
I'm spoiled rotten by the gods

shikamaru77 · Fantasy
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41 Chs

festival of world tree

The next day all decorations are done. The elves also wore ceremonial outfits. They held different instruments. Tonight it will be long and all as they'll dance in front of the world tree without a break and celebrate.

Leno already dress up Alex and Hilde too into the same ceremonial outfits. They have elven blood too so as members related to royal blood elves they must be participate in the festival too. Elizabeth as always was prepared for the celebration.

On the other hand world tree yggdrasil is thinking about the demi god in her land. She broke into cold sweat thinking about her creator, if something happened to that guy even a small injury she knows how overprotective Eleanor can be.

Not mention thinking about the festival she is very scared as at the last all will bow down to the world tree, the problem is here, her lord's child will bow down to her. In the ceremony there is many things like this which made her scared a little.

As she is thinking she felt a presence beside her and saw her creator there looking at her with an amused expression. She smiled a little and said," you don't need worry about anything. Let him do what he does and I won't be mad at you".

Yggdrasil looked at her lord and nodded before saying," but my lord, if young lord bows down to me, how can I let my creator's son and my young master bow down to me", Eleanor chuckled and said," don't worry about anything else. Just enjoy your own festival. It's time for me to see syrus, no it's Alex now".

She teleported away while yggdrasil breathed a sigh of relief. Meanwhile all members of royal family are prepared to do the dance even the children are no exception. As sun is gone in west the night sky like a blanket enveloped world.

All elves started dancing around the world tree yggdrasil with royal family members just near the tree. They're using many types of instruments and shaking then while dancing around the world tree singing about the legend of its birth and expressing their gratitude in purifying the world and looking after them.

They also expressed their gratitude to Eleanor for her grace in giving them such guardian, although clumsy the children are also dancing singing with the adults. Lina, angela, Hilde, Alex and Kevin are dancing in circle around the world tree while singing and playing the little drum like instrument with their hand.

Although their moments looked clumsy it added a cute charm and a harmonious atomosphere to the festival looking at them. As the dance is nearinguts end the leaves are all swirled near the world tree and with a flash yggdrasil humanoid form appeared.

Alex is surprised to see she almost similar to his mother Eleanor except some features like the hair which is silvery white and her dress is made from the leaves and vines giving her a natural beauty, a crown made of vines and flowers is adorned on her head along with bracelets and anklets.

She is looking very beautiful with the smile on her face. When the elves starts bowing down she wanted to stop them but before she can say it they all already bowed down to her. She saw Alex who is also bowing down and said," stand up my children".

The elves stopped bowing down at her words and looked at her curiously previously yggdrasil will only bless them with her fruits or a wave of pure natural nature mana healing any abnormalities elves have.

But now the world tree is here in her humanoid form which made them confused. Yggdrasil like usual sent a healing wave on elves before giving world tree fruits to Elizabeth and spoke," I'm here to see the child blessed upon the emperor leonard and his queen Leno".

Hearing her words leonard and Leno stopped forward with Alex holding their hands. Yggdrasil smiled at them and said," hey little one, come here", Alex moved forward while yggdrasil crouched down and ligted him by his under arms before giving him a gentle smile and carrying him like child.

She turned to leonard and Leno before saying," the children of the two royal families who have elven bloodline come forward", Hilde is a little excited if she'll awaken her elven blood. She, Kevin, Lina and angela moved forward while yggdrasil said," I'll commence your bloodline Awakening. The gods decided to bless you with this grace. As for the blessed one, I'll take him to my realm and awaken his bloodline myself".

She before 4 threads stretched out of her hand merged with the 4 children while a glow is emitted from their body and they lost consciousness. Yggdrasil looked at their parents and said," they'll wake up in a few hours. Don't disturb their bloodline Awakening".

She said before disappearing with Alex leaving the elves dumbfounded. Alex and yggdrasil meanwhile appeared in the realm of Eleanor and they started his bloodline Awakening not only that but also giving him a fairy bloodline, with this Alex can come to Eleanor's realm whenever he wants.

Alex felt a warm feeling which then turned into feeling of lava flowing in his blood, Eleanor called forth the heavenly dragon for his dragon bloodline too. The heavenly dragon gave some blood qi of his to Alex.

Alex's body felt like it's on fire. As he struggled in pain fairy wings appeared first, the elf ears and then the fairy wings retracted themselves before dragon scales started to grew on his hands, and dragon wings appeared from his back along with a tail, he roared in pain to the sky before looking at himself.

He turned to his mother who is smiling at him while the draconic transformation retracted naturally from his body. He is looking more charming than his usual self. The reason Eleanor gave the bloodline awakening is she can't Awaken her and Raphael's blood inside Alex. So she chose this alternative.