
I'm the enemy of the whole game

This is an extremely difficult game. If you don’t have enough ability, you won’t even be able to get out of the Novice Village!

Daoist2ootOY · Games
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275 Chs

Increase the reward

When the dust slowly dispersed, Potter looked at the gradually dimming teleportation circle, gritted his teeth, quickly rushed into it, and chose to teleport.

 Although he knew there was little hope, he didn't want to miss even a single chance.


 That means that the carefully set up situation is completely broken!


 The explorer, who was also forcibly kicked out of the teleportation circle by Jiang Han, lay down in the pit. He was stunned for a while, and suddenly smiled up to the sky, almost crying: "Interesting, it is really interesting, apprentice, apprentice, you are really good to me. apprentice!"

 It wasn't until a long time later that he stopped laughing, stood up, dusted off the dust on his clothes, and turned to leave.


 Evergreen grassland.

 The grass is as green as ever, and the scenery is pleasant to the eye.


 The teleportation array blocked by the grass shimmered, and Jiang Han, Ralph, and Dongfang Yixin appeared.

 After hurriedly destroying the teleportation circle and confirming that the two sides were still unable to communicate, Jiang Han was completely relieved and fell down on the soft grass, greedily breathing in the fresh air.

 It is indeed an SSS-level mission, it is really difficult!


 System prompt: The oath has taken effect!


 System prompt: The name of your necklace has changed, from [Chain of Oath] to [Amber Necklace]!


 The two camps were turned upside down!

 The oath came into effect.

 Jiang Han didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

 Original evil!

 This special and exclusive profession, which is a fusion of three unique hidden professions, gives him some confidence to fulfill the oath.

 As for the chain of oaths...

 Perhaps it was really some kind of fate. With the faith and oath given by Fitch, he overcame two difficulties in a row, and both were exclusive main missions——

 [Oath] (Passive) (S level): Oath with your soul, you will become stronger in a short period of time. The harder it is to fulfill the oath, the greater the power you will gain (one-time)

 Because the oath is only an S-level passive, Jiang Han cannot use this power to defeat Porter and Explorer. Being able to repel them for several seconds is enough to be called extremely difficult.

 At this point, the two one-time passives have all been used up, and the necklace no longer contains the power left by the God of Time and Space. It is already ordinary, just an ordinary heaven-level necklace.


 Ralph, who was almost exhausted, looked at the grass in front of him and felt the fragrance of the earth. He finally understood what the dark swordsman had done in the Evergreen Grassland. Suddenly he felt that what he said was right, the Evergreen Grassland. The scenery is indeed beautiful and unforgettable.

 "What should we do next?" Dongfang Yixin's expression was a little heavy, but tens of thousands of years had taught her to hide her emotions.

 After resting for a while, Jiang Han stood up and gathered his thoughts: "We will definitely not be able to come back from the Eastern District in a short time. We must go to other countries."

 It can be said that the Eastern District has enemies everywhere, and the two major camps are expected to cause trouble for him in the future, so naturally they have to avoid the spotlight for the time being.

 "Other countries..."

 The sword god was confused: "Which country are we going to?"


 Jiang Han pondered for a moment and said, "Sakura District!"

 "This is a good choice." Ralph nodded, feeling that the Dark Swordsman's proposal was reasonable. "The Eastern District and the Sakura District have never dealt with them. If we go to the Sakura District, we can hide as much as possible."


 Dongfang Yixin agreed: "I was seriously injured in this battle and need to rest for a while."

 "Then let's set off immediately." Jiang Han said, "We are still in the Eastern District, so things can easily change!"


 After confirming the next destination, Ralph, who had regained his breath, grabbed Jiang Han's shoulder and flew, while Dongfang Yishin followed beside him. After breaking through the national border, they were ready to set off for the Sakura District.


 Server-wide announcement: Please note that the Eastern District adventurer [Origin of Disaster·Yijiang Hanshui] used despicable means to kill [Prince Lin Xuan] of the Tianfeng Dynasty, the backbone of the light camp, and committed such a crime that is outraged by both humans and gods. There are too many bamboos to write down, so the bright camp recruits heroes from all over the world to jointly kill this beast! (Note: The one who kills will get the only hidden profession, a super rare prop, and a super rare exclusive skill book)


 Server-wide announcement: Please note that the Eastern District adventurer [Origin of Disaster·Yijiang Hanshui] used despicable means to kill [Prince Lin Xuan] of the Tianfeng Dynasty, the backbone of the light camp, and committed such a crime that is outraged by both humans and gods. There are too many bamboos to write down, so the bright camp recruits heroes from all over the world to jointly kill this beast! (Note: The one who kills will get the only hidden profession, a super rare prop, and a super rare exclusive skill book)


 Suddenly, three system ringtones rang in my ears in succession. The sound of the announcement was no longer as clear and sweet as before, but instead was extremely heavy, as if to indicate the seriousness of the incident.

 "Just this reward?" Jiang Han was very dissatisfied.

 When he joined the dark camp, the reward seemed to be similar to this. Now, for killing the prince Lin Xuan, the reward was nothing more than this. The reward was so low that it was disdainful.


 Server-wide announcement: Please note that the Eastern District adventurer [Origin of Disaster·Yijiang Hanshui] betrayed his trust and completely broke with the dark camp. This caused extreme anger from the top of the dark camp and announced that he would be expelled from the dark camp! (Note: The person who kills will receive a high-end national weapon from the country to which he belongs, and will have the opportunity to choose one of the top ten demon gods as a mentor)


 Server-wide announcement: Please note that the Eastern District adventurer [Origin of Disaster·Yijiang Hanshui] betrayed his trust and completely broke with the dark camp. This caused extreme anger from the top of the dark camp and announced that he would be expelled from the dark camp! (Note: The person who kills will receive a high-end national weapon from the country to which he belongs, and will have the opportunity to choose one of the top ten demon gods as a mentor)


 As if sensing Jiang Han's strong dissatisfaction, the system reported him again and increased the reward, which meant that both camps were willing to pay for Jiang Han's head.

 Jiang Han: "..."

 The high-end national equipment is out!

 How big of a deal is it to spend so much money?


 At the same time, players in the Eastern Region...

 No, to be precise, the forums of all players in the server exploded, and countless posts about Yijiang Hanshui sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

 "But I'm uneducated, so I can tell the world with just one word!"

 "You betrayed the light camp at the beginning of the game, and now you betray the dark camp. It's outrageous, and it's the most outrageous thing in the world!"

 "I already overestimated his ability to make trouble, but I didn't expect that I seriously underestimated him!"

 "I asked why there are so many beams of light in Tianfeng City. It turned out that the prince was killed by him. The next wave is not to kill the emperor. I look down on him!"

 "Damn it, I'm going to call the police!"


 Countless players are complaining.

 The Eternal Son has completely stopped being a human being!

 "High-end national weapon...one of the ten demon gods serves as a mentor..."

 Ralph grinned: "The reward is really good, I'm excited!"

 "It's okay. I have a phaseless mask. If I really want to hide it, no one in the world will know my true face." Jiang Han took out a white mask from his arms and said, "Sword God, do you know how I got this SSS-level mask?" Of?"

 "How did it come?" Dongfang Yixin was surprised.

 The effect of this mask is very powerful. Once hidden, even she cannot see through the authenticity.

 "A generous demon god gave it to me." Jiang Han said sternly, "He said that as long as I rescue you, the phaseless mask will be given to me. Ralph was also present at the time and can testify!"

 Ralph: "..."
