
I'm the father of pokémon

(this story is chinese i saw it a while ago and i liked it a lot. aside from the obvious parts of china above all it's a good story) lu sheng arrived in a parallel world where biotechnology was extremely developed and open, and could create new species and bestow some special abilities. but in this parallel world they don't have pokémon! lu sheng carried a pokemon system with him, so pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle and other types of pokemon were born from his hands... new species created by others have low intelligence, and lu sheng's pokemon have high qi! the new species created by others has only one form, and lu sheng's pokemon can advance... under lu sheng's leadership pokemon became a big brand, and people affectionately called him the father of pokemons! the man in the trend of the times...

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author:empty pocket category:tammy doujin updated:2020-08-29 12:31:14 source:biqu ge

"supervisor, the intelligence of the little ones is greater than we thought!"

several people were recording data, and zhuo churan watched from the side, shaking his head with a smile every now and then. www.maixi9.com

in the last few days, after their deep contact with the little pichu, they discovered that its intelligence is extremely high.

At least smarter than most genetically biotic babies on the market, going to the toilet will come to a fixed point, hungry will pat the small belly, thirsty will make a soft and cute little milk "pichu" sound.

in addition, the little ones have learned to control the current and will not easily throw electric shocks at people.

even if it is an electric shock attack, they will control the current.

most likely when others pose a threat to them, and it's just a small tingling sensation that does no harm.

"the genetic organisms designed by mr. lu are really powerful, as far as i know, some masters in the field of biological design are also difficult to add electric shocks to genetic organisms, which involves a lot of genetic mysteries, and no one will easily pass them on ."

some girls sighed: "speaking of our road has always changed a lot, used to look like a..., cough, now people are nice and beautiful, if you can be the girlfriend of the road, it's very good!" "

"hee-hee, si chun girl?" our lab will say something like this, and I think the supervisor..."

the other person's voice did not drop, zhuo churan immediately interrupted: "well, everyone concentrates on work, I want to report to the general manager of the road, he said that in the next few days, he will request evaluation and review, and ask for a single pass ." "

zhuo churan left the lab with some emptiness.

recently, after getting along well, zhuo churan's favorability over lu sheng has obviously improved.

in her eyes before, lu sheng was a naive and responsible boss.

now, lu sheng seems to have a big personality change, is attentive to work, treats all subordinates equally, never loses his temper, even if he faces security at the door, he is still harmonious...

Along with the aura on his body lately, he often heard the praise from everyone in the lab, and zhuo churan paid attention to him from time to time, and over time he got a good feeling.

inside the office.

Lu Sheng's most frequent locations are laboratories and corporate offices.

the company is in an office building, ten minutes from the laboratory, not far.

after the last two months of employees leaving, the pokémon biotechnology company, in addition to the seven or eight person laboratory, the building remains with 30 or 40 people.

some of them already have the idea of ​​leaving.

if it weren't for the company's bad reputation and bad recruitment, it wouldn't matter if these people quit or not!

if everyone is gone, some of the follow-up work will not be done.

lu sheng knew that he must stabilize the hearts of the military as quickly as possible, so he wanted to request a review as soon as possible.

only after the appraisal agency approves it can he register and disclose the image copyright...


lu sheng thought silently, and jumped off the panel again in front of him.

the triangular data had not yet cooled down.

"more than I expected, according to the current progress, maybe the recharge time is a month?" in fact, I thought it would only take half a month, which was very naive. "

"At this rate, don't you unlock dozens of them a year at most?"

lu sheng thought there were hundreds of types of pokemon, and suddenly felt that progress was a little slower.

But think about it, if you unlock dozens of varieties a year, just breeding will take a long time, don't be able to keep up with the unlock!


the phone rings.

"hey churan, is something wrong?"

lu sheng answered the phone.

"mr. lu, the little pichus have learned to control electric shock attacks, they are very intelligent, more obedient, and will not generate electricity indiscriminately."

Lu Sheng said happily, "Okay, I'll wait for the appraisal agency to apply and get things done as soon as possible." "

"huh? the road can not always come to check? zhuo churan asked.

"no, I'm sure you can do things and there won't be any mistakes."

lu sheng actually believed more in picchu's intelligence, and he hadn't been in contact with picchu less in the last few days, they seemed to be closer to lu sheng and could understand most of the instructions.

at that time, zhuo churan and others did not hold grudges, often took care of little pichu in the laboratory, but xiao dong did not show the same intimacy as lu sheng.

lu sheng knew this, 80% not because of personal charm, but because of the system leaning, so little pichu was closer to him.

"small fishing".

he shouted outside.

"Mr. Lu, is there something wrong?"

a few seconds later, a girl in a professional skirt and round-rimmed glasses entered.

her name was huang xiaoyu, secretary of lu sheng, and at that time, lu sheng recruited huang xiaoyu as secretary, mainly because he looked up to huang xiaoyu's appearance.

she looks prettier, and the figure is explosive...

It's a pity that the former Lu Sheng had the heart of a thief and no courage of a thief, and he only looked up every day.

"ask someone to submit a request to a review agency."

lu sheng pondered for a moment and added, "the application type must be urgent, and the urgent fee must be charged to the financial side." "

"Good way, I'll do it right away."

huang xiaoyu twisted the water snake's waist and left.