
I'm the enemy of the whole game

This is an extremely difficult game. If you don’t have enough ability, you won’t even be able to get out of the Novice Village!

Daoist2ootOY · Games
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275 Chs

money power

Certainly, this is an undeniable matter.

Even someone as formidable as Jiang Han, despite wracking his brains, couldn't find a single flaw in the description of his opponent.

However, he had never imagined that the other party could swiftly uncover the tip of the iceberg among his numerous strengths. From this alone, he knew that this powerful figure named Chang Feng, while having a distinct personality, also possessed remarkable insight.

"Speak, brave one, what is your purpose here?" Chang Feng put away the storage ring swiftly, his attitude changing rapidly. Obviously, he was impressed by Jiang Han's fearless spirit.

"I wish to have the Dragon Domain join the Dark Camp." Jiang Han thought for a moment and decided to be straightforward.


Even Vei Qian Duoer was dumbfounded.

Brother, my good brother, is speaking so directly really appropriate?

At the beginning, weren't we supposed to establish a connection, give some subtle signals?


Chang Feng glanced meaningfully at Jiang Han, saying, "I must say, you... have exceptional courage."

He had expected the other party to hesitate, to want to speak but not dare to, ultimately giving up and waiting for the right moment. He didn't anticipate such a clean-cut approach.

Quite surprising.

"Thank you for your evaluation." Jiang Han nodded and continued, "May I ask straightforwardly?"

Since the other party had accepted the storage ring, it was enough to prove that there was no rejection. Otherwise, there would have been at least some hesitation. Moreover, the main quest was about persuasion, so logically, it couldn't completely lean towards the Bright Camp.

Therefore, instead of engaging in some clandestine activities that might not be correct, it was better to get straight to the point and ask about the requirements.

He didn't think that the quest would fail just because of this question. The penalty for the quest was the pursuit from the Dragon Domain; going directly against them would lead to skyrocketing hatred, which was against common sense.

"Difficulties are substantial." Chang Feng calmly extended three fingers, elaborating, "First, there's a shortage of food. Dragons have an enormous appetite, requiring several tons of meat for just one meal, something the Dark Camp cannot provide. Second, the funds are far from sufficient. To maintain the Dragon Domain's year-round spring-like environment and purchase ample food, substantial funds are needed. Currently, it relies heavily on support from the Bright Camp and cannot easily break away. Third..."

Pausing here, he hesitated for a moment before continuing, "A dragon's body is a treasure, and the Dark Camp's order management is inferior to that of the Bright Camp. Those powerful figures act as they please. Even in the Bright Camp, countless people want to slay dragons. If the Dragon Domain joins the Dark Camp, the dragon race will probably be extinct in no time."

Ultimately, he was the Guardian of the Dragon Domain, and the decisions he made naturally had to consider the survival and safety of the dragon race.


Jiang Han fell silent for a moment.

Food, funds, and safety!

These were not things that could be easily dealt with even with great strength.

It truly lived up to its status as an SS-level main quest; there wasn't anything easy about it.

"If these three issues can be resolved, the Dragon Domain can consider joining the Dark Camp." Chang Feng smiled and then looked at Vei Qian Duoer, nodding slightly. "Not bad, your strength has improved again. I can teach you a powerful skill. Interested?"

"I am!" Vei Qian Duoer quickly agreed, then shrank his neck and asked weakly, "Is it expensive?"

"Not expensive!" Chang Feng shook his head, smiling, "Twenty thousand gold coins will suffice."

"Twenty thousand gold coins?"

Vei Qian Duoer widened his eyes. "Why don't you go rob a bank?"

Twenty thousand gold coins were two million in cash. No matter how rich he was, he couldn't withstand such spending.

"First, look at the skill!" Chang Feng reached out and displayed the skill panel in front of Vei Qian Duoer. "This surpasses any previous methods, exclusive to Dragon Knights. Others can't learn it even if they want to!"

Seeing the skill effects, Vei Qian Duoer's eyes lit up. Then, he felt a bit distressed, "Can it be a bit cheaper?"

"Let me tell you, twenty thousand gold coins is already a discounted price. On the market, it's definitely worth more!" 

"I don't have that much money in my inventory."


Chang Feng seemed to know that adventurers could convert real-world wealth into gold coins. He advised with a serious tone, "I am the Guardian of the Dragon Domain. You must trust me. Recharging can make you stronger!"


Jiang Han, standing beside them, listened in astonishment.

This was supposed to be the Guardian of the Dragon Domain, not an exploiter of the Dragon Domain?


He coughed twice, shifting the topic back, "Guardian of the Dragon Domain, can you give me a hint?"

The other party only threw out three challenging questions, leaving him clueless. He needed some guidance.

"A hint?" Chang Feng shook his head. "Young man, the road is beneath your feet. You need to go on your own..."

Before he could finish, Jiang Han stepped forward and traded ten thousand gold coins.

It was painful, his heart was bleeding, but...

For the quest, he could only spend money to seek guidance.

"You are a person worthy of respect!" Chang Feng's expression became solemn. After contemplating for a moment, his gaze fell on Jiang Han's weapon, saying, "Bloodsucking Sword, the weapon of the previous generation Dark Swordsman, an absolute divine weapon. Unfortunately, as time passes, its sharpness gradually fades. At this point, only the skilled artisans of the Dwarven race have the opportunity to restore its former glory."

Dwarven race?

Could it be that the Dwarven race was the key to the breakthrough?

Jiang Han's mind stirred, "Where is the Dwarven race?"

"The Dwarven race has lived in seclusion for thousands of years. I also do not know their whereabouts." Chang Feng did not disclose, simultaneously taking a step back and rejecting Jiang Han's monetary transaction.

Apparently, he genuinely didn't know, not intentionally concealing it.

"Thank you for the information!" Jiang Han expressed his gratitude with clasped hands.

It was evident that Chang Feng was a lover of wealth, but he wasn't without limits for the sake of money. Otherwise, he wouldn't have refused the transaction.

"I just told you that the Dwarven race could restore the former glory of the Bloodsucking Sword, no need to be polite." Chang Feng explained with a smile, reaching out to pat the head of the silver dragon on his shoulder.

Later, Vei Qian Duoer reluctantly recharged money, bit the bullet to learn the exclusive skill of the Dragon Knight, and left the place with Jiang Han.

"Are we going to find the Dwarven race?" Vei Qian Duoer asked.

Jiang Han shook his head.

"Then what do we do now..."

"It's twelve o'clock. How about we go offline for lunch?"


Taking off the game helmet, Jiang Han ordered takeout, then logged into the official forum to search for clues


Unfortunately, there was no relevant information.

This meant that, up to this point, players had not encountered any tasks related to the Dwarven race.

"This is troublesome." Jiang Han frowned, finding it challenging without a target. The vastness of Tianheng Continent made it difficult for him to know where to start.

Certainly, the quest gave a deadline of thirty days, but given the nature of this game, there might not actually be a full thirty days available.

Ralph had said progress must be made before the seal on Lake Anding was lifted. Otherwise, the Dragon Domain would inevitably lean towards the Bright Camp.

So, the question arose.

Could Chang Feng lift the restriction on time perfectly in one month?

He felt it was highly probable that it would happen sooner rather than later.

"Ding dong!"

The doorbell rang; the takeout had arrived.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Han filled his stomach, drank a glass of water, and put on the game helmet again.


White light flickered, and Jiang Han appeared near Lake Anding.

Vei Qian Duoer, who had been online for a while, said, "Jiang Han, I have some clues about the Dwarven race."

"So fast?" Jiang Han was surprised.

He truly didn't expect Vei Qian Duoer to be so efficient. In the time it took to have a meal, he had already found a lead.

"It seems to be in the Merit District. There's a player who has switched to the unique hidden occupation of Diviner." Vei Qian Duoer explained, "The Diviner might be able to use divination to find the hiding place of the Dwarven race."

Merit District?

Isn't that crossing national borders?

Jiang Han curiously asked, "How did you find out about the situation in the Merit District so quickly?"

He had been considering how to track the traces of the Dwarven race, and he didn't expect Vei Qian Duoer to immediately think of forcibly finding them using a Diviner. Moreover, the person was in the Merit District. The reaction was too fast, a bit unbelievable.

"I spent some money asking questions on the official forums of various countries. Soon, I received thousands of replies, and I think this one is the most reliable." Vei Qian Duoer grinned.

Jiang Han: "..."

So that's how!

It turned out to be the legendary wisdom of crowds!

The power of money is truly terrifying!