
I'm the enemy of the whole game

This is an extremely difficult game. If you don’t have enough ability, you won’t even be able to get out of the Novice Village!

Daoist2ootOY · Games
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275 Chs

On the verge of breaking out

Ralph stepped forward gracefully, like a refreshing breeze, returning to the center of the battlefield, and solemnly declared, "How could it be considered betrayal when I'm helping my own brother!"


Luo Yi was deeply moved and said with joy, "I never thought we would have the opportunity to fight side by side!"


Jiang Han was somewhat astonished, never having imagined that the previous generation Dark Swordsman and Ralph were actually brothers.

"Young man, didn't you ask me why I insisted on helping Moonless?" Ralph turned to Jiang Han, seeming to know what the latter was thinking, shook his head with a wry smile, "Although I do have affection for Moonless, that was tens of thousands of years ago. I can't spend my whole life pining after someone who doesn't reciprocate. But Luo Yi is my brother, Moonless is my sister, and Dongfang Yixin is my niece. If I don't help them, what kind of brother would I be?"


Jiang Han was speechless.

So there was still this layer of relationship?

"How touching, a family dying together!" Lin Shang sneered coldly. "The reunion is over; it's time to hit the road!"

The Sword God gripped his sword tightly and shouted in a low voice, "Hurry, run!"

"Master, aren't you coming out to see us?" Jiang Han shouted loudly.


There were at least five god-level powerhouses on the other side, and the strength of the courtiers ranged from king-level to immortal-level. Lin Shang was not sure, but Potter's strength was unfathomable. Ralph was obviously struggling against him, and besides, Potter was also a chrono-beast, with unpredictable movement methods. On their side, apart from the Sword God and Ralph who were god-level, Luo Yi and Dongfang Wuyue were not as strong as before. Trying to escape was far from enough!


Ralph was surprised. "Cheryl is here?"

The Undead Swordsman Cheryl needed to guard the Heart of the Sea City; that was his duty. Could it be that the Dark Swordsman could summon him again and bring him into the battlefield?

But if it's teleportation, shouldn't it be silent?

Jiang Han shook his head.

"If it's not Cheryl, then..." Ralph was stunned.

There were only two mentors of the Dark Swordsman in total.

If it's not Cheryl, then wouldn't it be...


Ripples spread in space, and a man in a gray robe appeared out of thin air. His complexion was slightly pale, his figure slender, his eyes cold and distant, and a faint smile played on his face.

"Disciple, how did you know that I was coming?" He looked at Jiang Han, very curious.

He had never appeared before, and had not even participated in the plan hastily set up by Lin Shang and Potter. According to reason, he should not have been detected by anyone.

Furthermore, even if he was detected, he didn't think it should be by the Dark Swordsman, who had just reached the level of the Heavenly Realm.


The atmosphere was eerie and unpredictable, with the situation changing unexpectedly. Seeing the man in the gray robe, everyone present was shocked.

Who would have thought that there was still such a formidable figure lurking outside the field?

Indeed hiding in the dark!

Jiang Han was clear-headed, revealing a delighted expression, "Of course, I knew you couldn't bear to see your disciple die so miserably."

Strictly speaking, Daniel was one of the Explorer's incarnations. Whether the man in the gray robe would acknowledge himself as his disciple, Jiang Han couldn't be sure.

However, since the other party called him "disciple," it seemed like an acknowledgment. Jiang Han naturally went along with it.


The man in the gray robe, known as the Explorer, blinked, "So that's how it is, no wonder..."

He naturally understood the implied meaning in the other's words.

Not being able to bear seeing his disciple die so miserably!

Others might not find this statement strange, but he could discern the underlying meaning. Since the time of Daniel, he had been taking care of the Dark Swordsman in every possible way. There's a saying that there's no love or hate without reason; with his "enthusiastic" assistance, the Dark Swordsman must have harbored doubts, knowing that he wouldn't want his "hard work" to go to waste.

If the Dark Swordsman were to die tragically, he...

How could he bear it?

"Thank you, Master, for your help!"

Jiang Han expressed his gratitude in advance to prevent the other party from hesitating.

In fact, the Explorer was hiding too deeply. He himself had to admit that there was an element of gambling involved.

The reason for his suspicion was not only because Ralph said he had escaped from the Tower of God, but also mainly because the system rules "betrayed" him.

At the beginning, when the third expansion of "Eternal" was opened, he deliberately paid attention to the preview of the version's plot summary. Among them, there was a sentence that he paid special attention to—

Before the tide of war swept over, the Explorer had been secretly watching!

This short summary, although brief, at least proved that the Explorer had already revived and was observing the battlefield in secret, waiting for the right moment.

What was he looking at, what was he waiting for, Jiang Han didn't know, but at least he knew one thing: his "precious disciple" was definitely part of his plan and was quite important.

"Explorer, are you going to oppose us?" Lin Shang's face turned so gloomy that it seemed like water could drip out at any moment, prepared for battle.

The situation was dire!

The sudden appearance of the Explorer and his insistence on protecting the Dark Swordsman truly exceeded his imagination.

"I have no choice."

The Explorer glanced meaningfully at Jiang Han, shrugging helplessly, "After all, I am his mentor!"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Han remained unmoved.

Lin Shang and Potter had set up a trap for him to jump into. Little did they know that the Explorer was lurking in the shadows and could not emerge.

Lin Shang harbored murderous intent because of the Dark Swordsman's identity, Potter was greedy because of the chrono-beast under his control, and the Explorer had his own ulterior motives!

With the three of them each facing their own battles, he could escape the trap.

Wasn't this the dead end set up by Lin Shang and Potter?


This was the active situation he had to enter in order to save the Sword God!

The Explorer's allegiance was unclear, but sooner or later he would make a move against him. When that happened, with attacks from three sides, he would surely lose his foothold. But if he rescued the Sword God, relied on the connection with the Sword God, he would have a certain capital, thereby buying himself time to grow.

Otherwise, if the Sword God died, Ralph would surely leave with regret, not to mention Atikas, and the situation would truly be deadlocked.

"There's no other way. It's really regrettable..." Potter raised his right hand, gesturing left and right.

"Swoosh! Swoosh!"

Harry and Nicole dispersed, surrounding them

 from both sides.

The atmosphere on the battlefield was like a taut string, becoming increasingly tense, on the verge of eruption.

"Disciple, I have just revived, and can only help you stop Potter at most. The rest will depend on you." The Explorer said solemnly.

"That's enough!"

Intentions surged like waves, overwhelming everything around. Dongfang Yixin pointed his sword towards the sky.


A giant sword shadow formed from overwhelming sword intent materialized, emitting a sharp aura, carrying unstoppable power, fiercely smashing down towards the front. Wherever it passed, the sound of air bursting was intense, and the air scattered and fled.


Lin Shang's face changed drastically. A golden sword appeared in his hand, and he instinctively dodged to the side. Among his courtiers behind him, some were unable to dodge in time. As the shadow sword fell, they were instantly crushed into minced meat, leaving behind gushing bloodstains.





The ground shattered, rocks flew, and frighteningly deep sword marks formed, terrifying everyone.

A large pile of terrifying damage numbers popped up!

The battle had just begun, but the casualties were already extremely tragic.

Dongfang Yixin's simple white clothes floated without wind, his snow-like face carrying a touch of killing intent, his clear eyes filled with coldness. He lightly shouted, "Jiang Han, hurry and leave!"


The Explorer exclaimed in amazement, looking at Jiang Han, "Disciple, you have a tiger at home!"

Jiang Han: "..."