
I'm the enemy of the whole game

This is an extremely difficult game. If you don’t have enough ability, you won’t even be able to get out of the Novice Village!

Daoist2ootOY · Games
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275 Chs

fishing tournament

"As long as it's pure enough, in large quantity, the price is not an issue." Longteng Wanli's response was quite appropriate.

Jiang Han immediately sent him a large number of equipment screenshots.

With the exclusive main storyline task approaching in three days, and without a hundred percent certainty of safely passing through it, he couldn't afford to waste the equipment in his inventory.

"...Even a level 60 Dark Gold set?" Longteng Wanli was visibly surprised.

In the current gaming landscape, even possessing a complete set of Silver equipment plus one or two pieces of Gold would be considered among the top players. This person, on the other hand, directly pulled out Dark Gold-level equipment.

Even though they had some contact in the newbie village, at this moment, he still suspected whether the other party was a special NPC created by the game developers to stir things up and indirectly increase game popularity.

"How much? Give me a price, and if it's not suitable, I can put it up for auction," Jiang Han casually replied, appearing very nonchalant.

He held the initiative.

The reason for choosing Longteng Wanli was convenience, the current cooperation between the two sides was pleasant, and as the leader of the "Dragon Clan" guild, maintaining contact would likely have its advantages.

"Alright, I'll have my accountant calculate it for me!"


Both sides were efficient, and after just over ten minutes, they reached a deal. Jiang Han's bank account had over seven million added.

Perfectly normal, as even the top players currently lacked the strength to contend with Dark Gold-level bosses. Therefore, Dark Gold-level equipment was exceptionally valuable and highly sought after. What Jiang Han provided wasn't just Dark Gold equipment but also set pieces, including weapons and armor, making them naturally valuable.

"In the siege battle three days later, our Dragon Clan will also participate..."

Longteng Wanli hesitated for a moment but decided to be straightforward: "Although I am the guild leader and have considerable authority, everyone is a player. The hierarchical relationship is not that emphasized. If I don't let level 50 elite players participate in the event, it will seriously affect both the guild's and individual's reputation. I hope brother can understand."

"No problem!"

Jiang Han was not a petty person, calmly replying: "I understand. But, since our cooperation has been quite pleasant, let me remind you – keep your distance from me, or I might accidentally shock you to death."


Longteng Wanli sent three question marks.

Shock him to death?

Does that mean he is very powerful and would awe us?

Isn't this a bit too domineering and arrogant?

Closing the chat box, Jiang Han no longer engaged in idle chatter. Upon reaching the Purple Flame Bamboo Forest, he silently fought snakes to level up, contemplating how to break through the exclusive main storyline task.

Admittedly, there were suspicions that the system deliberately created challenging situations, but it was just a suspicion. He firmly believed that there was no unwinnable situation in the main storyline task.

When he inquired about whether Cheryl had any treasures, she gave him a scroll to summon a god-level powerhouse. Without that scroll, he might have died at Herbert's hands.

Therefore, success or failure depended on details, and the key was to grasp those details.


Until 11 PM, golden light scattered, and Jiang Han reached level 62.

As there was the World Martial Arts event the next morning, he decided not to stay up late, logged off, took a shower, lay on the bed, and pondered the method to deal with the main storyline task.

"How can one possibly sleep with such troubles..." Jiang Han sighed helplessly.

Two minutes later, he fell into a deep sleep.


The next day.

At 7:30 AM, Jiang Han woke up leisurely.

As usual, he went downstairs to the breakfast shop to buy some dumplings to fill his stomach. Thinking that he hadn't contacted his family for a while, he called his mother to assure her of his safety. He also transferred 100,000 to his mother's bank card, claiming that his boss valued him and had recently promoted him to be the captain of a small team in the company.

After that, he put on his helmet and continued his conquest.



White light flickered as he appeared in Tianhai Town.

Since it was only a little past 8 AM and the event time was still far off, Jiang Han planned to explore a new map and find a new leveling spot.

Riding the Blue Scale Beast, he swiftly traversed the wilderness. With the high movement speed bonus, he quickly entered a lakeside area. The lake's surface was clear and azure, colorful fish occasionally leaping out, creating ripples, and a gentle breeze rustled the surroundings, creating a refreshing and delightful atmosphere.

Surveying the area, he saw a group of white cranes leisurely resting by the lake, appearing tranquil and content.


System prompt: You have entered the map [Pacifying Lake]!


Jiang Han was suspicious and saw an old, slender man in his field of vision.

Sitting quietly on a flat boulder, wearing a bamboo hat that obscured his features, it was impossible to discern his appearance. He was silently fishing, blending into the scenery and easily overlooked.

Insightful Eyes!

[Fisherman] (Ordinary NPC)

An ordinary NPC?

Jiang Han naturally couldn't believe it; after all, the interface could sometimes deceive people.

At least, in the current situation, this area was part of the Dark Camp's territory. Even if the lake looked normal, he couldn't believe that an ordinary fisherman would dare to fish here.

After thinking for a moment, he recorded the coordinates, turned around, ran to Tianhai Town, bought two fishing rods and a pile of bait, and returned.

Without choosing to initiate an abrupt conversation, Jiang Han approached the old man, hooked the bait onto the fishing rod, cast the line, and then calmly sat down.

"Young man, are you here to fish too?" The old man with the bamboo hat turned his head, curiously examining the youth who had come and gone.

At this moment, Jiang Han had also seen the other party's appearance: white hair and long beard, deep furrows on his face, but he was full of spirit. Especially his eyes, they were not as dim and turbid as ordinary old people.

"Yeah!" Jiang Han nodded, calmly saying, "There's been too much on my mind lately. Seeing an old man fishing, I couldn't help but become interested."


He did come to fish, but not for the fish in the lake; rather, for the old man himself.

Mindful that Insightful Eyes could see the status panel of NPCs below level 50, he couldn't ignore the potential strength of the other party, which was certainly not ordinary.

"Do you have to fish right next to me?" The old man asked, implying something.

Jiang Han replied, "Chatting and fishing at the same time. Isn't that more enjoyable?"


The old man laughed heartily, saying, "Interesting, interesting. It's rare that you have such a mindset. How about... we have a little competition?"

"A competition of what?" Jiang Han asked.

"Of course, it's fishing." The old man's eyes contained a hint of teasing, "

Let's see who can catch more fish."

How could he not see that the other party intentionally struck up a conversation with him, pretended to fish, and came over to fish just to make the youth interested? He couldn't help but feel a bit interested in this person who spoke eloquently. More precisely, he was interested in seeing the other party make a fool of himself.

"Any stakes?" Jiang Han asked calmly, "If there's no wager, the competition might lack some fun."

"You're right."

The old man nodded, pointing to the distance of Pacifying Lake, "If you win, I'll give you the most precious fish I catch from this lake. How about that?"

"And if I lose?" Jiang Han inquired.

Since the other party's identity was unknown, and his strength was unknown, coupled with the luck factor in fishing, he couldn't guarantee that he would win.

"I won't ask for anything from you even if you lose. Consider it as you owing me a favor!" The old man appeared generous.


System prompt: Do you accept the quest [Fishing Competition]?


Since there was no punishment mechanism, Jiang Han was more than happy to experience it.


System prompt: You have received the quest [Fishing Competition] (Difficulty: B)!

[Fishing Competition] (Difficulty: B)

Introduction: Compete with the mysterious old man in fishing. Winning can earn you rewards, losing won't bring any loss. There is no better gambling situation than this.

Quest requirements: Catch more fish than the old man

Quest time: One hour

Quest reward: ???