
Titanomachy 7: Crius Attacks the Olympians

The Next Day

The Battlefield

Crius, the god of the Constellation, along with his Zodiacs and the the Armies of the Titan forces all arrived on the Battlefield as they stood against an already positioned Daemon Army and the Nymphs Army when they saw the line up today.

"Gods Of Olympus, I Am Crius, God Of The Constellation, Come Out And Face Me" using his Divine Voice, Crius said calling out to the Olympians.

Despite Chronos refusal for him to engage in battle, he still did so as he can't be there watching his army all die when he can do something to help them but he didn't because he was following the orders of a mad man, a MNA blinded by his greed for power.

He can't do that, even if he side with just because they are brothers and he is the god King, that does not mean he is going to let anyone die on his watch.

Mt. Olympus