
I'm the enemy of the whole game

This is an extremely difficult game. If you don’t have enough ability, you won’t even be able to get out of the Novice Village!

Daoist2ootOY · Games
Not enough ratings
275 Chs

Defend the city

Subsequently, Jiang Han had no inclination to level up. He sold all the equipment he had obtained to Long Teng Wan Li and used the proceeds to purchase some potions, ultimately converting all his remaining gold coins into currency.

In a moment, his bank account saw an increase of over a million.

He could assure that he would exert his utmost effort in tomorrow's siege, but that didn't mean he would leave no room for retreat.

Exclusive mainline, the Struggle of Light and Darkness!

As the name suggests, it is the conflict between light and darkness.

Whether he represents light or darkness, there is no need for speculation.

If this game is set to follow the fixed plot of "justice inevitably triumphs over evil," even if he exerts himself, he will find it challenging to change the outcome.


The next day.

9:30 in the morning.

Having deliberately had a late breakfast, Jiang Han, full of energy, donned his gaming helmet.


A white light flickered, and he reappeared in Tianhai Town.


System prompt: Your mainline quest [Defend the City] (Difficulty: SS) has been activated!


System prompt: You will appear as the final city-boss of Level 3 Town [Tianhai Town]. If not present, -20 levels and permanent -2000 to all attributes!


System prompt: Your exclusive mainline quest [Struggle of Light and Darkness] (Difficulty: SS) has been activated!


Three consecutive system alerts, as if proclaiming that everything would unfold as scheduled.

At this moment, soldiers of Tianhai Town crowded the streets and the inner parts of the city, the town enveloped in a thick atmosphere of solemnity.

In this battle, adventurers were not given the opportunity to choose factions; all players were placed on the opposite side.

Strolling through the streets, ascending the city wall, Jiang Han quickly adjusted his state.

Compared to world martial arts combat between players, mainline quests posed greater pressure on him.


Fechi, on the city wall, tightly gripped a large axe, looking at Jiang Han approaching. "I received information that this time, the Bright Camp has no reinforcements. All that has come are guards from the Radiant Church. Also, due to rule restrictions, they cannot dispatch higher-level church guards."


Jiang Han nodded.

This was a reasonable setting; otherwise, with hundreds of level soldiers charging in, they would be utterly overwhelmed, rendering any activities unnecessary.

Arriving at the front of the city wall, he looked into the distance. At the end of his line of sight, a dense mass separated into two groups: NPCs and players.

"Fechi, my brother."

After a moment, he turned around, looking at Fechi with solemnity. "Ensure your safety!"

As the town mayor, Fechi, the berserker, could not just stand by. Naturally, the system arranged him as the second-to-last wave's boss, slightly below Jiang Han in strength.


Upon hearing this, Fechi was somewhat bewildered.

"Try not to charge into the fray. Stay not far from the town, and survival is key. Wait until I can join the battle!" Jiang Han solemnly said. "Living is crucial; we'll talk when I can make an entrance!"

Fechi was an NPC, and Jiang Han was well aware of it, but they had many interactions, and the two siblings were friendly. He couldn't just watch Fechi die.


Fechi agreed.

"By the way, where is your sister?" Jiang Han asked.

Lis's profession was extraordinary, with a considerably exaggerated basic panel, but she was ultimately only a level 10 priest, not included in this city defense battle, fortunately.

Fechi explained, "She has left Tianhai Town. Lady Seraph, the Fallen Angel, took her away."

Saying this, he showed a relieved expression.

If his sister stayed in town, the consequences would be unimaginable if she were to fall. In comparison, being taken away by the legendary fourth-ranked demon god of the Dark Camp was a great stroke of luck.


Jiang Han was stunned.

Fallen Angel Seraph took Lis away?

Well, that's something!

With this, Lis's future achievements are truly unpredictable. It's possible that she might become a demon god just as he speculated...

Suddenly, he thought of something, gazing at Fechi with a somewhat strange expression.

In his youth, almost sacrificed to the Radiant Church, his brother Fechi fell under the siege of the Radiant Church, and his sister Lis, blinded by hatred, became a demon god...

Such a reasonable plot!


Time slowly passed...


System prompt: [Struggle of Light and Darkness] officially begins!


System prompt: Please be aware, the primary legion led by Level 50 Golden-grade BOSS [Fanatic Faith · Beck] will initiate the first wave of attacks. Be prepared!

The battle was about to begin.

Every player participating in the event tensed up as the system announcement echoed.

"Trample, trample, trample..."

In the distance, dust rose as soldiers clad in white armor, wielding spears, approached with an imposing aura.

At the forefront, a brawny man, wearing heavy armor, mounted on a tall horse, held a long spear and shouted, "The time for dedication to faith has come, kill for me!"


The shouting shook the heavens, and the soldiers were in high spirits.


"Open the city gates, prepare for battle!"

Jiang Han gave orders.

Although Fechi was nominally the town mayor, he was somewhat uneasy and did not inquire, directly taking command himself.

"Clack, clack, clack..."

Receiving the order, the city gates slowly opened, and many soldiers poured out from the city, spreading out like a fan, forming layers of defensive circles.


System prompt: Please be aware, the first defense wave led by Level 40 Silver-grade BOSS [Soldier Captain · Tim] of Tianhai Guard will commence. Be prepared!

Compared to Beck, the first boss of Tianhai Town was far less powerful.

After all, it was just a small town with not many remarkable figures.

"Soldiers of Tianhai Town are originally members of the Bright Camp," Jiang Han frowned. "How do they view this war, ostensibly a betrayal?"

"If it's against imperial authority, they would definitely hesitate, but excluding the Radiant Church..."

Fechi sighed, understanding where Jiang Han's confusion lay, and explained, "For centuries, the Dark Camp has kept a low profile, with only a few beasts tainted by demonic energy causing trouble. This tranquility has made the Radiant Church decayed and unpopular. Take Tim, for example; his daughter was summoned by the bishop due to her beauty and never returned."

Fechi didn't explicitly state why she never returned, but the outcome was clear to anyone.


Jiang Han nodded silently in acknowledgment.

The intense battle continued for over ten minutes. Filled with hatred towards the Radiant Church, Tim was eventually slain by a player and departed with his daughter.


System prompt: Please be aware, the second defense wave led by Level 50 Golden-grade BOSS [Shepherd

 of Hatred · Olga] commanding the Dark Shepherd Legion will commence. Be prepared!


Jiang Han frowned, looking down at the white-robed woman who walked out below with the support of many soldiers. "The one who taught Lis?"

When he went to the square to find Lis, he had seen her.

But it was just a meeting; they hadn't spoken.

"It was her insistence."

After hesitating for a moment, Fechi, gritting his teeth, said, "To tell the truth to my brother, those who were unwilling to participate in the city defense, I disbanded them all. The remaining soldiers are those who are willing to advance and retreat with Tianhai Town, so..."

"So, the number of willing soldiers is scarce," Jiang Han took over the conversation, smiling wryly. "Because the majority don't think we can win."


Fechi was astonished by Jiang Han's attitude. "Don't you find my approach inappropriate?"

He originally thought the other party would be angry because this might extinguish the already faint hope of defending the city.

"How could that be!"

Jiang Han shook his head. "Them staying behind won't change the situation. Instead, it's easier for them to switch sides on the battlefield, severely damaging morale. If they want to leave, let them go."

Saying this, his gaze gathered at the edge of the wilderness.

In his field of vision, a young man with golden hair, a white robe, and three pairs of snow-white wings on his back smiled with a calm expression, occasionally chatting with those around him. He stood out like a crane among chickens, exceptionally dazzling.

It was evident that the so-called divine being was quite self-confident.