
I'm the enemy of the whole game

This is an extremely difficult game. If you don’t have enough ability, you won’t even be able to get out of the Novice Village!

Daoist2ootOY · Games
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275 Chs

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"I can clearly tell you, the Dark Swordsman's strongest skill is the Dark Reincarnation!" Luo Yi calmly stated, "Originally, I intended to make a grand appearance when you faced an insurmountable challenge. However, hearing your random analysis is a bit unbearable."


Jiang Han remained silent.

Who knows, with just a casual remark, Luo Yi would become so verbose.

"My imprint won't last much longer. In short," Luo Yi's tone became serious again.

"Alright," Jiang Han nodded, listening attentively.

"Read the skill descriptions more!" Luo Yi said with a deep voice.

"Hmm, and then?" Jiang Han inquired solemnly, making sure not to miss any crucial information.


Luo Yi remained silent once again.

"Hey, hey?"

"Brother, are you still there?"

Is this it?

To put it bluntly, it's so short?

Watching the intense battles on the stage, Jiang Han couldn't help but mutter, "Quite brief."

Leaving a mark specifically inside the Dark Armor just to say "read the skill descriptions more"?

Well, nicely done!

Suppressing numerous criticisms, Jiang Han opened the skill panel to examine the Dark Reincarnation's description.

Although Luo Yi's warning was somewhat sparse, it was not without purpose. If he said so, Jiang Han would definitely take it to heart.

[Dark Reincarnation] (S-tier)

Introduction: The Dark Swordsman walks on the edge of life and death, fearless of death but eager to overcome. He possesses the special ability to squeeze every ounce of strength from his body to defeat the opponent.


Jiang Han read the description multiple times but remained puzzled.

Where is the key point?

How can this skill become stronger?

What do I need to comprehend to unleash the true power of Dark Reincarnation?

"Swoosh! Swoosh!"

With doubts, Jiang Han returned to the stage.

Seeing Jiang Han, the leader of the Tower of Slaughter, with a flash of light in his eyes, sneered, "Finally encountered you."

"I have a question," Jiang Han frowned.

The leader of the Tower of Slaughter looked uncertain, "What question?"

"The Dark Swordsman walks on the edge of life and death... possesses the special ability to squeeze every ounce of strength from his body to defeat the opponent. How do you interpret this?" Jiang Han repeated the introduction to the opponent.


The leader of the Tower of Slaughter was stunned for a moment, his face turning dangerously dark, "Are you playing with me?"

Why did he ask such a question?

Did he want to convey that he would never be defeated, asking Jiang Han not to underestimate him?

Or was he bragging about the preciousness of his hidden class, better than the Holy Knight?

Jiang Han couldn't quite fathom the opponent's thoughts, but the only thing he could be sure of was that this talk was definitely not well-intentioned!

Divine Spear!

Without further ado, the leader of the Tower of Slaughter raised the silver-glowing knight's spear and charged towards Jiang Han.


System prompt: The Tower of Slaughter uses the skill[Divine Spear], the next attack damage increases to 300%, and the enemy's attack decreases by 10%, lasting for five seconds!

Grip of the Undead + Frenzied Slaughter!

Seeing this, Jiang Han dismissed his distracting thoughts, forcibly controlled the opponent, and then swung the Bloodthirsty Sword to initiate a combo.

Caught in the grip of the Undead, the leader of the Tower of Slaughter did not panic. Abandoning the attack, he raised his left hand, and light elements converged into a sturdy silver shield, successfully blocking the Frenzied Slaughter.







System prompt: The Tower of Slaughter uses the skill[Divine Shield], defense +100%, and damage mitigation +30%, lasting for three seconds!

An exaggerated defensive skill, high defense plus damage mitigation, directly withstanding the full set of Frenzied Slaughter. It had to be said that as a Holy Knight, he was indeed "not weak."

Of course, the premise was not to use War Stomp; otherwise, one stomp and the opponent would likely be waiting for death.

To be honest, he wouldn't be so polite to every player, but the main reason for entangling with the opponent was to understand the skills of the "Holy Knight."

After all, being of the same class, even if Herbert learned more skills, if the released skills were the same, the effects should be similar.

Know thyself, know thy enemy, a hundred battles, a hundred victories!

Sooner or later, he would face that guy Herbert head-on, and he had to be prepared.

"He's holding on!"

"One Jiang Han is strong, but not invincible!"

"Didn't expect the president of the Alliance of Heroes to be so powerful, able to withstand a combo from Jiang Han..."


The attitudes triggered from the audience's perspective were naturally completely different.

Originally, they thought that Jiang Han, with an attack breaking ten thousand, might surpass many players in the current stage and that defeating him would be commonplace. They were witnessing someone withstand the pressure for the first time.


Seizing the opportunity, Jiang Han used Bone Breaker, breaking the opponent's leg, reducing his movement speed drastically, and causing his health to plummet, essentially turning him into a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"If not for some powerful skills of the Holy Knight having cooldowns longer than five minutes, I might not have lost." The Tower of Slaughter sneered, giving up struggling as the approaching Undead Slaughter took him away, "I thought you were so strong, but it turns out... hmph, just like that."


As the battle concluded, Jiang Han returned to the platform, hearing the final harsh words from the opponent, he was speechless, "What kind of person is this, losing but still so proud and confident?"

He didn't mind though; he had three chances in total, and there might be a next encounter to teach him a lesson.

The competition continued fervently.

Later on, Jiang Han encountered an opponent he cared about more, the president of the Slaughter God Pavilion, a Pot of Old Wine.

President of the Slaughter God Pavilion vs Eternal Son!

This is going to be interesting!

For a moment, all the spectators were excited, their gazes closely following the two, attentively observing the battle.

"Nice to meet you for the first time!" A Pot of Old Wine courteously clasped his fists.

Jiang Han nodded, returning the courtesy with the basic etiquette of the Eastern Region, "I've heard of your reputation for a long time!"

"Different positions. Tomorrow's siege, there may be some offense." A Pot of Old Wine said.

Jiang Han smiled, "The president of the Slaughter God Pavilion is polite. I'm worth so much bounty; if I were in someone else's shoes, I would probably be eager to get my first kill."

During the exchange, he sent an Insight Eye to the opponent—

[A Pot of Old Wine](Shadow of the Gods)

Level: 59

Life: 875,100

Attack: 5310-5630

Defense: 3100-3330

Skills: [War God Poss

ession][Peace Covenant][Death God Possession][Dragon God Possession][Descent of the Gods]


Level 59, ranked first on the Bright Camp leaderboard in the Eastern Region!

Despite being eight levels lower than him, War Stomp belonged to the group brush god skill, and he had taken various first kills. Even killing a Spirit-grade boss yesterday, under these circumstances, it wasn't easy for the opponent's level not to have a 10-level lead.


Suddenly, A Pot of Old Wine was stunned, "Brother, can we be friends?"

The other party directly blocked all friend requests, and he had just sent it but was instantly rejected.


Jiang Han immediately sent a friend request to the opponent.

After becoming friends, A Pot of Old Wine no longer chatted, "Let's talk later if there's a chance. For now..."

The smile disappeared, and his expression became extremely serious.


A rich red light descended from the void, accurately landing on him.


System prompt: A Pot of Old Wine uses the skill[War God Possession], all attributes +20%, lasting for one minute!

The next second, he drew his sword and attacked.


Just as he approached Jiang Han, a black dragon shadow burst out from his armor, emitting a deafening roar, and the dragon tail swept around.

Seeing this, A Pot of Old Wine remained calm.

Shaking the Eight Directions, group attack with deceleration, he knew this skill, but the 100% damage had not yet exceeded his tolerance range.


The sound of the sword piercing the air was sharp.

As a result, just at the moment when he was about to be hit, the opponent's figure suddenly flickered, avoiding the almost certain hit.

So fast!

Fast to an outrageous degree!

A Pot of Old Wine's pupils contracted, unable to react at all.

The next second, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. His line of sight moved upward uncontrollably, unable to stop himself from falling backward, heavily slamming onto the ground as if nailed down.


The entire arena trembled, and a wave of energy swept out.


System prompt: You were hit by the skill[War Stomp]of the Dark Prelude·One Jiang Han Water, losing 432,782 points of health. Suppressed for 3 seconds, unable to move during suppression. Afterward, for 3 seconds, Dark Prelude·One Jiang Han Water's attack speed +200%, movement speed +300%, and in the next minute, your attack decreases by 25%, while the opponent's attack increases by 20%!


A Pot of Old Wine's expression was numb.

He could guarantee that this was an extremely absurd skill, but the skill information was too long, and for a while, he couldn't finish reading it...