
I'm starting over

Hidden conspiracies was the start of our relationship, and it as well has brought us this far. Damien we have to live or else why did we come so far for, we unravelled the secrets tat hurt us saved our friends put an end to the viper's after all this we still have to live our best lives together

sheng_liv · Sports
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40 Chs


 "Apparently so", Victoria said, smiling at Cross. "You're here to participate in today's match", I said "no, just thought you would come", she replied. 

 "Sir the match will start soon", Louis said before walking to the wine shelve to get a bottle of Remy. He poured two glasses, one for me the other for Victoria. 

 "When you go down to the track watch out for drumsy's people", Victoria said drinking from her glass. "you don't have to worry about me Victoria", I said looking at the woman who had changed her outfit into a more revealing on than that of the morning. 

 "Ladies and gentlemen, the all time special, your latest trick on the track race, is about to begin. we have twenty people lined up for this competition. let's begin", the announcers voice rung out and the cars bolted. 

 This race wasn't about who reached the finish line first or the last man standing, but solely based on impressing the audience and gaining votes. The track was already dangerous just racing through and now we needed to do tricks. 

 I looked forward at the loop that was created on the road and increased the speed of my car going round the loop three times before speeding of to take a jump. 

 All twenty of us were all pulling dangerous stints with our cars, without minding of our lives. This went on for a total of three hours and with the timer up the winner was to be called Fromm the amount of votes. 

 "And the winner is, King Black", announcer said and more screams erupted from the audience present.

 "It's nine o'clock and they don't want to give me food, hmph that insane d**k, what does he take me fore", I said scratching my hair.

 "Ugh, I was going crazy from the hunger and they're busy saying it was an order from lots black, I'll get back at him when I get the chance", I thought.

 Just the I heard the sound of s car driving in I rushed to the balcony and saw a blue and white race car driving in. "Cool car but, that wasn't what he drove out this morning", I was a hundred percent sure that he went to the underground racing club. 

 I waited a while before feigning dizziness and lightly tapping on the door like I was extremely weak. And that worked because, the door opened this time, and it looked like they didn't notice that the lock had been tampered with. 

 I looked at the man that walked in "wow looks like you might actually die", he said staring at me "you'll have to endure till tomorrow because it's not going to cut it" he said and walked out. 

 "That's your punishment Bel" he said closing the door, I really wanted to punch him in the face. "Deep breaths, deep breaths", I kept on saying. "Now I know why he wanted me here, so I'll just enjoy my stay, I'd always wanted to loose weight, this is a great opportunity", I said to myself, standing up to go to the bed. 

 "You know I don't even understand how I fell for this beast in the first place bel you have weird taste" I said out loud when I noticed a red light flashing close to the bulb. I walked to it and stared closer damn it I was being watched. 

 I walked around the room and finally found all the hidden cameras and pulled them out, waiting for him to come find me. 

 Morning came by quite quickly and I was happy that I made through the night without kicking the door open. Soon a knock sounded and a maid opened the door. " Master calls you down for breakfast", she said and walked away. 

 I walked downstairs and towards the dining room. I sat down at my usual place, quickly getting down to eating without bothering with Damien who was starting at me.

 "You seem starved", I heard him say. I rolled my eyes, I wasn't going to bother with him this morning. He seemed to notice I was not responding and he called out my name. 

 I looked at him while putting food into my mouth. "Who did you sell your etiquette to", he said "I think it was my dog", I replied without once stopping to feed myself. It seemed that I would only be getting breakfast here so I'd better eat my fill.