
Chapter 4 Stay at Your Home

"Sir, please be safe, or Anna will go with you!"

Anna sobbed, her body trembling.

"Ahem, I'm not dead yet. If you cover my head again, I will die because of lacking air!"

Leon struggled with all his strength. Hearing the sound, Anna let go of Leon in a hurry.

As soon as Leon became free, he began to take a deep breath. Although the place was soft, it almost covered him to death.

Anna blushed and turned her head to the other side, as shy as a maiden in her spring.

"Where is Jed? Who drove him away?"

Leon was stunned. He hated that he was just a weak man without any magic power. Before the battle started, he was scared to faint. He didn't live up to the beauty's expectations.

"Sir, it's you who defeated Jed and the others. Unfortunately, Jed ran away!"

Anna sounded a little regretful.

"What... What did you call me? Sir? It was me who defeated them?"

Leon couldn't believe what he had heard. "Is she a fool? I just woke up", he thought!

"It's you, my Lord. Please forgive me for my previous offense. Please forgive me if I have offended."

Anna's tone softened and her eyes were full of respect for Leon.

Anna's change of attitude really surprised Leon. Wasn't this woman arrogant? What happened during his coma?

"If you say so, I won't refute. It's fresh for a muggle like me to be called like this."

In Leon's eyes, he was just an ordinary person. He couldn't even defeat the lowest-level mage. He just thought that Anna was making fun of him and didn't bother to explain it.

Leon glanced at the kitchen knife on the ground. It was rusty again. Leon picked it up casually and wrapped it with rags again.

"Master, when can you personally lead me to fight in the world?"

The divine knife sighed helplessly, but Leon couldn't hear it and carried it behind his back.

However, Anna had her own thoughts. The more powerful a person was, the lower profile would be. Otherwise, how could a divine weapon be wrapped in rags, and the person hid his spiritual power?

To cater to Leon's taste, Anna didn't say anything more. She just needed to cooperate with him.

"Where do you live? It's not safe in the forest. You'd better go home as soon as possible."

Although Leon had taken advantage of her a lot, it was because of the serious situation.

"Sir, don't you think Anna will be laughed at if I go out? Can I stay at your house for one night and leave tomorrow?"

Anna put on a pitiful look. Just now, she found that with the help of Leon's spiritual power, she can practice faster and now she already had the sign of a breakthrough. With him, her strength seemed to improve faster.

Leon looked at Anna up and down. The woman in front of her had already torn her clothes into pieces and her skin was almost exposed.

"Well, you are allowed to stay here for one night."

Leon didn't make up his mind to repel her. I'll keep her overnight, then I'll get her out of here tomorrow morning!

Anna followed Leon back to the manor. The black dog and the chicken were fighting fiercely, but they immediately quieted down when they saw Leon.

"Can you feel it? The aura of our master has become stronger!"

The black dog had a keen sense of smell and sensed the change in Leon's strength.

"Of course, my master is like a God. My master is the best!"

The chicken said proudly, with its chest up.

"You bastard! This is my master!"

"You bitch! The master doesn't treat you at all"

When they were about to fight, they suddenly noticed Anna behind Leon. They were immediately attracted.

"Is this the hostess master is looking for? She is so plump!"

The chick's tone was full of envy, while the black dog's face was full of disdain.

"It doesn't matter that you want to take master from me, but why is there a bitch now!"

"No, I can't let this woman take my master away!"

The two divine pets stared at Anna fiercely, wishing they could transform and swallow her up.

"This is my dress. Try it on," Leon said as he handed a robe to Anna.

Anna didn't take it. Instead, she stared at Leon with seductive eyes. She stood up and touched Leon's chest.

"Sir, you have worked for Anna for a whole day. Let me give you a massage!"

Anna whispered in Leon's ear.

Leon had never seen such a scene before. He became soft all over and enjoyed Anna's touch.

The two of them lay on the bed. Anna slowly took off her ragged clothes and pounced on Leon.

Leon didn't expect this woman to be so active. He hadn't touched any woman for years, now he was thirsty and his whole body began to heat up.

However, Anna kept teasing Leon and took off Leon's clothes. The two of them were about to interweave.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

A few flashes of lightning flashed outside the window, and the ambiguous atmosphere was instantly destroyed.