
I'm the father of pokémon

(this story is chinese i saw it a while ago and i liked it a lot. aside from the obvious parts of china above all it's a good story) lu sheng arrived in a parallel world where biotechnology was extremely developed and open, and could create new species and bestow some special abilities. but in this parallel world they don't have pokémon! lu sheng carried a pokemon system with him, so pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle and other types of pokemon were born from his hands... new species created by others have low intelligence, and lu sheng's pokemon have high qi! the new species created by others has only one form, and lu sheng's pokemon can advance... under lu sheng's leadership pokemon became a big brand, and people affectionately called him the father of pokemons! the man in the trend of the times...

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60 Chs

I've been bleeding lately...

a bank lobby.

lu sheng is negotiating with the bank branch manager.

At the time, Lu Sheng applied for a loan at the agency on this side, and after many days of review, it was delayed and issued.

"... Mr. Lu's reputation is good, there are houses and cars as collateral, as long as he signs, in two business days, 8 million can arrive."

the bank manager chen smiled and handed over the contract.

a loan of 8 million yuan, the amount is no longer small, worthy of its branch manager to introduce himself.


lu sheng signed several names.

"happy cooperation, mr. lu must remember to repay the loan regularly, otherwise it will affect your credibility."

"I understand."

Lu sheng asked, "If a small business takes out a loan, how much money can I borrow from your bank?" "

8 million is also turned on between the teeth, if you can borrow another amount of money it is naturally good.

loans aren't terrible, and I'm very afraid of not getting loans.

lu sheng is not worried about the future can't afford to change money, but after picchu listing, the company's value will inevitably be greatly improved.

"depending on the situation, we have to assess the level according to the actual situation, often there are companies to lend us more than one million level, if mr. lu intends to take out a loan, he can provide the company name, and we'll send someone to investigate." i think mr. lu can provide the garage before, I believe loan approval is not difficult! "

"oh my company name is pokémon biotech, you want to fill out the form, give me one."

"It's to fill out the form..."

manager chen was stunned, and suddenly thought of how familiar the company name was.

"cough..., biotech pokemon?"

thinking about the other party's last name, manager chen's face changed, and he smiled dryly: "ha, there is one thing i forgot, the number of application sites this month has reached the upper limit, if mr. lu wants to use the company name loan, you can try another branch of our bank!" "

i didn't expect to meet the infamous lu sheng on the internet!

the manager chen muttered in his heart, no wonder he thought the name had been heard before, it turned out to be the owner of pokemon biotechnology.

"is that really the case?"

Lu sheng's eyes froze, and he couldn't hear the change in her attitude before and after.

it must be because after knowing the name of the company, I had a distrust of the company and did not plan to give him a loan to the company!

"Yes Yes Yes..."

manager chen wiped his forehead and smiled dryly.

only now should not be too full of words, can only find a rubbish reason to walk away.

where pokemon company is sacred, manager chen heard about it recently.

a disreputable biotech company, I heard it was a fraud company...

if you can know who is lu sheng sooner, the personal loan will also be intercepted, but it's too late.

someone else signed a deal and couldn't back down.

luckily, lu sheng took the house and car as collateral, if he couldn't pay the money, the big village was enough to pay back the cost.

"I don't mind you too much."

lu sheng smiled significantly: "in a few days, I believe that manager chen should take the initiative to contact me and leave, hoping the loan can drop as soon as possible." "

after exposure, the company will inevitably become a success, and you are still worried about not being able to borrow money?

do not say millions, the lending level of tens of millions is not impossible!

The bank loan was decentralized faster than Lu Sheng imagined, and it arrived that night.

After Lu Sheng got the money, his first thought was to expand the culture tank.

Currently, the value of culture tanks on the market is not cheap, a medium size culture tank needs about 50,000, and a medium size culture tank needs about 4,000 culture liquids.

Of course, if you can find a good channel, the price of the culture tank and culture medium can be greatly reduced.

for example, liquid culture, some large companies have special channels, and some companies that produce culture liquids have long-term cooperation, and the price should be halved.

lu sheng thought that if it became bigger in the future, the cost of cultural solution could be reduced a lot.

earlier, he said on weibo that elves pricing will be more civil in the future, not to design a big pie, but to actually have similar ideas.

Profits may be reduced, but we must do a good job of the "pokémon" brand and firmly control the market!

when pokemon enters people's lives and people see pokemon everywhere...

that was when it was called rolling money.

in the lab.

"in the beginning, how many culture tanks can be placed here at the moment?" I plan to add a batch. "

lu sheng estimated the distance and asked zhuo churan again.

"does the road always have to be expanded?"

zhuo churan froze, a little emotional.

since that incident, lu sheng hasn't added new equipment to the lab for a long time...

"If you want to add a batch of culture tanks, I recommend about 20-30 tanks, culture tanks are more energy feeders, if too much, lab energy can't be consumed."

"ok, I'll find someone to get 20 to try first."

lu sheng only picked 20 just in case.

"when the company has the money, I will have a bigger laboratory, and more than a hundred culture tanks are completely unable to meet my needs." he looked around and frowned slightly.

if you fill 20 small and medium tanks, it is slightly full.


zhuo churan was convinced and said: "this time the exhibition, the little pichus appeared for the first time, I believe the outside world will definitely change our company." "


lu sheng smiled: "when the lab is expanded, you will have to be the supervisor, i am not comfortable with the others." "

zhuo churan's cheeks were slightly red, and he bowed his head and said, "thank you lu zong for trusting!" "

"you can't turn your back on me at the low point, I must be grateful."

lu sheng looked at several laboratory employees who were busy and sighed, "there are some of them, when the company's economic problems are completely resolved, I will raise their salary." "

zhuo churan's heart was touched, and his eye circles were unconsciously pink.

this period of perseverance is worth it!

"One more thing, I'll keep putting a batch of pichu seeds later, planning 50 first, and another 50 tanks..."

lu sheng called the system interface, and the two unlock opportunities had not yet been used.

unlock new pokémon later and invest 50 more culture tanks.

"In addition to 50 growing tanks, I have two new biological seeds to stock up on. unfortunately, lately I've been working so hard that I've stayed up late every day to design two new genetic creatures..."

lu sheng looked tired with a lost kidney.


zhuo churan looked up in disbelief, "lu zong, no..."

how long has it been since pichu was born, and how did she have a completely new species?

have other biodesignors been so efficient?!