacity, there is a chance to make the speed decrease.



jenny opens its mouth and spits out a series of dense blisters.

fern saw this move for the first time, and the black electric leopard did not care about the translucent foam in front of him, and went on a rampage.

when the black electric leopard touches the blisters, there seem to be many particles on the body ↓

the blisters burst, and a large amount of fur on the surface of the black electric leopard sticks to a piece, and there is foam under the feet, and when you step on the ground again, you

will feel some stickiness.

the speed of the black electric leopard is significantly reduced.

"jenny turtle, use a water gun!"

the jenny turtle opened its mouth again and sprayed out a column of water.

"dodge!" fern screamed.

the black electric leopard was originally known for its speed, faster than the greyhound, but it was sticky and slippery under its feet, and it was impossible to avoid the water.


it was washed down by a water gun.

"pikachu, use a hundred thousand volts!"

lu sheng took advantage of the victory to pursue and gave pikachu instructions.

more powerful electric current split the

black electric leopard got up and dodged with an instinctive reaction.

however, it is stained with a lot of water, and there is also water under its feet, and the current falls on the water, quickly leading to the black electric leopard!

zi zi zi - electric light appears from the black electric leopard.

it itself has a certain ability to resist electricity, but pikachu's 100,000 volts have exceeded its range and directly electro-numbed it


"little fire dragon, use random grabs to end the battle."

lu sheng watched the little fire dragon standing on the side, and gave the last command by the way.

the little fire dragon and the jenny turtle were all trained, and they understood it at once, pounced on it, and showed their sharp claws, leaving scratches on the face and body of the black electric leopard that was trying to climb



the black electric leopard fell.

the little fire dragon calmly jumped back.

the battle is over.