
I'm the enemy of the whole game

This is an extremely difficult game. If you don’t have enough ability, you won’t even be able to get out of the Novice Village!

Daoist2ootOY · Games
Not enough ratings
275 Chs

Easy kill


Seeing Jiang Han's expression not quite right, Fatal Rose was very pleased and said with a smile, "What's wrong, feeling desperate?"

The Ice Emperor possessed special reconnaissance methods, able to detect Jiang Han's attribute panel, and he even unconditionally disclosed it to Meirui region players.

She had also carefully examined it, and the values were extremely abnormal, surpassing ordinary spiritual-level bosses in all aspects, not to mention the significantly higher life points.

However, there was a huge disparity in values between ground-level and spiritual-level, and she didn't believe that Jiang Han could defeat a ground-level boss.

As for the recording of Jiang Han defeating Ullier, she was aware of it, and after watching it repeatedly, anyone with discerning eyes could see that it was far from normal, probably benefiting from some extraordinary plot buff.

"Yes, feeling quite desperate."

Jiang Han nodded in agreement, wearing a helpless expression on his face. "What should I do to make you understand that I have surpassed the scope that current players can contend with?"


Fatal Rose's face changed slightly.

The way he phrased it clearly indicated that he was desperate about being unable to make them experience despair.


The nearby pitch-black python wasn't going to silently listen to their conversation. After a noisy hissing sound, it swiftly lunged towards Jiang Han.

Insightful Eye!

Riding the Dark Thunder Tiger, Jiang Han evaded the oncoming snake's attack and cast a reconnaissance skill towards the python.

[Dark Abyss Python] (Ground-level BOSS)

Level: 110

Life: 33,000,000

Attack: 50,000-53,000

Defense: 30,000-31,000

Skills: [Catastrophe of the Python][Toxic Mist][Soul Pierce][Destruction Beam]

Introduction: Master of the Abyssal Python Cave, usually hiding underground, possesses terrifying strength.


In terms of stats, the advanced Thunder Cloud Tiger at the ground level surpassed it, and compared to Ullier's strength, it was a world of difference. Jiang Han could see at a glance that it was a ground-level equipment specifically sent by Fatal Rose.

Of course, he also knew that BOSSes with overwhelming strength were something Fatal Rose couldn't approach and successfully set teleport coordinates. Even if the distance was far, even if it was next to a Heaven-level BOSS, teleporting over would be meaningless, and she could simply run away.

In addition, Fatal Rose also needed to consider that the terrain must be narrow and the exit blocked. After all, yesterday he had safely escaped from the hands of a Heaven-level BOSS.

Under all these conditions, it was not easy for her to find the target.

The next moment, a strange red mist emanated from Jiang Han, and his strength surged, steadily increasing.


System prompt: You used the skill [Forbidden · Eternal Rest], all attributes increased by 60%, lasts for thirty minutes!


Fatal Rose, who also received related information, showed an expression of extreme shock.

A 60% increase in all attributes, and without any penalties?!

Is this guy still human?


System prompt: The Annihilator · Jiang Han Water invites you to join the team, do you agree?

Suddenly, an invitation to join a team came in, making Fatal Rose even more unable to understand this player from the Eastern region.


After some consideration, she chose to agree.


War Stomp activated, Jiang Han rode the Dark Thunder Tiger and rushed out, stomping heavily on the head of the Dark Abyss Python, crushing it to the ground.


Damage exceeding two million appeared, and the life points of the Dark Abyss Python visibly decreased by a considerable amount.


Fatal Rose was speechless.

In an instant, she understood why Jiang Han sent a team invitation. Without a team, she would be shaken to death by the shockwaves.

Sword Breaking Eight Directions, Annihilation Slash, Grip of the Holy Spirit, Bone-breaking Strike...

Jiang Han unleashed a set of outputs with stable control, making the Dark Abyss Python extremely frustrated. After breaking free from the constraints of the red energy giant hand, it immediately opened its huge mouth, spewing out highly corrosive poison mist, launching a counterattack.


System prompt: You have been invaded by the Dark Abyss Python's [Toxic Mist], attack reduced by 20%, movement speed reduced by 30%, and lose 1% of your life every second, lasts for thirty seconds!

Various debuffs entwined, and his life points rapidly dropped, but Jiang Han remained calm.

The reduced attack could be compensated by the War Stomp's bonus. He continued to swing his sword, using the Cloak's attached Swift Step skill to make up for the reduction in movement speed, continuing to attack with the help of lifesteal, maintaining the state of mutual bloodletting.





In fact, with the Dark Thunder Tiger's movement speed, if he kited the opponent, the victory would be even easier. However, this wouldn't stabilize the aggro on the Dark Abyss Python, and Fatal Rose might be killed.

How could someone as kind, honest, and reliable as him watch innocent Meirui region players die before his eyes? So, valiant as he was, he stepped forward.


When the life points of the Dark Abyss Python fell to 50%, becoming increasingly restless, the hissing sound of spitting out venom became louder. The intense green light from its sharp snake pupils emitted a strong glow, shooting towards Jiang Han like lasers.

Jiang Han didn't rashly resist; he chose to dodge. As a result, the laser changed its position along with the Dark Abyss Python's line of sight, catching him off guard and slashing across his chest.


System prompt: You have been hit by the Dark Abyss Python's skill [Soul Pierce], no control effect!


A large evasion jumped out, indicating that Jiang Han was immune to the previous attack.

Jiang Han: "..."

It seems that the effect of the Unrivaled Stone is indeed powerful, still retaining the Dark Swordsman's immunity to soul-type attacks.

Afterward, Jiang Han cast Bright Protection and Holy Light Blessing on himself, slightly increasing his attack and defense, reducing the threat he faced. Eventually, when the life points of the Dark Abyss Python were only 20% left, it launched a powerful Destruction Beam, but to no avail.

Then, a Catastrophe of the Python, attracting countless blood-sucking baby snakes, combined with Jiang Han's War Stomp and the Shockwave Eight Directions, his life points not only did not decrease but increased.


With a strong sense of reluctance and frustration, the massive body of the Dark Abyss Python collapsed.


System prompt: Congratulations on killing the level 110 ground-level BOSS [Dark Abyss Python], rewards: level +1, reputation +8000!


Golden light surged, and Jiang Han smoothly reached level 86.

In addition, the reputation reward was not bad.

Of course, he could see that the reputation reward was not fixed; the specific value seemed to vary with the changes in strength between the enemy and us. Taking Ullier as an example,

 due to the huge gap, the reputation reward for the final kill reached a staggering two hundred thousand.

He could understand such a design, otherwise, higher-level players would definitely go and kill lower-level BOSSes for reputation, severely affecting the gaming experience of latecomers.

As for what reputation was used for...

Jiang Han was not very clear, vaguely remembering that when his strength reached the spiritual level, the system hinted that reputation and strength had reached the standard of being within the top one hundred thousand in the Dark Camp, and completing relevant challenges would reward achievements.

Unfortunately, due to the sudden appearance of Ralph with the mainline quest, the so-called challenges had to be temporarily put on hold.

Picking up the three items dropped by the Dark Abyss Python, Jiang Han looked at Fatal Rose, who had gained three levels in a row due to teaming up, and smiled lightly, "It seems the diviner couldn't foresee my successful kill of the ground-level BOSS."


Fatal Rose was speechless.

The process of the Eastern region's number one expert killing the ground-level BOSS seemed to be smooth sailing without any twists.

Could it be even more smooth?