
I'm the father of pokémon

(this story is chinese i saw it a while ago and i liked it a lot. aside from the obvious parts of china above all it's a good story) lu sheng arrived in a parallel world where biotechnology was extremely developed and open, and could create new species and bestow some special abilities. but in this parallel world they don't have pokémon! lu sheng carried a pokemon system with him, so pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle and other types of pokemon were born from his hands... new species created by others have low intelligence, and lu sheng's pokemon have high qi! the new species created by others has only one form, and lu sheng's pokemon can advance... under lu sheng's leadership pokemon became a big brand, and people affectionately called him the father of pokemons! the man in the trend of the times...

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ice and fire alliance

lu sheng was a little shocked.

i wanted to leave, but i encountered this file.

the key to his mother is still secretary song.

whether the other party dies or not has nothing to do with lu sheng, and it is even more relieving to die.

but how could secretary song suddenly die violently and be pushed down from above?


lu sheng looked up and saw the shadow behind the glass window, screaming continuously.

from time to time, there was a vibrating sound from above, and after a few seconds, another figure fell.

this time it is not a person, but a genetic creature that has always been a genetic creature, a spirit dog that lu sheng is familiar with!

it fell from above and wailed on the ground.

but the spirit dog's physique was obviously stronger than secretary song's, and there were no wounds on his body, and there was still half a breath.

lu sheng took the three elves back, and the driver had already driven the car not far away and pulled out his mobile phone to shoot.

passers-by also found out about the situation here and stayed there, wanting to see what was going on.

"the secretary has just gone up, i don't know if there is anything wrong?" whether to go up to the rescue or not, i don't even know what happened above, let's wait and see for a moment.

lu sheng thought about it.

from meeting secretary song and then seeing the greyhound, he already had a guess in his mind.

maybe someone has to deal with huang yuetao, or the people around huang yuetao!

otherwise, there is no reason for secretary song to die first, and then it will be the turn of the spirit dog.

greyhounds belong to powerful companies and are mostly greyhounds carried by coulee. <


it is very likely that the genetic creatures have struck, otherwise how can such a big move be made.

at this time, the third floor of the exhibition center.

huang yuetao, gu li and others were running away.

the leap forward alliance meeting was supposed to be normal

and suddenly two mysterious people appeared: - male and female, blue hair and red hair, wearing a v-shaped mask.

they suddenly entered through the main entrance, and a genetic creature jumped out of their arms -

a kangaroo with a small dog, with bulging muscles all over its body, and its body shape rapidly increased several times, transforming into a big muscle bully king!

a python with a thick hand, a blade-like bone spur growing on its body, the movement is fast, and the person is cut off from the waist!

their target is directly at huang yuetao.

huang yuetao, who had just been talking to the secretary of the civil service above, was almost killed by the python without any defense.

if it were not for secretary song next to him who found out in time to block the python for huang yuetao, the person who might have been thrown away was not secretary song

, but huang yuetao.

the scene was chaotic.

fortunately, everyone had genetic creatures around them, and gu li's spirit dog attacked first, but three or two times he was caught by the big muscle bully and smashed into the air.

the rest of the genetic creatures heard the orders of their masters and attacked one after another, besieging them.

however, the number is still small, and the combat effectiveness is far inferior, and it has not been fought at all.

that python will also spew poisonous mist, and if you accidentally inhale it, you will feel dizzy, and there will be hallucinations

in front of your eyes genetic creatures will inhale, start to go crazy, and attack the owner! <

"get me out of here for a long time.!"

huang yuetao roared angrily, pushed the crowd away with several people, and staggered out of the door.

"sword python, chase me!"

the woman's icy voice came from behind.

the knife python was swimming rapidly, flashing and moving, chasing and killing.

in the field, there were already several genetic creatures lying down, and some genetic creatures clipped their tails and trembled.

everyone is on the run!

the red-haired woman and the blue-haired man strolled leisurely in the back, step by step.

the two seem to be wearing wigs, they can't see their faces under the masks, and their clothes are relatively loose and tightly


huang yuetao panicked and wanted to take the elevator.

the big muscled kangaroo jumped and slammed his fist on the elevator door, punching the steel door into a dent.


huang yuetao scolded loudly and ordered, "golden sword bird, stop it for me."

the golden sword bird, a creature with woodpecker genes.

it is not big, like a big eagle.

the main means of attack rely on the beak of the bird, extremely strong and sharp, like a sharp sword, can penetrate the gold and iron!

the product of the zhusen group, it is of high value, understands human nature, and is loyal to its owner.

it is huang yuetao's favorite pet, and huang yuetao will not let the golden sword bird attack unless absolutely necessary.

at present, those two perverted-level genetic creatures are menacing.

eighty percent of the golden swordbird is not an opponent.

therefore, huang yuetao never wanted to call the golden chuang sword bird to move.

once the golden swordbird moves, he will lose a life preserver, and may also lose the golden swordbird that has been breeding for several years!". uaa

the golden sword bird spreads its wings and flies.

the space of the exhibition is not large, and it will affect the play of flight gene organisms.

the golden sword bird flew in mid-air, as if a sharp sword stabbed straight into the king of boxer kangaroos ↓

the golden beak of the bird drew a ray of light

"king of fighter kangaroos, jump away."

the blue-haired man observed the situation from behind and gave orders in time.

the other party obviously knew the power of the golden sword bird's beak very well.


the king of fighters kangaroo dodged a little slower, and a blood stain appeared on his arm.

if it moves a little slower, it may have pierced its arm.

"huang yuetao"

someone who pays a lot of money to buy you a life, admit it.

the red-haired woman's voice is very crisp and pleasant, but she can hear that she is not chinese, and has a slight foreign accent.

"who are you, and who made you come?" huang yuetao looked angrily.

suddenly stabbed, huang yuetao encountered it for the first time from beginning to end, and his heart was beating violently.

"your enemy."

the blue-haired man smiled and said, "we are the ice and fire alliance, go down to see the king of yama and remember to report our names."

"learn king kangaroos, kill them!" -

at the command, the king boxer kangaroo activates again, and it is like a nimble boxer, dodging the attack of the golden swordbird.

suddenly, there was a

fierce bird call.

it turned out that it was a sword python wandering in the shadows that pounced out and cut off the golden sword bird in mid-air.

bird feathers are slowly falling

in mid-air

the king of fighters, the kangaroo, threw out a punch and smashed into huang yuetao's face door.

this time, there was no secretary song in front of him!

huang yuetao's pupils shrunk, and he was far from death to an infinite