
I'm The Black Mage King

"Alex Brink's, you are hereby sentenced to death." Believe it or not he was an Elite among Elite's but all because of one person. "Would you like to say anything?" "...." "Ok, continue" ------------------------------------- Hello, I hope yall enjoy my story may not appeal to you but hope you enjoy.

Just_A_Ghost · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs


Alex got on his knees in front of his bowls. He looked at the substance and grimaced. He picked up the wooden spoon next to it and took a bite.

*Poisonous substance detected*


Alex frowned, the food was so bad it poisoned him. He took bite after bite, ignoring the taste and smell until he had downed all of it. He sat back and held back the urge to puke. He got up and equipped his sword.

'Does my system talk'


'You just talked ;-;'

*What do you want*

'Can I get help with training?'

*LVL up your interface and you can access the shop, until then you are stuck with your current strength*

'But I dont even know how to train with a sword!'

No response came from the system. Alex just sighed in frustration and decided that he would do what the MC's in other situations do. Swing it down repeatedly until he gets good at it. So that is what Alex did for the next two days until he was too bored sore to continue. The guard that patrolled didnt care that he had a sword. After all he was being paid to make sure that no one got out, why would he care if he is in his cell with a sword so he was left alone. Alex sat down on the rags and layed down. Everything hurt. After he trained with his sword he decided that training even more was a good idea. So he ran around the cell until his arms got better then he repeated that cycle until he was either too tired or sleepy to continue.

Alex sat down and was contemplating what he could do until he was active enough to start training again. Then he remembered that he had gotten something else. A Cultivation method. When he got into the position that he saw in manga's he closed his eyes. When he did it he stopped all his excess thoughts and focused on his surroundings. Nothing happened, zilch, he sat there not moving an inch and clearing his mind but nothing appeared. Alex started to get pissed. When he did that he started thinking of attributes and how the MC's had aptitude for the elements. Alex started to contemplate whether he had any aptitudes.

Alex cleared his mind of those thoughts and started to try many things. A day later after his schedule of training then trying to cultivate, he finally succeeded at it. It was so simple that he actually thought that the 25 intelligence he had actually made him any smarter. Alex focused on the fire in his mind, red particles appeared in the air. He then focused on how the flames moved, the way it moved with the wind. When he though of that though. White particles appeared alongside the red particles. Although there were a lot more white then red. It was understandable as there was air everywhere and the fire came from the singular torch in his room. Alex focused on the closest white particle and it slowly inched towards him. It took quite a long time but when it did reach him he felt a nice weak breeze blow throughout his body.

*Wind Element Detected*

*Alex Kurayami*


Wind Cultivation: Soul Realm (1/3) (1/100)

Strength: 24

Agility: 21

Dexterity: 17

Intelligence: 25

Defense: 11

Combat Ability: 25

Alex opened his eyes and saw the new addition to his stats. The addition to his strength and Agility was to be expected as he has been training for a while. He nodded his head in agreement, it was to be expected that the system would put the Cultivation LVL as a stat. Alex closed his eyes and continued to pull in all the elements around him. He did that until he felt like he could train again. He got up and started to swing his sword. It had gotten a lot easier than the last few times he's done it. He did that until his arms were tired then started to run around again. He continued this schedule for the next 4 days. It was finally time for the battle. He sat down and started cultivating again. He stopped a few hours later as he could hear a guard walking towards his cell. When he got up he decided to check his stats as they were walking.

*Alex Kurayami*


Fire Cultivation: Soul Realm (1/3) (54/100)

Wind Cultivation: Soul Realm (2/3) (21/200)

Strength: 32

Agility: 29

Dexterity: 20

Intelligence: 27

Defense: 11

Combat Ability: 32

Alex grinned at his progress. This was only a weeks time. There should be even more time to cultivate as well as train once he beats the champion. Alex looked at he cell of the girl he saw last time. When he saw her again she was still as peaceful as last time. Those same emotionless eyes stared back at him for the time that he could see her. Alex smiled at her, she didn't expect that so she shook a little. Alex lost sight of her but he still chuckled at her look. The guard in front of him asked what's so funny but Alex just said he thought of something amusing. As he stepped into the light of the arena, everyone cheered once again. Alex smiled, he was confident he could make it farther than last time. He looked up at the four black boxes and chuckled to himself.

'So one of the kingdoms liked me.'

Alex walked forward as the gate closed behind him.

"Choose your weapons contestant"

The same thing as last time happened but instead of picking one up he equipped the sword he had gotten used to over the time he has been training. The weapons in front of him disappeared. It seems that contestants having their own weapons was normal. Alex walked forward once more until he was in the middle of the arena. At the opposite side he entered the huge metal gate opened followed by 5 wolves. They looked at Alex like a tasty snack and imagined knawing on the bones of their prey.

Alex drew his sword smiling at the wolves with a bloodthirsty smile. Alex charged at the closest wolf and swung his sword. The sword cut through the air slicing open the jaw of the wolf. He then plunged the sword down the wolf's throat killing it. He charged the next wolf immediately after. The wolf expecting him this time swung its claws at Alex. Alex raised his sword blocking it and pulling out one of his dagger, stuck it into the wolfs leg. The wolf yelped in pain and backed off. Alex not giving it the chance charged at the wounded wolf but was stopped by another wolf. The wolf slashed at his side but Alex blocked it just barely. The claws scraped against his skin opening up a shallow wound. Alex grunted and sliced the sword downwards splitting the wolf's head in two. The other two wolves seeing their comrades die, charged him at once. The first wolf slashed at Alex's arm but was blocked. The other wolf seeing the opening slashed at his side. making the previous wound bigger. Alex swung at the wolf that hit him hitting its side. The wolf howled in pain and fell over. Blood gushed out its side. Alex didn't bother to finish it off and turned back towards the other wolf. He threw his other dagger at its throat. The dagger was flicked away by the wolf as it charged at Alex swinging its paw at his throat. Alex barely dodged it and shoved his sword into the wolf's stomach, but the momentum the wolf had knocked Alex over. The injured wolf limped over and bit at Alex's neck.

Everyone that saw this thought that this would be the end and quieted down, but were amazed at what happened next. Alex summoned a fireball and it hit the wolf blowing off its head. Alex spat out blood as the brains and blood went all over his face. He pushed the wolf off his body and walked over to the still bleeding wolf. He panted as he did and raised his sword. He swung down killing the wolf like an executioner. Everyone cheered as Alex raised his sword, the blood glistening off his black sword.

*Killed x5 Wolves*

*50 EXP Received*

Alex's smiled, the blood all over his face made him look like a madman. He lowered his sword and looked at the rising metal gate. The five Half-dire wolves walked out slowly watching their prey