
Metis 1

A year Later

Island of Crete, Greco Realm

"Lucifer is back and yet he still hasn't visited not even once"

"That's not a surprise, you know those women whom they call the wives of the Devil, right? They might be holding tightly to him, so it is should not surprise you why he hasn't visited this long"

"You are right, and speaking of wives, don't you think Zeus's women are numerous?"

"I don't know, I tried to talk to him but he does not listen and just chased everything that has a breast and a vagina"

"Is Metis still alive?"

The two women who were talking before paused as they looked around them to see if there was another person amongst them but they did not see any other person in the room.

"Show yourself or I will make you"

"Adamantheia, you are still as fierce as I remembered you to be" said Lucifer with a smile as he showed himself to the two women, Adamantheia and Rhea "miss me?"