
I'm starting over

Hidden conspiracies was the start of our relationship, and it as well has brought us this far. Damien we have to live or else why did we come so far for, we unravelled the secrets tat hurt us saved our friends put an end to the viper's after all this we still have to live our best lives together

sheng_liv · Sports
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40 Chs


 *Warning slight gore*, please Skip if you feel uncomfortable*

 "Ugh, why did they knock me out", I said shaking my head. "Awake", I heard someone say, "this is a new face, should probably be one of Damien's men", I thought trying to get my bearings. 

 "Who are you, where am I", I said looking around the room that was dark with no bright colors. "Oh, I was tasked to get you to talk about what you know about the beaver Cruise ship", the man in a black sweatshirt and khaki pants said walking to the other edge if the room. 

 "What beaver Cruise ship", I asked looking confused. "Why would they come to me to find out what happened to the beaver Cruise ship" I thought looking at the man who was searching for God knows what.

 I moved my hands that were tied behind me trying to loose the ropes "Gosh what method is this", I thought still not getting my hands free. "What are trying to do", I asked when he started walking to me with a thorned whip. 

 "Boss said you have information about the beaver" he said smiling at me. "I don't know what you are talking about", I said looking scared while still trying to loosen the knot. "Don't bother it'll only get tighter, it's an x-knot", he said. "What does Damien want from me I don't involve in my father's affairs", I said. 

 "Hmmn, not willing to talk", he said looking at the whip in his hands. He walked back to that part of the room and this time came back with a bucket and a car battery he filled the bucket with water and poured it on me. 

 "This is going to hurt" I said when he connected the metal chair I was sitting on to the battery. "Aaaah", I let out a scream when he turned it on. "Want to talk now", he said after disconnecting the battery. I gritted my teeth "I don't know what you are talking about", I said. 

 "It seems like your body is hot, I'll go get you some more water", he said filling the bucket up and pouring it on me again before connecting the battery and walking out. "Aaaah", I kept on screaming until my voice was hoarse. It didn't seem like they could here me from outside. 

 I stopped screaming and tried to move my chair closer to the battery which was done pretty fast I disconnected the battery and hooked the rope on my hand to the edge if the battery, It loosened pretty fast and soon my hands were free. I proceeded to loose the ropes on my leg as well.

 "Do, they tie everything with the x-knot", I said after I was done. That guard seemed skilled. The electric current from the battery is not enough to kill me but it's enough to cause me pain for a long time, and also numb my body in case I was a fighter. 

 I walked around the room and verified that the room was a torture room. I needed to take my escape seriously this time and find out what happened and why Damien suspected me. 

 "Brian, seems to value bella a lot" my wife said sipping a glass of red wine. "So it seems, they have such close bond", I said not looking up a her. "That's why I told you that leo is the best candidate for president if the company, he doesn't even put family in his eyes", she said "why don't you put Brian in charge of the mission to kill Bella", she said again causing me to look up at her. 

 "It'll give us a chance to teach him that what matters is the business", she said dropping her glass in the table. "If he succeeds he gets to compete fairly for the family business with Leonard if he fails he doesn't bother Coming back", she said raising her brows at me, I nodded. I now realize this is why I married her, for her brains and viciousness. 

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