
I'm starting over

Hidden conspiracies was the start of our relationship, and it as well has brought us this far. Damien we have to live or else why did we come so far for, we unravelled the secrets tat hurt us saved our friends put an end to the viper's after all this we still have to live our best lives together

sheng_liv · Sports
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40 Chs


"I don't think he's the one that was sent to the viper's", a lady in white lab coat spoke looking at the data in the file she was holding "why do you say so", "his physical Constitution is weaker than previous subjects and he has no trace of the pheromone suppressor in his blood stream", the lady repeated "is that so", a man who had just walked in and everybody in the laboratory bowed in unism. "Mrs puth, how sure are you that it's not him when you only got blood samples gotten from fights with people from the viper", the man said staring coldly at Mrs puth.

Nobody moved or said a thing Mrs puth didn't bother defending herself and just kept quiet with her head lowered. "Sir the kid is still sleeping", the director said to the man in Black suit and they both turned to look at Brian who was in a large transparent tube.

"Observe him for the next two days and tell brute to make sure no one finds out that this is related to us", "okay sir".

"From here is the restricted part of the research institute", Jason said walking in front. "I think it's best we check the major room first, as most of the operations of the institute are carried out there before they are shown to the public", Jason said turning left and still walking forward, I agreed to his suggestion, and walked ahead with him.

We had walked for what felt like it was ages before stopping infront of a door we peered inside and saw several doctors of the research institute and a different man in Black suit. "What do you think they are doing", I asked lowering my body and slightly looking inside. "I also don't know", Jason replied and brought out his phone, "but it's like will find out soon enough", he said tapping away on his phone, "what are you doing", I asked when I saw him tapping away on his phone. "Didn't you want to find out what they are doing, I was accessing my laptop which is inside my school bag", he said not looking up.

"How's that going to help", I said looking at him and speaking in a hushed voice. "Well, I left my bag in there when I came earlier", he said, he tapped on his phone a few more times and then said I should listen.

"The boy has not woken up since he was knocked him out with the drug, which shows that he has no pheromone suppressor in his body", I heard a voice say and I stared at the phone in Jason hands that was playing the conversation that was going on in the room.

"Jason my brother is in there", I said having him stare wide eyes at the door. "Jason I'll take it from here", I said smiling at him. "you've helped a lot and I'm grateful and while your coming to terms with it I'll go save my brother", I said standing up

I had no other thought in mind I was going to save my brother.