
I'm the enemy of the whole game

This is an extremely difficult game. If you don’t have enough ability, you won’t even be able to get out of the Novice Village!

Daoist2ootOY · Games
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275 Chs

Snow Bear Monster

"You have confidence, that's good." Cheryl looked at his disciple with high spirits and couldn't help but smile. "I wish you triumph, join me in the Demon God's Treasury, and seek treasures."

Demon God's Treasury!

Upon hearing the crucial words about mission rewards, Jiang Han's eyes lit up, and he quickly inquired, "Mentor, what's inside the Demon God's Treasury?"

This was the main quest reward, and one could imagine how rich it would be.

"The treasury contains treasures collected by the Demon God," Cheryl explained. "There are various rare items, skills, equipment, and even proof of the transition to hidden professions. You can select one item for yourself, of course, only one."


Proof of transition to hidden professions?

Even if I don't need it, I can sell it for millions, right?

Not to mention other more precious treasures!

With anticipation, Jiang Han said, "Mentor, let's meet at the entrance of the treasury."

Cheryl: "..."


Later, Cheryl led the Undead Legion towards the direction of the first-tier city, Seaheart City, which he needed to attack on this journey. Since the destination was the Merris Region, they had to cross another national border.

In fact, he didn't need to go through all this trouble, but he took a detour just to ensure Jiang Han's safe arrival.

Watching Cheryl's legion disappear into the snowstorm from afar, Jiang Han withdrew his gaze and surveyed his own Dark Legion. With a serious tone, he said, "Establish a temporary camp here. If there's an enemy attack, notify me immediately!"


The Dark Legion, weaker in strength and aura than the Undead Swordsmen by countless measures, naturally obeyed Jiang Han's orders unconditionally, promptly taking action and handling the supplies brought along the way.

Later, Jiang Han chose to log out.

Having marched all the way without using teleportation arrays to save time, he spent a whole morning on the march, and his stomach was now growling from hunger.



After having lunch, Jiang Han logged in again.

In the time it took for a meal, the stationed camp began to take shape.

With a whole day left before the siege, time couldn't be wasted. Jiang Han decided to explore the Wind and Snow Mountains and level up by encountering monsters.

Firstly, he recorded the coordinates of the camp location to avoid getting lost. Then, Jiang Han, braving the cold wind and snow, ventured deep into the mountains.

After about fifteen minutes, he saw a creature with white fur, a bear-like animal. The creature was robust, and its claws were much sharper than those of real polar bears. Every step left deep footprints in the snow, a formidable creature—

[Snowstorm Bear Monster] (Elite Level)

Level: 55

Life: 800,000

Attack: 3200-3480

Defense: 1900-2050

Skills: [Tough Hide][Rending Claw][Frenzied Charge]

Introduction: A bear-like creature on the outskirts of the Wind and Snow Mountains, fond of cold weather, with strong attacking capabilities. Many adventurers who don't know any better entering the Wind and Snow Mountains end up buried in their stomachs.


Very fierce!

As a level 55 Elite, it outclassed the Black Magic Panther in all aspects. With an attack power exceeding three thousand, it was stronger than some lower-tier Silver-Gold BOSS.

"Speaking of which, it seems there will be a second transition at level 50..."

Jiang Han thought for a moment, understanding why the monsters' strength had increased so dramatically.

The second transition, that is, the second job transition, would grant even more powerful skills, and perhaps the inherent characteristics of the profession would also be enhanced.

Because very little information about this was revealed in "Eternal," Jiang Han was not clear about the specific content of the second transition.

The reason for this speculation was that Cheryl had mentioned waiting for his next awakening of Dark Swordsman skills to come and learn skills from him, and Dark Reincarnation happened to be a super skill that could only be used at level 50.

Without further consideration, Jiang Han approached quietly with the Bloodthirsty Sword in hand.


The Snowstorm Bear Monster noticed the intruder, let out a low growl as a warning, and stared at the newcomer with an unfriendly expression.

"Hey, brother!" Jiang Han raised both hands, getting closer and gesturing that he meant no harm. "I'm from Ice and Snow Town and have no malicious intent."

Saying that, he suddenly jumped in the Snowstorm Bear Monster's line of sight.

Evil Trample!


Although Evil Trample always crits, the importance of weapon bonuses increased, and without the bonus from the Bloodthirsty Sword, Jiang Han's attack power struggled to break through the Snowstorm Bear Monster's defense.






Witnessing the seemingly kind Jiang Han stepping on the evil Snowstorm Bear Monster, toppling it to the ground, and crazily slaughtering it with Undead Grip followed by Deathly Slash, inflicting a large amount of damage and slowing it down again!

Swiftly retreating, Jiang Han once again used the area-of-effect skill from the Dark Armor to control the situation and create more distance.


After being attacked, the Snowstorm Bear Monster, released from control, roared angrily at Jiang Han and rushed towards him immediately. Unfortunately, due to various slowdown effects, Jiang Han managed to pull away from it before the control ended, forcing it to approach only after control was released.

At some point, Jiang Han turned around, emanating a murderous aura from his whole body, intimidating the beast.

"Ding! ~"

System Prompt: You used the skill [War Domain], increasing your attack by 20%, and reducing the Snowstorm Bear Monster's attack by 8%, lasting for three minutes!

With a level difference of more than ten, including differences between the first and second transitions, the suppression was significant, and the effect of the War Domain on the Snowstorm Bear Monster was not significant.


The Snowstorm Bear Monster extended its front paw, and the sharp claws tore through the air, fast and with a wide range.

"Ding! ~"

System Prompt: The Snowstorm Bear Monster uses the skill [Rending Claw] on you, dealing 67,240 points of damage!

The damage was quite high!

Jiang Han's health was almost reduced by a quarter.

However, this was a skill, not the Snowstorm Bear Monster's normal attack, which would have caused just over twenty thousand damage.

Receiving a claw strike to the chest, Jiang Han poured a bottle of healing potion into his mouth, then without saying a word, launched a counterattack. Relying on the Bloodthirsty Sword's life-stealing effect, he raised his health.

Especially after the cooldown of the skills, Jiang Han's combo of skills could directly recover over ten thousand health. He occasionally used the slowdown effect of skills to maneuver, and after three or four minutes, he forced the monster into a slow death.


The huge body of the Snowstorm Bear Monster fell, dropping more than twenty silver coins and a skill book.

"Ding! ~"

System Prompt: Congratulations on killing the [

Snowstorm Bear Monster], gaining 14,000 experience!

With a considerable level difference, the experience gained was increased, making Jiang Han's rewards much higher than when killing the Black Magic Panther.

"So, even small monsters drop skills?" Jiang Han quickly picked up and examined the skill book—

[Snowball Technique] (B-grade)

Introduction: Snowballs are not only used for snowball fights but also for killing.

Effect: After release, continuously summon ten snowballs to attack the enemy, each causing 30% damage.

Learning Requirements: Mage

Snowball Technique was a skill that only Mages could learn. Although it was only B-grade, Jiang Han didn't feel that it was a waste. Moreover, skill books were more valuable than equipment; they could be sold for a good amount of money, better than having none at all.

After that, Jiang Han silently leveled up by silently killing Snowstorm Bear Monsters on the outskirts of the Wind and Snow Mountains.


Golden light scattered.

He, who was already close to level 42, smoothly leveled up in less than an hour.

"Ding! ~"

System Prompt: Please note that the Dark Legion you lead has been attacked by adventurers in the Romantic Zone. Please return to support as soon as possible!

"Ding! ~"

System Prompt: Please note that the Dark Legion you lead has been attacked by adventurers in the Romantic Zone. Please return to support as soon as possible!


After another ten minutes, Jiang Han, who was concentrating on leveling, heard continuous system prompts.

"So you can't hold back so soon?" After killing another Snowstorm Bear Monster, Jiang Han smirked. "I was just complaining about my slow level, and you guys came right on time!"

Killing higher-level players was faster than killing monsters, and more efficient. If it was killing players from overseas, that would be even better!