
I'm Superman And My Wife Is Wanda!

Mtl novel

Johnywalker_0705 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


the other side.

Laura, a wolf girl in a gray hoodie, stepped through the gates of the NYPD. Just an hour after she talked with Liu Feng, Laura got the message that she could leave.

The others were at a loss as to why Liu Feng refused to let the little wolf girl show up an hour ago, and then let her go inexplicably an hour later.

But Laura has already learned about Liu Feng's thoughts.

All of this was within Liu Feng's plan. What Liu Feng expressed was simply to put a long line to catch a big fish, and Laura at this moment was the bait.

Thinking of this, she murmured to herself: "It's dead anyway. I can only believe that that guy really has the ability to help me. Anyway, I am still experiencing the same escape as before. The worst situation is to be arrested and studied." , it doesn't make much difference whether Liu Feng helps or not."

As Liu Feng said, Laura had no choice. The man known as the light of New York may really be the only one who can help her.

Who else but him?

Even the X-Men are gone, is there anyone in this world who can save people like themselves?

Are there any superheroes?


If there is, it is Liu Feng. He may be New York's last hero.

Laura walks under the night of New York in the United States. To her, high-rise buildings are no different from jungles, except that they are made of reinforced concrete, and-humans are more greedy than Beast, and no one is more greedy than Laura. understand this.

She put on her hood and lowered her head as she walked through the crowd, quietly scanning passers-by with her sharp eyes: "Ordinary people, otaku, office workers..."

This is not Laura's super ability, but a skill acquired in the day after tomorrow.

She can know a person's occupation and personality by observing his appearance, especially those in the military. During the years of fleeing, Laura has known the behavior of the military that specializes in capturing the X-Men.

Just by standing, just by passing a glance, Laura can detect the identity information of the other party, just like the Ability like a scanner.

In previous escapes, she had successfully escaped by relying on such skills.

Although most of the time, the head is cut off with one claw, but such a skill is still very useful, and it can prevent Laura from putting too much energy on it, such as now:

"Three people, no, five. Among the fingers of the right hand, only the index finger and the inner side of the thumb have calluses. The palms of the hands are rough, but the back of the hand is not. They can't help looking at me. Looking at the size, they are charging." Laura. Immediately got the information.

On the other hand, the mercenary disguised as an ordinary person: "x23 is still under surveillance, this is the busiest sidewalk in New York, it will be difficult for us to attack unless... wait! x23 suddenly ran! She realized our existence Already!"

The five soldiers received the order to pursue, and the five followed Laura one after another, but they felt more and more wrong during the pursuit.

Because she didn't go to a crowded place, but chose a dark alley!

This is simply not the best place for prey to choose...Could it be...


As soon as the military came to a conclusion, his abdomen was penetrated by two steel claws in an instant, and Laura immediately pulled it violently, and his stomach ruptured by itself! The other mercenaries realized all this and hurriedly drew their guns, but it was too late!

Laura turned into the Phantom of the Night, spun around, and harvested a head with the steel claws of both hands using extraordinary movements.

In just an instant, five people fell into the pool of blood. Laura looked at the corpse and said coldly, "If you want to kill me, you have to show some skills."

She turned around and was just about to leave here without looking back, but unexpectedly, there was a whoosh, a bird-like sound came, and the next moment, she was shot in the neck!

"Fack..." Laura was not stupid, she knew there was a sniper without even thinking about it!

And what the sniper shoots is not a bullet, but a sedative needle, but this is more terrifying than a bullet!

Laura inherited the Self-healing Ability from her father Logan, able to heal the wounds caused by bullets. But sedatives won't work. Once this thing happens, her end will be slaughtered!

"Successful shot x23, repeat, successful shot x23."

"She has already produced antibodies in her body, and the dose of one injection is not enough. Take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack! Keep shooting! The wolf slaughter team blocked the exit!"

The commander is still giving orders, revealing a skilled business ability in his words. Just one shot of tranquilizer will make Laura lose half of her strength, which is already a fatal situation.

Laura's consciousness has begun to blur, and she can only vaguely notice that outside, a group of mercenaries are waiting for her with guns, like a tiger with its mouth open, and she is a fat lamb.

But Laura is not the kind of person who will bow her head like fate, as long as there is even a glimmer of hope, she will never give up! She pulled out the sedative needle from her neck and yelled, "You bastards! I'm going to drag you to death!"

Whoosh! It was another sedative shot, but this time, Laura, who had been prepared for a long time, managed to dodge with the sharpness of a wolf! Then, she opened her hands suddenly, and in her mind was the most classic signature move of Wolverine's father. She opened her forearms vertically to both sides, and Adamantium claws appeared with a slap, entering the fighting state! Then he rushed to the mercenaries outside!


"Put on real bullets and shoot! Quick!" The first person locked by Laura asked his partner to shoot in panic, and the gunfire rushed out of the gun like a ghost, with the purpose of devouring Laura, but At How can the speed of Laura of the moment fall into the category of ordinary people?

Two meters away, Laura was still in danger. By the time Laura was within seven steps, the blade of the guillotine had been polished to a shiny finish for them!

"Fack! Hurry up...! Puff!"

The main artery on the neck was cut off directly, and the huge amount of blood donation was like a fountain, dyeing the red moonlight and Laura's face.

The military in the mere human domain can't capture Laura's figure at all. At this moment, she is a god of death!

The battle broke out, attracting countless people to watch, and the news was overwhelming. It's just that this group of people was well disguised, and the United States people didn't know their identities at all.

On Laura's side, because only her claws are injected with Adamantium, Laura's agility is faster than her father Wolverine Logan. She turned into a wolf that can only hunt, and used blood donations to nourish her Adamantium claws.

However, it is precisely because of the Adamantium in her body that she has a fatal weakness-that is, she cannot be as indestructible as Wolverine. Wolverine's Adamantium covers the whole body, bullets can't penetrate, but Laura can't!

The military knows this well.

So, seeing her go crazy, he had no choice but to put on real bullets to disable her on the premise of saving his life!

The rate of fire of real ammunition is faster than that of the tranquilizer needle. As long as the barrage is large enough, no matter how fast Laura is, she will never be able to avoid such an attack!