
I'm the father of pokémon

(this story is chinese i saw it a while ago and i liked it a lot. aside from the obvious parts of china above all it's a good story) lu sheng arrived in a parallel world where biotechnology was extremely developed and open, and could create new species and bestow some special abilities. but in this parallel world they don't have pokémon! lu sheng carried a pokemon system with him, so pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle and other types of pokemon were born from his hands... new species created by others have low intelligence, and lu sheng's pokemon have high qi! the new species created by others has only one form, and lu sheng's pokemon can advance... under lu sheng's leadership pokemon became a big brand, and people affectionately called him the father of pokemons! the man in the trend of the times...

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60 Chs

bouncing beam clown

strong biotechnology, an up-and-coming company that has only been established for less than half a year.

the president of the company is gu li, who was once a college roommate with lu sheng and has always been a good friend.

it was only four months ago that coulee swept the company's research results and a pool of lab talent, and with the investment, the current company was created.

Currently, the company's shares still account for the majority, but there is no shareholder dissatisfaction.

because coulee brought important technology back then, after months of breeding, a new species "greyhound" was born!

a new breed of dog with wings of raw meat on its back and a heightened sense of smell.

if that's all, of course, it won't attract the attention of many people.

According to the previous test, the speed of the lingquan is extremely fast, and the three-month development of the spirit dog was able to rank among the top 30 in the world.

therefore, strongbio has received a lot of attention and praise.

at the time, in the office, gu li was working with one of the company's top biodesigners.

genius genist, lina miao!

graduated from a prestigious university, now over thirty years old, he has experience working in large foreign companies.

the greyhound is related to miao lina, and it was guli who brought miao lina to lu sheng, but lu sheng didn't know that the two of them had a very good private friendship, but it was a couple relationship.

because of this, the two conspired, defrauded Lu Sheng's research funds, and manipulated the contract.

after that, miao lina researched the greyhound, and the two immediately hit it off and immediately left the company.

"... the fool said he was going to participate in the exhibition, what do you think?"

miao lina in gu li's arms smiled and laughed.

Miao Lina is not handsome, and she is a few years older than Gu Li, but Gu Li is an ambitious guy who is willing to betray Hue in order to get Miao Lina's support.

"If you participate, do you really believe he can design a completely new species that can discharge electricity?" joke! "

Gu Li looks white and pure, and when he was in college, he was kept by a rich woman for a face, and now he has tricked Miao Lina's true heart by trusting in a face.

In fact, he also has some distaste for Miao Lina, if it weren't for Miao Lina's use value, otherwise he wouldn't be willing to say something against Miao Lina every day.

great things are informal!

This is the absolute criterion Coulee believes in, and he is willing to do anything to get ahead.

now that a strong biotechnology company has been established, its value has increased, and it has become a dragon and phoenix among the people, and the first step in life has finally been taken.

the next step is to make the company bigger, do a good job of the brand, and do the second and third parts...

As for Lu Sheng, he was just one of the obstacles on Gu Li's road to success, and he kicked him out with a kick.

"hee-hee, this guy is so funny, even I can't do that, does he have the money to hire a biodesignather who's better than me?"

"that's baby you're the best."

gu li moved the corners of his mouth and scoffed, "with my understanding of lu sheng, 80% of them are lying, we've been in touch for many years, what kind of character I can't move, love face, dead duck mouth tough guy!" "

It was precisely because of his understanding of Lu Sheng's personality that Gu Li dared to conclude.

however, gu li could not imagine that this lu sheng was no longer the lu sheng he once knew!

"Also, he doesn't have many assets, millions, and he might develop a ghost." I have a genius designer like you, who created the greyhound for almost a hundred million dollars! "

"how is it possible to launch an electric shock like in a video unless there is a high-ranking person who is willing to give the technology in your hand, sigh, is it possible?"

"maybe now bragging, three days from now at the new world pet show, he'll find an excuse to be absent, right above his mouth, like a clown jumping rafters!"

gu li never thought he would be punched in the face.

"my husband is right."

miao lina was deeply impressed.


biotech pokemon.

Lu Sheng put on his cellphone, skimmed his lips, and said to Huang Xiaoyu beside him, "There are still many people who don't believe it, but that's okay, on the day of the exhibition, Xiao Pichu will reverse his ideas and slap their ugly faces." "

huang xiaoyu said: "yes, I really want the exhibition to come soon!" "

"It's only three days, no rush."

lu sheng had applied for a booth for the "new century pet" exhibition a few days ago, and the other party also passed the application.

it is only deliberately raised today that this subject is sure to attract a group of spectators when the time comes.

the exhibition is an important event, and this year it is held in yunhai city, as can be missed.

xiaoyu, was I one in particular before?

lu sheng suddenly asked a strange question.

"lu zong..." huang xiaoyu's eyes opened, and he thought there was an auditory hallucination.

the previous total of the road...

it's one!

the company didn't care much, and threw everything for guli to do, and the result was miserable for guli.

Simply put, there is no sense of responsibility.

moreover, idle, without ambition to speak!

huang xiaoyu had many thoughts popping into his mind for a moment.

"It seems to be."

lu sheng smiled and shook his head, "that's why there was that incident, being tricked by others, and getting caught up in gu li's treacherous scheme!" luckily, it's not too late to make up for it, and I'll be a competent boss in the future. "

"hmmm, I believe lu zong will be able to do it, and he will be able to take the company up."

huang xiaoyu waved his small fist.

she couldn't help but compare lu sheng with the previous one in the near future, and the conclusion naturally was that lu sheng had changed a lot!

treat subordinates no more pinching the boss's shelf, spend more time in the company every day, and make some decisions wisely...


a ringing cell phone interrupted huang xiaoyu's reverie.

Lu Sheng's cell phone.

the caller ID is a short number.

"banking phone?"

Lu sheng's heart stirred, and he answered the phone.

"is it mr lu shenglu?"

"well, it's me, please..."

"hello, my side is bank xx, mr. lu's loan application to this bank has been approved, and the loan amount can be 8 million."


"please ask mr. lu to go to the bank as soon as possible to deal with the rest of the formalities..."

I said there before hanging up the phone.

lu sheng put on his cell phone, explained a few words to huang xiaoyu, and drove to the bank.

the loan is finally falling!

lu sheng plans to get that money and create 100 more pichus, or unlock a brand new pokemon!