
I'm the father of pokémon

(this story is chinese i saw it a while ago and i liked it a lot. aside from the obvious parts of china above all it's a good story) lu sheng arrived in a parallel world where biotechnology was extremely developed and open, and could create new species and bestow some special abilities. but in this parallel world they don't have pokémon! lu sheng carried a pokemon system with him, so pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle and other types of pokemon were born from his hands... new species created by others have low intelligence, and lu sheng's pokemon have high qi! the new species created by others has only one form, and lu sheng's pokemon can advance... under lu sheng's leadership pokemon became a big brand, and people affectionately called him the father of pokemons! the man in the trend of the times...

rednav · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

bad luck!

the secretary escaped with a group of people, but instead of leaving the elevator, he took the stairs.

the main target of the two mysterious people is huang yuetao, so after they escaped separately from huang yuetao, they were safer.

but, not absolutely safe!

because there are genetic creatures chasing them.

just now, three genetic creatures inhaled the psychedelic poison gas of the knife python, hallucinated, and went crazy and began to attack humans.

secretary - gloomy face.

he was the most indifferent to everyone, and he was more annoyed that someone had appeared in the international convention and exhibition building and launched an attack.

how long has it been since this happened?

if this matter is passed out, where will the face of the yunhai municipal government be placed!

kill on the spot, unscrupulously.

those two mysterious people, what is the origin, the genetic creatures they carry are still the type they have never seen before, and they are extremely lethal.


seem to have been through a lot of battles, facing genetic creatures of the same size, one punch - a child-like solution.

and the means are cruel and very bloodthirsty.

professional killer?

the secretary's heart tightened.

there were cries of mourning in the rear, and someone else was pounced on by the genetic creatures in the chaos.

go to the second floor!

the secretary thought that there were a large number of genetic creatures on the second floor, and there must be a way to stop them.


a large cat swooped down from above.

everyone panicked, and the secretary was accidentally pushed down and fell to the ground 263.

"not good!" the secretary quickly got up and was pounced on by the big cat.

just then, the secretary heard a familiar voice.

"jenny turtle, water gun!"

a jet of water gushed out, spraying the big cat away.

the big cat was hit hard, as if regaining its sanity, and sat on the ground looking

around blankly, "don't, it may have been hit by a poisonous gas like psychedelics."

secretary wen got up, stopped lu sheng from attacking again, and hurriedly said: "there are two genetic creatures in the back that are confused, solve them, don't hurt people 1"

it's okay for genetic creatures to die a few at will, but if every one more person dies, things will be bigger.

lu sheng looked up at the stairs above, and sure enough, he saw two genetic creatures tearing at the people on the ground.


he didn't figure out what was going on for a while.

"mr. lu, help."

there was a man who had been bitten shouting.

lu sheng looked at it, but it was an acquaintance, the advertiser qiao shang who came to the company to talk about business last time.

"jenny turtles, wake them up with a water gun."

jenny got the order and spat out a column of water again, spraying the two genetic creatures away.

"i'll go up and evacuate the crowd!"

the secretary gritted his teeth (bfda) and turned back.

lu sheng was trying to ask a clear question, qiao shang wanted to leave, and he pulled him along.

"what happened on the third floor?" llu sheng asked in a deep voice.

"alas, two mysterious people suddenly appeared to kill huang yuetao. oh, that big wallaby and python are very terrible, the blood on the ground

is flowing, huang yuetao is probably going to hang up, and he also asked me not to cooperate

with you.

"huh?" lu sheng was suspicious.

"cough is nothing," qiao shang laughed dryly.

"nothing really? mr. joe, don't forget that i just saved you, don't hide anything from me. appearing

on the third floor, joshan is probably also a member of the leap forward alliance.

huang yuetao ordered that the members of the yuejin alliance should not cooperate with the pokémon company, so why did qiao shang take the initiative to find the door two days ago.

"this, in fact, is nothing.

qiao shang scratched his head and grinned, "i recently applied to join the leap forward alliance, passed yesterday, and today they brought me to the

conference." cough, and then huang yuetao announced at the conference that he is not allowed to cooperate with your company in the future! i didn't know

before, i told huang yuetao that we had signed a contract, can we finish this order and then say, "qiao don't forget that if you don't choose to perform the contract, you have to pay a liquidated damages, 5 million!"

lu sheng's eyes eased slightly.

it's not good to be deliberately approaching, otherwise, you have to teach qiao shang a lesson.

alas, i said this to huang yuetao at that time, but huang yuetao did not allow it, and said that he could ask a lawyer to help me advertise, and

asked qiao shang to

say: "if i lose the case in the end, he should help me bear 5 million yuan in liquidated damages, anyway, it is not allowed."

i'm working with you, what can i do? it's better now"

he looked around, didn't see anyone, and whispered, "huang yuetao can't hide from this fate, most of those two people are professional killers

, huang yuetao doesn't know how much he makes enemies, it must be that others have spent a lot of money, and the cooperation between our brothers and brothers continues."

lu sheng hummed softly.

it's not that joshon is soft-hearted, after all, in that case, jochan has only two options.

either refuse huang yuetao's request, withdraw from the leap forward alliance, and offend huang yuetao.

either accept huang yuetao's request, and there is no loss anyway.

as a qualified businessman, interests are paramount, and of course i know how to choose.

lu sheng was only dissatisfied with huang yuetao's domineering, signed a contract, and asked others to break the contract, which was enough


but now there is good news, huang yuetao may die on the top

, if he dies, it will be a hundred.

lu sheng will no longer have any constraints in china in the future.

"you leave first, i'll go up and have a look."

the secretary just ran up.

lu sheng also wanted to see if huang yuetao was hanging up, the killer target was huang yuetao, presumably he would not attack others at will.

if you allow the secretary to take risks on the top, you must not be looked down upon by the secretary and the chief of affairs, which is not conducive to maintaining the relationship between everyone.

i hope that huang yuetao will die

soon, lu sheng took the three elves and went up the stairs to the third floor.

all the way to the ground, full of chaos.

someone simply hid in the bathroom and called for help.

someone was already lying on the ground

the secretary was directing everyone to evacuate from the stairwell.

the building has a staircase on the east and west sides.

"go to the second floor, take the stairs, go and call people!"

the secretary ordered several terrified escapees.

they nodded vigorously, frightened, and only buried their heads and fled.

"mr. lu, you." the secretary was about to say something when he heard another violent vibration.

the two looked at each other.

secretary wen wanted to go over and have a look, and lu sheng's heart moved, "secretary wen, you evacuate the crowd here, i can just

go over, i have pikachu around me."

"well, be careful.

secretary wen sighed, knowing that he couldn't help in the past, so he might as well wait where he was.

lu sheng trotted for ten meters and met a familiar face -

gu li!

in addition to coulee, there were several other people huddled in the middle.

one of them covered his shoulders, his face covered in sweat.

lu sheng's eyes widened, he recalled the photos on the internet and recognized that this person was huang yuetao.

, i didn't die.

he whispered a curse that the killer was not powerful.

gu li noticed lu sheng and whispered to huang yuetao, who cast a gloomy gaze, but only glanced at it, and was helped away by the rest of the people.

"if you can survive today, you can't say that lu sheng is in

his heart in the future."

he took another step and looked ahead.

soon, he knew how huang yuetao and the others survived.

well folks at raw I was only until chapter 62 I had to look for another one and ended up finding 3

https: //m. shucw with /12_12624/

https: //www . xbaijiaw. com/262_262180/

erase the spaces above

https: //www .30sy .cc /book/wo0shenqibaobeizhifu0/

it's a lot of work to translate and put here

rednavcreators' thoughts