
I'm starting over

Hidden conspiracies was the start of our relationship, and it as well has brought us this far. Damien we have to live or else why did we come so far for, we unravelled the secrets tat hurt us saved our friends put an end to the viper's after all this we still have to live our best lives together

sheng_liv · Sports
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40 Chs


"Ugh", I groaned my whole body hurt, it felt like I had been throw off a building and to have narrowly escaped from death. I opened my eyes to meet a white ceiling above me, plus lights that were blinding, I immediately closed my eyes and then opened them very slowly to look at my surroundings, it looked like a hospital but the smell of disinfectant was missing and the bedding was less comfortable than that of a hospital I racked my brain thinking of the last thing that happened to me that could have resulted in hospitalization but if felt as if all data had been erased from brain and it couldn't process anything. I tried sitting up and immediately a woman came in wearing a white lab coat and holding a report in her hands. "Your awake", she said reaching and helping me sit up.

"You have quite a serious injury there girl, two fractured ribs and internal bleeding with a concussion, but with some rest you should be back to being perfect in one month", the lady said, I stared at her face and several images flashed through my mind. "Brian", I said almost immediately and the lady laughed, "don't worry your brother has been treated s well and he is in the room adjacent to you, I'm sure he'll come see you once his anaesthesia wears of", she said pointing to the room right outside my door and I relaxed my anxious body I looked to the other end of my bed and I then turned to her and asked of Jason and she replied that he was still under the effects of anaesthesia I sighed in relief and laid back down on the bed that was a huge relief that everyone was fine, the nurse left and I was alone in my room, I reached for my phone that was on the table and the moment I picked it up it began ringing, it was my elder brother leo I frowned at my phone and then swiped the green button before putting the phone on my ear. "Lil sis Bel, where are you, you didn't come home last night", he said sarcastically, I took a deep breath before calming down "I was held up by something so I and Brian stayed at a hotel, the place is quite a distance from the mansion so we'll just come home once we're done with what we came for, that's all for now bye", I said hurriedly hanging up the phone and squinting my eyes he was up to no good again for him to call me as it was something he never did unless there was a problem abd he needed me to help him out if it or take the blame. We needed to get out of here first before explaining what happened and to my parents but that's also if they find out that we've been injured cause they cared too little about us, well that was something I was going to worry about later.

"Mom, Bella didn't sleep at home yesterday", a boy wearing a green outfit said to the couple who was eating breakfast on their dinning table, they both looked at gun before the woman turned to the maid who was serving the dishes go call miss Bella down she said and then glanced at the boy "Leo, sit down and begin eating or you'll be late for school", before she continued eating soon after the maid came back down and reported that miss Bella wasn't in her room and the man sitting at the head of the table slapped his spoon on the table, and the woman beside him stretched out her hand and rubbed it on his shoulders "darling you shouldn't get too worked up over something so trivial, it's not good for your health", she said and signaled the maid to leave "honey leave this to me I'll handle it satisfactorily", she said again causing the man to smile at the boy sitting at the table watched this with a smile on his face thinking about what punishment his younger sister Bella would probably receive because of him telling on her. "Mom I'm headed to school", the boy said walking out of the dining room happily, as soon as he left, the man who was originally supposedly calm pointed at the nearest bodyguard to him and said "go get me the computer on my desk", abd the guard immediately carried out the order and came back with a laptop in his hand he placed it before the man and stepped back the woman at the table came closer as the man swiftly ran his fingers across the keyboard and soon some set of code began running on the screen of the computer, and after a while the computer screen showed the word viper and then went blank, the man and the woman continued to stare at the screen as it came back on and a dialogue box pooped up the man began to Swiftly fill the necessary information required for each dialogue box and soon the computer went black again before the a file opened on the screen showing the information of a particular person, "honey now check her current location", the woman said staring excitingly at the screen and the man with a him tapped a few times on the key board and a topographical map appeared on the screen showing a red dot the man double tapped on it and it zoomed in showing the location of he place, on seeing the name of the place the red dote was in and it's location they nolonger bothered and the man ordered the bodyguard too take back the laptop meanwhile in a certain lab a woman was seen talking to a girl showing her the discoveries made during the physical examination that was conducted when she was asleep. "Apparently, there is large micro chip in your brain and the several man maid synthetic hormones in your blood stream, I guess they are being used to control it keep you in check", the woman said "is there anyway it can be removed", the girl said well as for the chip in he brain it's a bio chip, and if your brain power outmatches the estimated brain power it is to work with you could destroy it and as for the hormones you'll need to get a blood transplant", "thank you", the girl taking bit of he said things " I'm only helping you because you technically saved my son Jason by choosing to fight for all of you", the woman Mrs puth said looking at bell who was in hospital gown.