
I'm the enemy of the whole game

This is an extremely difficult game. If you don’t have enough ability, you won’t even be able to get out of the Novice Village!

Daoist2ootOY · Games
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275 Chs

The situation is serious

The arena had already shattered, leaving chaos outside the Golden Palace.

In Jiang Han's ears, the system's bells kept ringing incessantly.

The emergence of the new profession, born from the fusion of three major occupations, was like a rebirth for Jiang Han. However, at this moment, he had to shift his focus because as the blood-red pillar of light slowly dissipated, he once again found himself surrounded by a pack of wolves, leaving him with little time to examine the various benefits.

"Ding! ~"

System prompt: Due to changes in skills, the duration of your skill [Forbidden · Dark Reincarnation] has ended prematurely. As a cost for your eight deaths, your level has been reduced by 24!

The premature end of Dark Reincarnation caused Jiang Han's level to plummet back to 98!

Perhaps compared to the levels of other players, he was still the top-ranked in the server, but the cost was undeniably heavy.


Lin Xuan, covered in blood, emitted a weak groan, his breath feeble. With the end of the Soul Burial power, he was now almost in a state of confusion.

Approaching him, Jiang Han squatted down beside Lin Xuan, looking at the barely conscious figure. He sighed, "From beginning to end, you were being used. You had the opportunity to resist."

At present, the outcome between the two was still undecided, so Jiang Han had no need to fear the many strong opponents eyeing him.

"Why do you have so many benefits? Why!"

Tears streamed down Lin Xuan's face, his tone filled with extreme unwillingness, resentment, and jealousy, which he couldn't conceal.

Though he didn't know what had happened, the fact that Jiang Han now spoke with such vigor in his voice meant that he must have obtained unimaginable fortunes.

"Yes, why indeed..."

Jiang Han didn't ridicule him. Reflecting on everything that had just happened, he fell silent for a moment before replying, "Perhaps this is fate."

While ability was important, sometimes what mattered more than ability was the elusive nature of fate.


Lin Xuan's face reddened, his expression conflicted. "Why is fate so unfair!"

"You are the Crown Prince, raised in luxury since childhood. You have no right to resent fate." Jiang Han found his words amusing and suddenly felt pity for the pitiful man. "Those who have the right to lament the unfairness of fate may not even afford a meal, may not have a healthy body, may have been born into hardship. Compared to them, what are you? You're here talking to me about the unfairness of fate, which sounds jarring to my ears."

The world is full of injustice, and the script in everyone's hands is never their own choice.

As the Crown Prince, complaining before his death seemed utterly ridiculous to him.

Lin Xuan's lips moved, his gaze dimming. "Did you really obtain a stroke of luck?"

He hoped the answer was no, that everything was an illusion.

This way, his sacrifice for the Tianfeng Dynasty could still hold some value.


Jiang Han nodded, sighing, "Thanks to you!"

"Ding! ~"

System prompt: Congratulations on killing the level 150 Heavenly Boss [Crown Prince Lin Xuan], and obtaining the following rewards: Level +8, Reputation +100000!

"Ding! ~"

System prompt: Congratulations on winning the decisive battle in the arena!

"Shoo, shoo, shoo..."

Golden light scattered, and Jiang Han's level rose to 106 in an instant!

The next moment, the Sword God appeared beside Jiang Han, drawing his sword to protect him. Others began to approach, surrounding them both.

"The Crown Prince didn't drop anything!" a courtier exclaimed with joy. "The Tianquan Order went with him!"

At this, the Sword God glanced at the deceased Crown Prince with a furrowed brow. "Really? How unfortunate."

"How could this be!"

Jiang Han stood up and took out the Tianquan Order from his bosom. "Just in case, I used a special item!"

An SSS-grade item, the Scroll of Divine Punishment!

By using the scroll, he not only plundered the Crown Prince Lin Xuan's profession but also his items, skills, equipment, wealth, and so on. Since the Tianquan Order was an item, it naturally fell into his possession as well.

It was because of this that the Crown Prince dropped nothing.

"Well done!" Dongfang Yixin's eyes lit up.

Jiang Han commanded, "Sword God Dongfang Yixin, I order you to betray the Light Camp!"


Space trembled slightly.

"Ding! ~"

System prompt: The Mirror of Temporal Distortion has taken effect, rewriting history!

"Ding! ~"

System prompt: Congratulations on completing the mission [Defying Fate] (Difficulty: SSS), and obtaining rewards: Level +10, SSS-grade item [Scroll of Apocalypse], permanent ownership of [Chrono-Beast], and an opportunity for Ralph, the Wind of Obliteration, to unconditionally serve you!

"Shoo, shoo, shoo..."

The rewards for the SSS-grade mission were extremely generous. Jiang Han was bathed in a series of golden lights again, his level skyrocketing to 116, only six levels lower than before.

Lin Shang, whose memory had been corrected, sneered repeatedly, "You've gone to great lengths, indeed, successfully changing the past. But so what? Even with just the Sword God, you probably won't be able to protect yourself!"

"Then let's add us in!"

In the distance, a middle-aged woman in white robes, accompanied by two elderly women, rushed onto the battlefield. They were none other than the previous generation Sword God, Dongfang Wuyue, who had been imprisoned in the mysterious dungeon, and her two attendants.


Dongfang Yixin's emotions fluctuated.

Tears welled up in Dongfang Wuyue's eyes. "Daughter, you've suffered!"

"The deep bond between mother and daughter is truly moving," Lin Shang said, his killing intent chilling. "But with just two god-level powerhouses, you still won't be able to protect yourself!"

With the Crown Prince dead, the situation was critical. Moreover, this incident was originally a trap set by the Dark Swordsman. Now, they were acting out of "resentment," and the rules could no longer bind them. They could attack with confidence.

This was the dead end he had set up.

If the Crown Prince won, it would be even better. If the Crown Prince couldn't win, and the Dark Swordsman killed the dynasty's Crown Prince, his crime would be unforgivable, and he wouldn't live much longer.


Dongfang Yixin took a deep breath, quickly calming himself down, and whispered, "Later, you run as fast as you can, and I'll block them for you."

In terms of the situation, Lin Shang was not wrong.

Potter, accompanied by two major demons, was prepared. They not only could intercept them, but if they didn't choose to escape quickly, defeating or even killing them would not be a problem.

"I am just a remnant soul, perhaps I can help a little before I perish!"

Suddenly, the dark armor shimmered with a ghost

ly light.


A translucent figure appeared in everyone's sight—

[Dark Swordsman Luo Yi] (God-level BOSS)

"Luo Yi?!"

Potter's face changed drastically. "You're still alive?"

"Didn't I die already?" Luo Yi smiled and then turned to Jiang Han apologetically. "Young brother, thank you!"

"You're welcome."

Jiang Han wasn't surprised.

During the Martial World Tournament, Luo Yi suddenly spoke up, informing him that Dark Reincarnation was the Dark Swordsman's strongest technique. From that moment on, he knew Luo Yi wouldn't easily dissipate; there must be remnants of his soul inside the armor.


Luo Yi looked at Dongfang Wuyue again, feeling somewhat at a loss.

"My time is up; I've been enduring for this day." Dongfang Wuyue turned away. "Let's not indulge in melodrama like those novels; let's keep it straightforward!"

"Sure, I'll follow your lead."

Luo Yi nodded, his eyes full of tenderness.

"Clap, clap, clap..."

Potter applauded, exclaiming, "If it were in my prime, I might still fear you a little, but now that you're here, I'll gladly send you...to the underworld together!"

With that said, he made a bold move, appearing before Luo Yi's remnant soul like teleportation, and pressed down with a palm glowing with white light.


A powerful wave of energy surged, and an old man with a hunched back stood in front of Luo Yi, blocking Potter's attack, also striking with his palm, clashing head-on.

After a few seconds of stalemate, the old man's arm covering the cloth shattered, flying hundreds of meters away, his face turning purple.

"Ralph, you dare to betray the Dark Camp too!" Potter roared in anger, never expecting betrayal from his own side—

[Wind of Obliteration Ralph] (God-level BOSS)