
I'm the enemy of the whole game

This is an extremely difficult game. If you don’t have enough ability, you won’t even be able to get out of the Novice Village!

Daoist2ootOY · Games
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275 Chs

Mirror of time and space distortion

"Are you allergic to dogs?"

Ralph's forehead showed a few dark lines, almost suspecting that he had misheard, as he had never thought that this guy had such a "weakness."

In his view, even if a dog is allergic to a river of cold water, it is more convincing than this.


Jiang Han nodded in agreement, but saw the other party's skeptical expression. After hesitating for a moment, he revealed the truth, "Well, I'll tell you the truth. Something on me was stolen by it..."

Azure Water Fish!

An S-grade item, extremely precious.

Because the Azure Water Fish left him, he had a period of time when tears flowed.

"So that's it!"

Ralph's internal doubts instantly dissipated, then he smiled, "Let's go then. Staying with Wang Cai, even for me, a slight carelessness might lead to a mishap and things being stolen."


Jiang Han was eager to leave.

In that chance encounter, he performed too well, and Wang Cai probably couldn't forget his past heroic demeanor for a short time.


Like a meteor, Ralph, with Jiang Han, swiftly rushed towards the Mist City.

"Weird, why is it still following..."

Ralph frowned slightly, feeling inexplicable.

Normally, Wang Cai wouldn't follow a god-level powerhouse so recklessly, even if he had many treasures on him. Wang Cai's cautiousness was well-known, and he wouldn't put himself in a dangerous situation.

"Ralph, can't you shake it off?" Jiang Han was surprised.

One of the top ten demons, and skilled in speed, unexpectedly couldn't escape from Wang Cai's relentless pursuit, which was beyond his expectations.

Ralph shook his head, "If Wang Cai could be caught by someone with real skills, he would have become someone's pet long ago!"

Jiang Han remained silent.

"Woof woof woof..."

Suddenly, a familiar bark echoed.

Is it coming from high in the sky?

Jiang Han was shocked, turned his head, and saw a golden puppy with a small, sleek body and soft fur. However, at this moment, it had a fierce expression, gritting its teeth and staring at the two, especially at the thief who had stolen its treasure last time.

Compared to last time, it now had a pair of wings on its back, resembling the wings of a hawk, flashing like lightning.

Is this still a flying dog?

Jiang Han felt his horizons expanding and decided to take the initiative, "Ralph, do you have something on you that it covets?"


Ralph's face turned serious, "Are you saying it wants to steal something from me?"

"Highly possible!" Jiang Han nodded, explaining, "The Azure Water Fish you gave me is the most precious thing on me besides weapons. After it was stolen and I discovered it, it ran away. Now, it insists on chasing us, probably related to you!"

"Could it be because of the fragment of the moon on you?" Ralph was suspicious.

Jiang Han shrugged, indicating not quite understanding, but to increase credibility, he didn't deny directly. Instead, he asked, "So you mean it's chasing relentlessly for the moon fragment?"


Ralph was speechless.

It was possible that Wang Cai was attracted to the moon fragment, but going crazy and chasing them for it seemed somewhat unreasonable.

"Could it be for something on me?" Ralph felt a bit tricky.

Jiang Han timely asked, "What thing?"

"The price the previous Sword God paid to give you that scroll." Ralph answered, then his whole body emitted a blue light, and his speed skyrocketed again, creating a distance between them and Wang Cai.

"Woof woof woof..."

A few seconds later, Wang Cai caught up again.


System prompt: Gale of Annihilation·Ralph uses skill[Forbidden·Gale of Annihilation], attack +300%, attack speed +500%, movement speed +1000%, lasts half an hour!

Movement speed +1000%?

This is outrageous!

Jiang Han was amazed.

"Take this!" Ralph took out a delicate round mirror emitting colorful light and handed it to Jiang Han, "Take this to see the previous Sword God. I believe this thing will be her last hope."

Becoming her last hope?

Jiang Han clearly felt that there was another hidden story, took the mirror, and checked the details—

[Mirror of Space-Time Distortion](SSS grade)

Introduction: A magical mirror containing the power of space-time. Using its effects, perhaps you can recover or change something.

Effect: Distort space-time, return to a designated scene that happened in the past.

(Note 1: The main persons involved in the past that you want to change must be present, and the changes should not involve the fate of the Mirror of Space-Time Distortion itself)

(Note 2: Upon returning to the past, you will lose all powers and cannot take any items from the past)

(Note 3: Do not tell people in the past about your origins)

(Note 4: You can return after death, but suicide is not allowed)



Jiang Han couldn't help but be amazed.

He never expected such a bizarre item to exist in the game.

Although there were many notes, the effect of the item was extremely exaggerated, even incredible.

Returning to a past scene that happened, it was obviously to change the actions at that time. In other words, this mirror was equivalent to the legendary "regret medicine."

Originally, he thought Wang Cai was chasing him to recover the stolen treasures. Now, thinking about it, it might really be for the treasure on Ralph.

After all, with the mirror, Wang Cai could remind his past self to be careful not to let others steal the treasure, thus recovering the losses. However, in doing so, history would probably be rewritten, but he didn't know how the game would modify the subsequent plot.

"Indeed, there's another motive..." Jiang Han had no regrets about deceiving Ralph.

The value of this mirror was too high, and there were probably many things involved in the task. He didn't believe that Ralph would go to such lengths just to obtain a scroll that could give him a dual profession.

In fact, from the moment he accepted this task, he felt something was strange.

Firstly, Ralph still had thousands of good years to live, and the so-called impending doom seemed more like a joke. Why did he have to choose him?

Secondly, the task name was "Visit an Old Friend," but the difficulty was SS-level, and the event content and difficulty standards were highly contradictory.

Thirdly, although Ralph and him had no blood ties, it seemed like Ralph cared a lot about him, making him feel a bit repelled.

But even with these concerns, he still chose to accept it.

The reason was simple. If he didn't accept it, Ralph might not give up easily, and there might even be a possibility of turning hostile. Besides, Atikas seemed to be helping him, but in reality, it was just playing around. Moreover...

The task involved the previous Sword God, and he had a premonition that it would be related to Dongfang Yixin. He owed Dongfang Yixin a favor, and he didn't want to become enemies with her in the

 future plot.

If he could make Dongfang Yixin betray, he felt it was worth the risk.

It was just an SS-level task; he had done such tasks before.

Folding the Mirror of Space-Time Distortion, Jiang Han smiled, "Dear Mr. Ralph, can I discuss something with you?"


Ralph was immediately embarrassed.

My goodness!

Such a polite young man, unprecedented in his lifetime!