
I'm the enemy of the whole game

This is an extremely difficult game. If you don’t have enough ability, you won’t even be able to get out of the Novice Village!

Daoist2ootOY · Games
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275 Chs

The Demon God’s Protection

Regarding talents, the extent of my knowledge is limited to what has been shared by Daniel.

Jiang Han, digesting the information provided by Daniel, inquired further, "What defines the indigenous average standard, even when considering its inherent diversity?"

Even with an average, there must be a benchmark.

Daniel responded, "The average standard of the indigenous people should be at the Silver level. Primarily, it depends on the progress in strength. Some individuals can enter the Talent Realm at level twenty, while others may require thirty or more levels."

"Very well."

Jiang Han, still somewhat dissatisfied, pressed, "Is the strength of talents related to the trials undergone?"

"There is a connection," Daniel hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "However... let's not dampen your spirits. You will understand once you undergo the trials yourself. In any case, during the trial, you will have ample time to contemplate how to respond. Preparing ahead is futile, as within the realm, you cannot use equipment or items."


Since Daniel had spoken in this manner, Jiang Han refrained from further inquiries.


With a pause in his tone, Daniel solemnly declared, "Now, it is time for you to receive the benevolence of the Demon God!"


In an instant, Jiang Han, who had been processing information about talents, snapped back to attention.

The benevolence of the Demon God!

Excellent! Finally, let me see what special effects this entails. Can it replace the resurrection privileges of adventurers?

Jiang Han took a deep breath, focusing intently.

"Great Demon God, please protect your subjects. I, Undead Mage Daniel, vouch for Jiang Han's loyalty to the Dark Camp with honor."

Daniel chanted with a rhythmic tone, slowly raising the staff in his hand and placing its tip against Jiang Han's forehead.


After a moment, a strand of brilliance emanated from the red gem embedded at the staff's tip, swirling around Jiang Han's body.


As the ritual progressed, Jiang Han's blood involuntarily surged, and a dark purple mist enveloped his entire body. His black hair rapidly grew, reverting to the sinister appearance of a Dark Swordsman after a class change.

The entire process lasted for approximately ten minutes. Finally, Daniel retracted the staff, exhaling heavily, having expended a considerable amount of energy.

When everything concluded, with the help of the Concealment Art, Jiang Han reverted to his original state. The system notification sound confirmed that Daniel's actions were not in vain.


System prompt: Congratulations on receiving the Demon God's protection. You now have the right to acquire titles!


After waiting for some time, Jiang Han finally reacted, his forehead sporting a few metaphorical black lines, "Is that it?"

He thought that after receiving the Demon God's protection, he would gain a pleasantly surprising advantage.

However, before he could complain, another system notification chimed in—


System prompt: As an adventurer who betrayed the Light Camp, you have acquired the title [Fallen One]!

Fallen One?

Opening the character panel with skepticism, when he saw the character attributes, he was thoroughly shaken.

Indeed, as a substitute for infinite resurrection, the Demon God's protection did not disappoint!

[Fallen One · Jiang Han] (Bronze-level BOSS)

Level: 17

Life: 17,850

Attack: 207-209

Defense: 108-114

Reputation: 1000

Luck: 0

Introduction: A fallen one who betrayed the Light Camp, prone to killing, extremely evil. Brave adventurers, defeat him, and his death will bring you astonishing benefits!



Simply a work of art!

Looking at the parenthetical note following the character attribute panel, Jiang Han couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction.

Although still at the Bronze level, however...

Finally, I am also a BOSS!

Later, he looked at the Fallen One title and immediately understood why his life had doubled, reaching a level that ordinary players couldn't fathom!

[Fallen One] (Title): Final life value increased by 100%!

Without any explanation, the effect given almost blinded Jiang Han's eyes.

Final life value doubled!

This included the two words "final," meaning the title's bonus was forcibly applied after all calculations of life-related improvements.

"I probably understand why BOSSes have such thick health bars..." Jiang Han felt that joining the Dark Camp allowed him to witness scenes that ordinary players couldn't.

Carefully considering it, he found the Demon God's blessing quite reasonable.

Players "act shamelessly," able to resurrect infinitely and trade continued leveling rights for downgrading. On the other hand, the Dark Camp likely increased the difficulty of being killed as a form of balance.

While, as an indigenous person, the BOSSes of the Dark Camp were likely still doomed, he was different. He belonged to the adventurers who joined the Dark Camp, possessed the advancement speed of adventurers, and faced the tremendous challenge of being killed like a BOSS. It could be said that he had the best of both worlds.

Perhaps, for now, the Fallen One title alone couldn't counterbalance the privilege of infinite resurrection, but he had received the protection of the Demon God, not just a title.

This meant that in the future, he could acquire even more powerful titles than "Fallen One" to increase the thickness of his health bar.

Thinking about the scene where players would find his health bar too thick to damage, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

However, for the early stages, the combination of Fallen One and the recovery effect of Death Power already made him unparalleled.

"One Jiang Han, my dear disciple, how does it feel?" Daniel looked at Jiang Han's expression, laughing heartily, "Are you shocked by the effects of the Demon God's protection?"

"Indeed, somewhat."

Jiang Han nodded, taking a while to calm the excitement in his heart, "Mentor, where should we go next? We can't keep camping in the wilderness, can we?"

He truly did not know which region Daniel belonged to.

Following the general plot, "wild monsters" would be fixed on a reasonable map, awaiting adventurers to become strong enough to come and defeat them.

Of course, he wasn't considering those things for Daniel. Mainly, the demonized lizards could no longer satisfy his leveling needs, and he wanted to go to more dangerous places to maintain his level advantage.

"Now that I am healed, there is no need to cower. Follow me," Daniel proudly smiled, walking ahead, "Actually, my identity as a mentor is not as simple as you might imagine."


Jiang Han was quite surprised.

Is it appropriate to boast so much?

However, he couldn't scold his mentor. He could only follow behind Daniel as they left the desolate land, heading to the next map.

The two walked one after the other, traversing the barren desert, entering a vast plain. In the distance, there was a towering city like a mountain range sprawled across the land, impossible to ignore.


System prompt: You have entered the map [City of Shadows]!

[City of Shadows] (Level 1 City)

Introduction: Originally a territory of the Light Camp named City of Heavenly Light, under the leadership of the ten Demon Gods,

 it has now been included in the territory of the Dark Camp. However, being a level 1 city located extremely close to the Light forces, it is constantly embroiled in war. The desire of the Light Camp to reclaim the City of Heavenly Light remains unchanged.