
I'm The Chaos

In the Age of the Last Dharma, all races stand on top. The world was full of talented people, and all kinds of dharmas were able to show their strengths. However, with the opening of the first End War, many great powers fell. The clan that monopolized the world for the ages used their swords to cut off the world. Since then, the Small World has been known as the God's Abandoned Land. The story of a young man in a small town in a country in the Komagata Realm will also begin.

Tommyky · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Slay the Demonic Beast

After he arrived at the training ground, Liu Nongjie's big eyes were full of doubt, thinking that he was not going to the training ground, how did he come to the teleportation array?

Nonjie looked at the seventh elder brother Li Tian in confusion, Li Tian also felt that Liu Nonjie's doubt was explained: "Xuan Tian Sect's training ground is not within the sect, in order to go there, you have to use the teleportation array to go there."

After hearing this, Liu Nongjie also felt that it was normal, after all, an entire training ground that could accommodate both new and old disciples was no smaller than the sect.

After that, Li Tian Yu revealed his identity and purpose to the guarding disciple of the teleportation array before going to the training ground with Liu Nongjie.

After a dizziness, in the eyes of Liu Nongjie is a large forest, the entrance to the forest is also written Tianxuan Sect three big words, this scene also shocked Liu Nongjie, but on the side of Li Tian does not seem strange, after all, the Li Tian is also a physical cultivation, even if not much use of demonic beast blood cultivation, but also can often come to the demonic beasts also play to exercise the physical body.

Li Tian looked at Liu Renjie's shocked expression and laughed outright, causing Liu Renjie beside him to feel embarrassed.

After that, the two of them walked towards a wooden house inside, just as Nonjie was about to ask LiTian, a gust of wind blew towards the two of them, and a Taoist voice said in his ear, ''I was wondering who was so bold as to come to my residence, it turns out to be you, LiTian. The boy next to you is the new disciple that Senior Brother Liu recently took in, right?"

Li Tian first extended his hand and greeted him, then explained, "That's right, he's my junior disciple. Please ask Elder Ning if he can open the Demonic Beast Position of the Qi Practising Stage for my junior brother.

This Elder Ning directly opened the forest gate and said, "I have opened the Qi Practising Stage Demonic Beast Position, you can just enter and stay as long as you want.

Liu Nongjie looked at Li Tian, and after seeing Li Tian nod his head, he raised his hand and thanked Elder Ning, and then went straight to the training ground.

At this time, Elder Ning also appeared and looked at Li Tian and said, "Don't worry, I have great faith in Senior Brother Liu's disciples, now come and have tea and play chess with me upstairs.

Li Tian also smiled and said, "In order to maintain the image of a good Senior Brother in front of Junior Brother, I have also taken great pains. Old man Ning, wait for me, I will win your good tea in this game."

Liu Nonjie didn't hear or know anything about Li Tian and Elder Ning, after he entered the training ground, all that was left in front of him were tall trees and weeds that were almost chest high.

Liu Renjie then picked up the accessories, always be on guard, this is also before the river in the wooden house, other grandparents taught him, wherever he must be on guard, if the matter is not decided, you can ask the spring breeze.

Liu Nongjie has no idea where he is, but his instinct tells him to leave as soon as possible to look for demonic beasts.

All of a sudden, a python catapulted out of the tree behind Nonjie, and just as the python was about to bite Nonjie, Liu Nonjie plunged his sword into the snake's head, splitting the snake in half in the process.

Liu Nonjie lamented, "It is fortunate that he has already practised qi at the Fifth Level, or else his divine sense perception would have really been bitten before he had reached maturity.

Liu Renjie reminded himself that he had to be more vigilant to avoid any more tragedies as he looked at the snake under the ground that he had just killed.

After a while, Liu Nongjie came out of the forest, looked at a high mountain, and couldn't help but lament that this place was also too big, that this was only the qigong level, wouldn't the levels of other cultivations be even more magnificent?

Liu Nongjie understood that it would be difficult to meet the demonic beasts if he ran blindly like this, so he thought of a way, he went to the nearby riverbank to catch some fish, killed them and let them bleed, using the fishy smell of blood to attract more attention from the demonic beasts, and hid in the shadows to wait for his prey.

After waiting for a while, a tiger demonic beast was attracted by the smell of blood, and just as it approached, Liu Nonjie's sword move swept in.

"Ink flower full sky!"

The tiger demonic beast was also shocked by the sudden sword move, but it quickly decided to resist, and although it only received a bone bruise on its body for resisting, it could not hide its killing heart, and it stared at Liu Renjie in anger.

Liu Nongjie was also embarrassed: "Hahaha, I said it was accidentally performing sword moves, believe it or not".

Although the tiger is a demonic beast, IQ is also higher than other beasts, but it is only high, only understand some simple words, after all, only just opened the mind of qi practice stage demonic beast, this is also normal.

Liu Nongjie also in the tiger demonic beasts look at him angrily, perceived his cultivation, the same is the fifth level of qi cultivation, although the demonic beasts are generally stronger than the same realm of the human race, but Liu Nongjie is not the slightest bit embarrassed than than the finger and said: "You come over ah."

The tiger also seemed to feel insulted by the human race in front of him, and even ran directly towards Nonjie.

Liu Nonjie also quickly performed the Swimming Dragon Steps to immediately move behind the demonic beast, and then used the second sword move from the secret book that Liu Huaitian had given him earlier, Season.

The Summer of Enlightenment sword technique slashed at the tiger demon beast's neck.

Sensing the power of this sword, the tiger demonic beast didn't dare to resist, so it tried to use the terrain to flee into the distance.

However, Liu Nongjie would not let go of the blood of the demonic beast that had been sent to him.

After the demonic beast dodged the sword art cleave, Liu Nonjie also performed the sword art pick at the same time, and the tiger was killed by Liu Nonjie when it was too late to react.

Liu Nongjie will also be previously stored in the Chen Lao gave himself in the Sumeru ring of the empty medicine bottle out, slowly loaded to receive the demonic beast blood, as a good teenager to save, Liu Nongjie naturally did not want to waste a drop of the demonic beast blood, and then after pressing, he collected a total of three bottles of demonic beast blood.

Liu Nongjie had already tested how many bottles of demonic beast blood he needed to quench his body, and he needed a total of eight bottles, so he was still five bottles short.

Thanks to the fact that it was a tiger demonic beast, which was bigger than the other demonic beasts, he was able to collect three bottles at once.

After that, Liu Nongjie continued to crouch at the back, waiting for new prey.

But this time, after a long time, Liu Nongjie still couldn't wait for a demonic beast.

Doubtful, he decided not to wait any longer, to go to the place where the tiger had just appeared, if he was lucky, he might be able to find the base camp of the tiger's demonic beast, and then he might also be able to encounter some demonic beasts.

With this in mind, Liu Nongjie set off in the direction the tiger had just come from.

After walking for a long time, Liu Renjie heard some hissing sounds and felt that he had hit the jackpot, so he climbed up the tree and prepared to check the terrain.

But when he checked the terrain, he saw several injured people surrounded by a group of tigers and beasts.

Liu Nongjie, who felt bad, realised that these people were disciples of the Xuan Tian Sect, a man and two women who were back to back and ready to fight to the death with the demonic beasts, they had just encountered a single tiger demonic beast and were ready to surround it, but unbeknownst to them, the tiger had actually dragged them down and was waiting for their own companions.

This also turned the trio from advantaged to disadvantaged.

Liu Nongjie climbed up to a tree near them, ready to help; he might not be able to kill them all himself, but he could sneak up on a few and scare them into retreating.

The man under siege was the most injured, and could only rely on his willpower to barely fight.

Just to see him say weakly, "Xiao Ying, take Senior Sister Gu and escape from here as soon as possible, I'll help you buy some time".

But the woman beside him named Xiao Ying shook her head and said firmly, "To die, we will die together, we said in the past that we would always be together, so I will not allow myself to live alone. Elder sister, you run quickly, your elder brother and I will help you drag it out.

The young girl being protected behind her was in tears at this time, she kept saying, "It's all my fault, if I hadn't said I wanted to practice, my elder brother and sister wouldn't have followed me to the drill ground to protect me.

At that time, Liu Nongjie on the tree did not understand why those two men and women were still surrounded by Qi Practising Stage demonic beasts when they clearly perceived that their cultivation level was higher than their own.

At this very moment, a tiger seems to be unable to wait, in fact, this valley elder sister's sneak attack from behind, the two men and women also noticed at this very moment, but the speed of the demonic beast is faster, they only have time to say a word of caution, they can only watch as the demonic beast attacks their own elder sister.

At that moment, a sword plunged straight into the demonic beast's head, and Liu Nongjie reluctantly jumped down from the tree.

He wanted to sneak up and attack a few demonic beasts to scare the other demonic beasts, but the situation was urgent right now, so he didn't think twice and killed the demonic beast directly.

But Liu Renjie, who jumped down from the tree, looked at the scene in front of him, laughed awkwardly and said, "Do you believe me when I say I'm just passing through? "

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