
I'm the father of pokémon

(this story is chinese i saw it a while ago and i liked it a lot. aside from the obvious parts of china above all it's a good story) lu sheng arrived in a parallel world where biotechnology was extremely developed and open, and could create new species and bestow some special abilities. but in this parallel world they don't have pokémon! lu sheng carried a pokemon system with him, so pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle and other types of pokemon were born from his hands... new species created by others have low intelligence, and lu sheng's pokemon have high qi! the new species created by others has only one form, and lu sheng's pokemon can advance... under lu sheng's leadership pokemon became a big brand, and people affectionately called him the father of pokemons! the man in the trend of the times...

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change in wind direction

After Lu Sheng's instruction was issued, the "Pokemon Biotechnology Company" account on Weibo immediately released new news!

"To celebrate the birth of the company's new species 'pichu', the pre-sale will be open from now, and the pre-sale channel link is..."

"each pichu has a temporary price of 300,000, which is a very cute creature, close to humans, with a super high qi, and can release electric shock abilities oh, it has passed the appraisal agency review, see below for specific information !"

there are photos and videos behind the text. www.jiujiuzuowen.com

one of the videos contains a video where little pichu unleashes an electric shock.

after message update, the number of videos hits "rubbed".

within minutes, the comments below on weibo exploded!

"sleeper, is there really a new creature, pichu?" looks so cute! "

"Isn't it, can it be unloaded out?" new species with special abilities, doesn't it say that pokémon companies don't have great biosinists? "

"no, how is it different from yesterday's speculation that the video actually came out?"


comment on the direct reversal of the wind direction.

many people silently nodded their praise, saying bluntly that pichu looked particularly handsome, if only he could create one.

However, the price is expensive, the price is actually 300,000, basically except for the rich, ordinary people can not raise.

At the same time, Lu Sheng's private account also made remarks.

"thank you for supporting pokemon, at the moment Pichu is still the first generation, invested a lot of money in research and development, and the cost of culture liquid is relatively large, so the provisional price is relatively high." however, I can assure you that in the future, we must lower the price and strive to achieve a civilian price! "

as soon as this comment came out, netizens flocked to it.

"I am really sorry..."

"if mr lu can do it, i promise i won't hack you in the future."

"Conscious trader, I'm a fan."

"only 300,000? I want to pre-order one, just now my wife saw it and said I like it a lot..."

many people praised lu sheng.

for the "big cake" painted by lu sheng, they are even more appreciative.

but there are also many who comment that they don't believe it!

generally similar genetic organisms, in reproductive capacity will be relatively poor, and through the improvement of gene technology, often time-consuming and labor-intensive, the cost is difficult to press.

Also, some genetic creatures with special abilities don't inherit their parents' abilities when they breed to the second generation!

therefore, the price of similar species is only high and not low, and has only dropped a few times over the years, and over a hundred and twenty thousand are relatively normal prices.

ordinary people just can't afford it!

lu sheng said that the price will be lowered in the future, and many people don't believe anything, and even question the video released by pokémon.

like coulee!

less than half an hour after the video came out, coulee made a big fuss:

"Must the video be real? I believe that a company can design a completely new species, after all, the technical problem is not big, but making the new species have special capabilities, especially electric shock capabilities, is it that simple?"

"The internet often sees people saying why not extract genes like electric eels, which sounds easy, but the difficulty of fusing them into one piece is not usually high, only a few big companies have technology accumulation, they have to borrow equipment high-precision to support, most small and medium businesses do not have this capability!"

"see clearly, there is no !!!"

"In short, I seriously doubt the video is fake, and most friends should polish their eyes."

many people agree with this statement.

especially before attacking lu sheng and kuroko from the company behind, it was as if he had once again held back the big killer, and he had taken lu sheng and the company, occupied high moral ground, and sprinkled a spray!

many people have posted on some forums to refute several important points, anyway they are not willing to believe it.

even though the video is already in front of them, even though many people cannot see the problem with the video, they still think it is fraudulent!

one of the reasons many people agree-

giving living things supernatural abilities is an important technology that is basically mastered by large companies, and occasionally mid-sized companies make some advances, but it is impossible to be developed by a small company.

these technologies, as a top priority of the company, are only open to the people at the heart of the company, not to the outside world.

even a powerful biodesigner of the outside world, without technical accumulation, needs many years of research to make a breakthrough.

then there are rumors on the internet that lu sheng touched porcelain earlier, and it is believed that there is a problem with lu sheng's character, and everyone is even more suspicious of the authenticity of the matter.

one morning, the internet was talking about it.

the network is divided into three factions.

neutral, observe the results of hilarity, and so on.

the opposition, which firmly believes in forgery, only wants to deceive the recipients.

supporters, they think the video is very real, the possibility is not low.

anyway, the heat is fried hot!

the number of pre-orders is also not small, 100 places are limited, and more than thirty left in the morning.

currently, the pre-sale does not need to pay the money, just a deposit of 50,000 yuan.

it would only take half a month to twenty days for the little pichu to be grown before being sent to these people.

The pre-sale deposit did not go to the Pokemon company account the first time, because the pre-sale was hung on an e-commerce platform, and the money was temporarily frozen on the e-commerce platform.

just when everyone was arguing, lu sheng's private account updated a status.

"Is anyone an intersex person?" beware of rotten py. "

"I know people might not believe it, so now, our pokémon company has signed up for the 'new age pets' booth three days later!" at that moment, pichu will meet you, please wait and see! "

At the same time, the Pokemon company account also issued a similar statement.

the new century pet show is a big event.

at that time, there will be an exhibition open to the public all over to bring a variety of genetic organisms!

similar to comic book series, auto shows, etc.

if a company becomes popular at the exhibition, the company's fame will spread across the country.

therefore, many companies are full of energy, and will bring the company's trump card to the outside world to carry out a large-scale exhibition!

Lu Sheng's decision caused a sensation in the outside world...

whether it's true or not, you'll know then!

Elf ---> pokemon

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