
I'm the enemy of the whole game

This is an extremely difficult game. If you don’t have enough ability, you won’t even be able to get out of the Novice Village!

Daoist2ootOY · Games
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275 Chs

Trading and Divination

"Now, can you help me with divination?" Jiang Han approached step by step, inquiring.

"...Dream on!"

Fatal Rose gritted her silver teeth and outright refused.

"Don't be too hasty in rejecting."

Jiang Han raised three fingers calmly, speaking, "Help me with divination, and I can offer you three benefits."

Having sufficiently intimidated her, the next step was to offer sweet incentives. Relying solely on threats could backfire, and relying solely on benefits was foolish.

Offering a carrot and wielding a stick!

This was the correct approach.

Fatal Rose's gaze flickered, her brows slightly furrowed, but she remained silent.

"First, I will help you regain all the levels you've lost, taking you to at least the top ten in the Meirui region level rankings!" Jiang Han said calmly.

Currently, in his eyes, all players in the game were low-level players. Helping her level up was a simple task for him, but for Fatal Rose, who had experienced a significant level drop, this benefit was undoubtedly tempting.

"Second, I will take responsibility for the losses of your guild members and can sell you some equipment, including a top-quality spiritual-level sword weapon." Without waiting for her response, Jiang Han continued, "What do you think?"

"And the third point?" Fatal Rose questioned.

At this, Jiang Han smiled, knowing that she was intrigued. "The third point: the three items dropped by the ground-level BOSS just now, regardless of whether I can use them or not, I will prioritize selling them to you."

"How do I know you won't deceive me with three pieces of junk, insisting they were dropped by the BOSS?" Fatal Rose doubted.

Undeniably, the benefits offered by the other party were tempting, and...

All the ground-level BOSSes had been killed. If Jiang Han continued to wreak havoc, the entire guild would likely face unrest and eventual dissolution.

The cost was too high!

She wasn't an overly righteous person, sacrificing personal interests just to stop Jiang Han from completing his mission would be foolish.

Jiang Han chuckled, "Do you need me to swear before the God of Oaths?"


"So, you agree?"

"...If you don't want me to go back on my word."


Afterward, Jiang Han swore before the God of Oaths, ensuring that if Fatal Rose helped him with divination and the three conditions were fulfilled, she would completely abandon any thoughts of resistance.

Taking out the crystal ball, Fatal Rose reluctantly used her divination skill and, after a moment, successfully traced the footsteps of the dwarf race: "Worry-Free Plain, coordinates 8400, 3314!"


System prompt: Teamed player Fatal Rose used the skill[Divination], level decreased by 10, entered a weakened state, lasting for two days!

"Thank you."

Jiang Han nodded in acknowledgment and then grinned, saying, "Please swear before the God of Oaths. If you lie, your hemorrhoids will rupture, causing endless bleeding until death!"

Although the deal had been reached, he wasn't foolish enough to blindly trust a foreigner to keep their word.


Fatal Rose's face turned pale.

This guy was too much, too cunning. How could he make a girl say such a vicious oath?

"Highland Cold Wind, coordinates 1167, 7894!" Fatal Rose had to reveal the true location, then swore before the God of Oaths.

As expected, playing some small tricks!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Han secretly sneered. He remained composed on the surface and clasped his fists, saying, "Thank you."

Barbarians, akin to beasts, fear power but lack gratitude.

The ancients were not deceiving me.

The conditions he offered were already quite generous; the other party still tried to disgust him. Such a person didn't need any face!


Well, this way, breaking the contract wouldn't burden him psychologically.

"I have completed the divination; it's your turn." Fatal Rose, without feeling embarrassed at all, reached out for the equipment.

Jiang Han shook his head, "No rush, let's proceed with the three conditions one by one. First, let me help you level up. You can rest assured; it won't take much effort."

Saying that, he rode the Dark Thunder Tiger deeper into the cave.

The Dark Abyss Python could summon minions, and those ordinary level 102 snake monsters were numerous but not high in attributes. They were suitable for leveling up.

Fatal Rose, with no room for retort, reluctantly followed.

"Hiss hiss hiss..."

In just two minutes, a large number of Dark Abyss Pythons appeared in Jiang Han's field of vision. They lurked everywhere in the cave, numerous in quantity, emitting a piercing hiss that sent shivers down one's spine.


Without hesitation, Jiang Han activated War Stomp, rushing into the central area. With a single stomp, he drew the hatred of all the Dark Abyss Pythons.

The overall attribute boost from the Endless Cycle of Reincarnation had not disappeared yet, making it difficult for these monsters to break his defense. With no threat to him, he naturally focused on efficiently clearing the mobs.


System prompt: Your teammate, the Annihilator · Jiang Han Water, killed a Dark Abyss Python. You receive shared experience, level +1!


System prompt: Your teammate, the Annihilator · Jiang Han Water, killed a Dark Abyss Python. You receive shared experience, level +1!


"Swoosh swoosh swoosh..."

Golden light continuously rose from Fatal Rose's body.

Watching Jiang Han effortlessly and easily clear the group of snakes, her expression was strange.

Although she hadn't caused any damage and only received the minimum 5% experience, she still gained experience beyond expectations, directly rewarding her with levels.

This leveling method was unheard of!

Currently, the game was at most considered to have passed the novice period, still in the early to mid stages. Players still needed to form groups to challenge Dark Gold-level BOSSes, but Jiang Han could already solo hunt ground-level BOSSes.

At this rate, she had a premonition that he might truly become one of the top ten demon gods in the Dark Camp, the ultimate goal of all players!

In less than a moment, all the Dark Abyss Pythons around were cleaned up, and Jiang Han, with 88% more experience, turned around, asking, "What level are you now?"

"Level 63, ranked tenth in the Meirui region level rankings..." Fatal Rose said with a bitter tone.

After using the Light Sacrifice and divination, she had dropped a whole 40 levels, and she never expected to gain more levels than before in just a few minutes.

"Alright, the second condition."

Jiang Han first compensated for the equipment losses of some Evil Dragon guild members, then displayed more equipment to Fatal Rose, asking her to quote a price.

In the end, Jiang Han earned sixty thousand gold coins, mainly because the top-quality spiritual-level weapon gifted by the Snow Emperor was quite valuable, selling for a whopping forty thousand gold coins, equivalent to over four million in cash.

Of course, he believed she could afford it.

The reason he proposed such conditions was also because Weymon mentioned that the other party was well-off.

"And those three ground-level equipment, you

 must prioritize selling them to me!" Fatal Rose's gaze was fervent.

At this moment, she had her own calculations.

The phrase "prioritize selling" could be interpreted differently by the God of Oaths, but she believed that as long as it wasn't "too excessive" and the price was a bit lower, the other party would have no choice but to choose the deal!

In other words, she held the initiative, guaranteed to profit!

As if seeing through the other's intentions, Jiang Han's somewhat indifferent smile couldn't be wiped away from his face. "Sure, no rush, I'll make sure you're... very satisfied!"