
I'm spoiled rotten by the gods

shikamaru77 · Fantasy
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44 Chs

training and growing fondness

Alex training continued. Everyday he learns martial arts, swordsmanship and other weapons along with all kinds of magic and magic control. As Alex is training, hilde also worked hard. They're exhausted everyday due to the harsh training.

After training they will take a bath, Alex is also dragged by her into the bath as the maids everytike asked him if he wanted you take a bath with them. So before he can say anything hilde will drag him to their bath.

There she will stick to Alex like glue and refuse to let go while the maids wash their bodies. Alex got used to her tricks along with the tricks of Rhea and Catherine. Cassandra try to stop her tomboy daughter but it's useless as it'll take only a sad expression of hilde for her to stop her words.

Hilde continue to became close with Alex while Alex also grew closer to her. He is used to her teasing and antics, Alex mainly explored the castle. He found many secret rooms and passages that are only known few people in this kingdom mainly the Royal family and their trusted aids that served them for generations.

Among such family are the ironheart, balor, mistletoe, and lorell. His parents he will meet them when he is 6, as at 6 everyone will get their elemental evaluation, and undergoes job awakening at 10. As Alex is wandering around he heard faint footsteps from behind and turned around to catch a girl.

She hugged him and spun around while Alex rolled his eyes and placed her on the ground. She stood up with a smile and asked, " Still exploring the castle, aren't tired from this? This castle is very big according to mom".

She said before sticking up him like a glue. Alex ruffled her hair and they both walked around the castle, of course they used stealth to ignore the guards. Alex's stealth is given to him by God of war who made hik sneak around the gods with it until Alex reached a satisfactory grade in his opinion that is if gods don't focus on his direction and use their power they can't sense him.

It came handy to escape from rhea and cathy, though the two goddesses has a quarell with God of war about this. As Alex is growig well his training also progressed well. The main surprise is the semi divinity in him awakened.

Semi divinity are the divine authority inherited from the parent God. The child don't have full control over the aspect compared to patent but he can manipulate it and control it upto some extent.

Through semi divinity, the parent also can watch over their child which most of thethe time eleanor and Raphael spend time doing. On the other hand hilde who also sensed the semi divinity through her system can only be helpless. It looks like now Alex is going yo he watched more by the gods and she also will be in their sight.

Alex got the divine authority of destruction and death, with that comes the divine rights given to the wards or apostles by gods. The exclusive powers and rights of gods, for Raphael's right it's judgement scythe that combined syrus judgement divinity and his death divinity.

Along with destruction domain and spear of ultimate destruction. From eleanor he inherited the authority over nature, power of creation, bow of cosmos, and spirit realm command rights. Even hilde is terrifued after she got the updated information on Alex through using many of her points.

She is more determined to get the first wife position. She and Alex became closer and closer as the time passed. She even started giving him pecks on cheeks and neck. She is hesitatant to take his first kiss as she don't want a goddess to curse her if she offended one by this.

As Alex is growing well, his training progress is also increased and the training became tougher. Under the resentful gazes of women, the men started training Alex in a more intense and tough training sometimes even making hik bleed and getting a beating from the ladies.

Catherine in particular didn't like this one bit, they're training a former war God that bathed many realms in blood. Killed primordial entities and even swallowed the forces that can erase all creation. She wanted you say as time passes syrus can recover his memories and strength but eleanor told her it's nearly impossible as all those memories are gone while purifying the forces with life flames, in the end Catherine reluctantly agreed to let them train Alex.