"My little Snowball is cute~. My little Snowball is sweet~."
Isabelle was tired...but she felt cozy, and was in a good mood because of it, and so she sang mindlessly to Snowball, enjoying the way the adorable little kitten got more and more excited the longer she sang to him.
"My little Snowball is handsome~. My little Snowball is the best~..."
Snowball answered with happy squeaks of excitement at each repetition of his name, which only caused Isabelle's joyous spirits to grow further. He wiggled and purred as if trying to sing along.
Snowball is the sweetest, cutest little darling of all...
Isabelle smiled at the fluffy, pure bundle of joy wrapped tightly within her arms. Perhaps it was a bit silly, but she just couldn't be unhappy when she looked down at her happy little kitten. He had so much love and joy to give, it was hard to believe.