
I'm not making reckless choices, I'm making the only choice

Breakfast was pleasant. Snowball snuggled into her bosom contently after being fed, happily suckling on his bottle for milk. The count was surprisingly cheerful as he invited them to taste some local delicacies, and pointed to various items on the menu with recommendations.

It seemed whatever his misgivings were the day before, he'd gotten over them.

It was easy to enjoy the casual atmosphere, but all too soon the breakfast ended, and it was time for them to depart for the final leg of the trip to Pristan. Their hosts escorted them outside to prepare to leave.

Isabelle made sure Snowball was bundled snugly in his sling.

Tenshi had taken the idea of his little makeshift blanket burrito and slightly modified it to help with carrying Snowball around in unfamiliar or unsafe places.

She hugged his little fluffy form closely to her chest. It comforted her greatly, knowing he was safe and secure there, cuddled up and cozy.