
I'm Something of an Adventurer Myself

I have a boring life, but suddenly I get invited to work with THE COMPANY. They might have been a slaver company that sold human beings as a slave, but working for them was not bad. Now, if only the other agents do not create too many troubles for me. = This is Waifu Catalog Inspired Fic. I will mostly follow the Waifu Catalog rules, but I will modify them as I see fit for my story = = To anyone who knows Waifu Catalog, you already know what kind of story you will get. To anyone who did not know, welcome to the biggest power fantasy fic you will ever read. = = Lemon and Lime will not appear in the beginning. I'm not that good at writing Lime and Lemon, but I will try =

Fangrove · Video Games
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16 Chs

Chapter 7: Preparation

After the other is gone and my new partner falls asleep, I open up a portal to my pocket dimension. When I step into my pocket dimension, I can see a massive manor surrounded by forest. I look around for a few seconds and see a beach in the distance.

I walk toward the mansion and open the door when I arrive in front of it. When I open the door, a rush of knowledge gets inside my head. This mansion has more than twenty rooms that are enchanted to be bigger on the inside. Not only that but there is also an underground workshop complete with resources from the current world I'm in.

Each resource can be a monster bone, scale, or even heart. As long as I'm still in this world, the workshop will fill itself up with a resource I can use to make something. Sadly, it only refills every month, and there are limits to how many kinds of resources I can get. I can request what kind of item I want from the computer in the control room.

Speaking of the control room, that is where I control who or what I let into my pocket dimension. Not only that, that is where my computer is located. The computer is a High-End technology that the company gave to me. I can do anything I want with it as long as I have the skill to do it.

The last one is the Armory, which is filled with all kinds of weapons from my previous world and this world. Sadly, there are few weapons from this world, as the Monster Hunter world is more of a costume weapon rather than a mass-produced weapon. That doesn't mean there is none, but there are only a hundred or so mass-produced weapons, unlike Earth.

There are other rooms as well, like the kitchen, bedroom, and the other mundane things that a manor has. The only interesting thing is the self-refilling storage room in the kitchen. I get that fish we eat earlier from this place. There are a lot of high-end ingredients inside, but sadly, they are only ingredients from Earth.

I shake my head and walk to the armory. I need to check something. I walk to the basement where the armory is located and open the door. When I open the door, I can see a lot of weapons, from small arms like a pistol to heavy weapons like a minigun and anti-tank sniper.

I ignore them and walk to the ammo storage. I smile a little when I see row upon row of Heavy Bowgun ammo. Nice. I walk to the small computer in the corner of the room and see how much ammo is in there.

There is ten thousand ammo for each type of ammo. From common gunpowder-based ammo to something rare like Wyvern ammo. Wyvern ammo is an ammo that mimics the Wyvern fire. It creates an explosion that can destroy any monster scale or hide.

I can take as much ammo as I want, as this place will refill every week. Unlike the resource, ammo will be refilled every week. I can take out all the ammo in this place and store it in other containers for unlimited ammo that I can use or sell if I need extra money.

I nod and leave them for now. I'm lucky that I can access them by creating a small portal. I can pretend to take something from my bag and take out extra ammo.

After that, I leave the armory and get out of the manor. I walk around the manor and see five massive warehouses a couple of hundred meters away from the manor. I walk to one of them and see a LOT of material inside the warehouse.

I can even see a whole head of some kind of a dragon among the pile. Unlike the workshop in the manor, this place will be weekly refilled and added new material for every monster or something I find when I explore the world.

Of course, there is a limit to how many types of material I can get, but this is great. Now, I start to regret not getting the engineering talent or power that can give me the ability to make fantasy weapons or items.

The talent I copied (Dame Luchika) did not have any knowledge of how to make weapons. She can make a basic weapon but not the one I got from Elder Fugen. She knows how to make first aid from plants and animals in the wild, but that's it.

Sadly, I don't need it because my [Wild Talent] and [Land Talent] give me advantages when I'm in the wild.

I shake my head and walk out of the warehouse. I walk to the next warehouse and open it. I blink for a second when there is nothing inside. Right! I forget that these warehouses will accommodate my future retinue. I don't have any, and the warehouse is empty.

Oh well.

I walk out of the warehouse and walk back to the portal. I'm done inspecting all the items I need. I walk to the kitchen and take out all the ingredients for my bento for tomorrow's hunt.


|3rd POV|

"Terry! Are you ready?~"

Tsukuyo stands in front of a house. As a hunter, she and the others need to wake up really early so they can arrive at the hunting ground before the afternoon. So here she is, standing before the chicken even awakens.

"You don't need to shout, Tsukuyo."

Tsukuyo grins when she sees Terry walk out of his house while wearing his combat armor. Each hunter-in-training will get a beginner set of armor and weapons that they want to wear to hunt material to make a new and better one.

"You are late!"

"I'm not. You're just too early, Tsukuyo."

"Hmph! Earlier is good."

"Sure. Anyway, here."

Terry gave her the bento he cooked last night.

"Oh? What is this?"

"A bento. I made them for you. A good hunter should not let hunger prevent them from doing their duty."


Tsukuyo cheers and gives Terry a slight hug while having a little drool coming out of her mouth. She still remembers how delicious the food Terry cooked yesterday.

"No problem, Tsukuyo. I think we should get going. We don't want to make Master Utsushi wait."

Tsukuyo quickly releases Terry and has a small blush on her face. She pushes her embarrassment away and quickly nods.

"Yes! Come on!"

Tsukuyu quickly gets on her Palamutes, and her Palicoes sit on her shoulder. Terry shakes his head while smiling and sits on top of Hina. He rubs the dog's neck and says.

"Let's go, Hina."


Kuku quickly sits on Terry's shoulder as Hina starts running. They go through the main street and go to the Buddies Plaza, where Palicoes and Palamutes train to be a hunter partner. Not only that, Terry can see a massive ship at the dock.

Terry knows who owns that ship. The owner is Rondine, the trader, and she is the one who found him in the sea. At the moment, there is no one on the ship, but he can see the Buddies Plaza is already busy.

Many Palicoes and Palamutes are already busy training.

Terry arrives in front of a ship next to Rondine's ship, where he can see Tsukuyo and the other soon-to-be hunter already gathering around.

"Ah, Terry! It looks like we all are here."

Master Utsushi gives them all a bright smile and says.

"Alright! Get on the ship! We will set sail!"

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Fangrovecreators' thoughts