
The beginning of the end

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed from the time the story takes place and Annwfyn is still a peaceful place, but behind that peace darkness begins to unwittingly reappear. Darkness that comes from negativity such as hatred, anger, greed, laziness, despair and others that begin to dominate the creatures in Annwfyn. All that negativity led to slavery, corruption and oppression also beginning to resurface in Annwfyn.

The negative energy continued to grow until finally the darkness was completely reborn. That darkness can possess a person's body then turn him into a ferocious monster. Because darkness is still relatively weak, only a few monsters can be born, causing people not to know that dark energy created it.

Although it has been hundreds of thousands of years, the stories of heroes are still told as legends. Of course, many children feel amazed by the stories of these heroes and hope to become heroes someday. No wonder they also have a dream to find the weapons of the heroes in the legend. That admiration faded and even disappeared when they grew up and began to think that the story was just a legend. Even so, there are still those who still admire him and think that the story is not just a legend and yes, among those people is me.

My name is Kanzaki Akira, a young man who lives in a small village. The village where I live is very far from the city let alone the capital, that's why such legends are still told even though they have been hundreds of thousands of years old. When I first heard the stories of heroes from my parents, I really thought it was a great story and immediately admired it. Until now, I never get bored of reading the story and always carry the book with me wherever I go even though I have memorized the whole story.

Like many children who admire the story, I aspire to someday find one of the heroes' weapons and eradicate the revived darkness. Unfortunately, it was a difficult dream to achieve because finding the weapon required a long journey, while I was just a nerd. The physique I had was completely untrained and it was certainly impossible to go through that long journey. Besides, even though I had a good physique, it wasn't enough because only the chosen ones could make that glorious journey.

I realized it was just a dream that I couldn't possibly achieve until one day, my childhood best friend Gran took me on a journey to find the weapons of heroes. I know that Gran always comes with crazy things but I didn't expect Gran to think about looking for that weapon. Gran, who used to make fun of me since I was too obsessed with the story, suddenly came and said she wanted to look for it.

At first I refused because I wasn't sure I was physically in the right condition to make the trip, but Gran forced me to even give me three months of rigorous training. After the hell training was over, Gran and I began our journey to find the heroes' weapons.

The journey lasted a very long time. Along the way, there are many new things that have been learned for us, but there are also tough things that we have gone through. We also meet new friends who are both looking for the hero's weapon. Not only that, strange monsters that always stood in our way, but that didn't stop us and made it through.

After a long journey we managed to find eight hero weapons, but not knowing what was a coincidence or fate, the last weapon we managed to find coincided with the darkness that had reached its peak. As soon as we came out of the ruins where the weapons were, we were greeted by a very terrible sight. Darkness had already enveloped the sky and land. The world is completely submerged in darkness again exactly as described in the legend. The plants turn wilted, the water begins to become cloudy and poisonous, and even the light is completely invisible.

The wind was blowing very hard around us. It was not an ordinary wind but a storm of darkness with a very strong negative energy in it, until we who were inside felt shortness and difficulty breathing.

The storm eventually subsided, but it was not a good sign. A creature with a stature more terrifying than any monster or demon we had ever fought, emerged from behind the storm. Without giving any warning, the creature immediately attacked us. The creature attacked us very sadistically. The creature's expression looked very satisfied after doing that heinous thing.

The only one who can survive the attack of the terrible creature is Hanna who is still trying to fight the creature. While I sat limp with wounds. Hanna does have a much stronger physical and mental strength than me, so she can still survive. Hanna was supposed to be able to go and save herself, but because Hanna still cared for her friends even when her own body was covered in wounds. He still stood up to protect us all.

The creatures we faced back then were no match for us. The journey we have been on has reached its end and it is a dead end. I could barely feel my body, all I could do was look at Hanna who was fighting against that terrible creature. I tried my hardest to move my body, but to no avail. I could only watch Hanna who was slowly running out of energy and consciousness.

I couldn't just stand still looking at Hanna's condition that had reached her limit. Once again I tried my best to move my body. But when I managed to move my body, with the blink of an eye the creature was already in front of me while swinging its claws at me. I had already thought that it was the end of my life, when I opened my eyes, Hanna stood in front of me receiving the creature's scratches through her body.

"Whatever happens, stay alive. I will definitely come to see you again. Goodbye, I love you...."

That was his last sentence to me.