
I'm the father of pokémon

(this story is chinese i saw it a while ago and i liked it a lot. aside from the obvious parts of china above all it's a good story) lu sheng arrived in a parallel world where biotechnology was extremely developed and open, and could create new species and bestow some special abilities. but in this parallel world they don't have pokémon! lu sheng carried a pokemon system with him, so pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle and other types of pokemon were born from his hands... new species created by others have low intelligence, and lu sheng's pokemon have high qi! the new species created by others has only one form, and lu sheng's pokemon can advance... under lu sheng's leadership pokemon became a big brand, and people affectionately called him the father of pokemons! the man in the trend of the times...

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60 Chs

cooperation with the fire department

"mr. lu, didn't you come to me just to show me the new species?"

secretary wen came to lab #2 and faced wang ba, who was in a lake, crying and laughing.

in fact, a king of pond eight...

the difference is that this blue-skinned group of wang ba can stand on both feet like teenage mutant ninja turtles.

at the same time, they seem to have a good intellect, playing in the pool, and not afraid of people.

"Of course, today's protagonist is jenny the turtle."

lu sheng made an appointment with the secretary yesterday, and today the secretary took the opportunity to come to the laboratory.

"... I'm very busy, yunhai city every day a lot of big and small things."

the secretary bent down as he spoke.

there was a little jenny tortoise at his feet rubbing the hem of his pants, and he couldn't help but pick her up, hold her in his arms, touch her little head, touch her feet.

little jenny tortoise rolled in the arms of the civil servant's secretary, pampered.

the secretary's tiredness all day seemed to be washed away by the little jenny turtle!

"not to mention that little things are quite related, looking at the head and brain can actually ease people's pressure..."

he actually tasted the law of true incense once!

lu sheng smiled: "many people like to have pets." "

"I'm looking for a secretary today to give a sales pitch to jenny the turtle."

secretary wen was surprised: "sales? mr lu, you think i'm a rich man, i know your company's genetic creatures are not cheap, and this one also costs hundreds of thousands, right?"

"not to sell you..."

"you don't want me to advertise you?" this can't work, the spokesperson can't do it, others may say i am secretary of wang ba in the future. "

secretary wen was good-natured.

lu sheng was stunned and shook her head, "no, i want secretary wen to introduce jenny the turtle to the fire department, and i intend to cooperate with the fire department." "

"fire station? how does this have to do with firefighters?"

the secretary did not understand.

"because the most basic skill of the jenny turtle is spraying water."

lu sheng pointed to jenny turtle's small belly in secretary wen's arms and smiled, "don't look at their small belly, but the amount of water they can store is definitely enough." If Yunhai City Fire Department can assemble a Jenny Turtle Fire Brigade, I think they might be useful if they find a fire! "


Secretary Wen touched Jenny Turtle's tummy and asked, "Can they have a lot of water in their stomachs?" I do not believe that. "

"see it's true, i know secretary wen doesn't believe that jenny turtle can compress the water source and store it in the body, anyway it's almost a principle, i'll let them demonstrate that for you!"

lu sheng searched and found the turtle jenny that wanted to hide behind the little fire dragon, and pulled it out.

"jenny jenny!" xiao gui struggled under the clutches of lu sheng's demon.

"honest and dutiful, come back and get you fruit to eat, I know your son likes to try all kinds of fruit lately."

"jenny jenny?"

"Lie to you, don't mess with me later."

lu sheng promised to benefit, and jenny turtle didn't fight.

"secretary, let's go outside and try!"

they left the lab.

there is a playground outside the lab, and zhuo churan and others will take the elves every day to go out, exercise, or train.

lu sheng prepared in advance, got a lot of dry items, and put hay.


he asked a security guard to light the hay.

soon, the fire ahead was burning!

little, use a water gun.

lu sheng dropped the boy and slapped him on the head.

the boy will understand, open his mouth, and shoot a stream of water!


a powerful stream of water hits the flames, and wherever it goes, the fireworks quickly go out.

the boy seemed to have a large pool of water in his body, and there was still room for strength until the fire was put out.

"jenny!" stopped, pointed to the mouth, and signaled lu sheng not to forget the fruit.

"Alright, I'll get someone to prepare it for you."

lu sheng looked at the literature secretary who was already stunned beside him, and said triumphantly, "Secretary wen, how are you?" if we grow a jenny turtle fire department, firefighters will encounter emergency fires in the future, and i believe there is no need to drive a bulky fire water truck anymore, and he will be able to get to the place faster. the boy has not yet reached adulthood, and when he becomes an adult in the future, the amount of water will only be greater! "

"it's true that if the fire department has a jenny turtle fire department, it's not small."

the secretary agreed.

"a random fire truck costs hundreds of thousands, the tonnage is higher, and the price is higher!" I think buying a jenny turtle to farm is more suitable. "

Lu Sheng continued to seduce: "Besides, a special fire brigade can add a bright spot to our Yunhai city, can't it?" as far as I know, there are no similar fire brigades elsewhere in the place. "

if you want to put out the fire, the water storage bag in the genetic organism must be big enough, so the biological body must be big enough, much less convenient than the fire water wheel.

the jenny turtle is very different, small in size, but the amount of water produced is big enough!

"you convinced me."

secretary wen narrowed his eyes at lu sheng and said, "I'll go back to communicate with the director, and if the time goes well, I'll bring the people from the fire department to come, and whether I can negotiate depends on your skill." Also, the price can't be..."

lu sheng smiled and said: "the price is good to say, almost can recoup the cost." "

mainly for advertising!

when a special fire brigade appears, and with the official publicity, the hot spot will not be low, and it will definitely be stronger than Lu Sheng publicity everywhere.

"don't forget your promise."

the secretary looked into his eyes and almost said, "tell your knowledge."

you don't know the cost anyway...

lu sheng dark road.

after sending the secretary, zhuo churan came to ask how things were going.

"something has grown, I think there must be ten** stable!" he and the secretary secretary want to support our company to become yunhai city board, that kind of thing can help and help, and it's good for everyone, isn't it? "

"well if the little jenny turtles could form a fire brigade, it would be interesting."

zhuo churan thought of that scene and smiled.

Lu Sheng said with deep meaning: "Yunhai city is the first step, if the initial results are achieved, we will only accept orders from the fire department in the future, and our profits will not be low." "

ordinary people want to buy a pet for 200,000 or 300,000, and the difficulty is usually not high.

But what about government procurement?

not only is there no shortage of money, but the whole country and even the world can use it.

At the same time, Lu Sheng can also continue to expand Pokemon's influence!