
I'm Sixteen

Coming from a poor and indebted family, "Mildra," a girl born and bred in Africa (Ghana) finds herself in the hands of brutal and wicked people who use her as a sex slave to pay for her family debts. Will she survive?

Vanessa_Somuah · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter 5

"Tell me about yourself". I sit on a table adjacent to the couch and hold her hands which feels very cold.

She stammers and begins her story

"My name is Mildra Hanson, I'm Sixteen years of age, I come from a village in the Eastern Region known as Kwahu. I'm the first of six children". I interrupt and ask "So what are you doing here?"

She heaves a sigh and continues; "My parents are both hardworking farmers but the economic hardship was too much for them to bear. Because my dad knew the importance of education he invested all the little money he gained from his farm produce into our schooling."

"Things became difficult after my mum suddenly feel ill and we had no one to turn to. My dad was aggrieved and sought money from all his friends to treat my dying mother but all his friends were just farmers like him and had nothing."

"We were home one evening when one of my father's friends came looking for him.

He told my dad he could help him get the money but he would have to pay the money with interest and on time else face the consequences."

My dad agreed and the very next day his friend took him to one "Hajia's place who was a rich woman in the community.

The woman gave my dad the money and warned him to settle the debt on time else he would be found wanting. He had no other option than to agree so he could save my mother.

My mother became well again and things went back to normal. My parents worked hard in order to settle the debts but the interest was so high it was impossible to finish paying up.

I came back from school one afternoon to find heavily built men in our compound with guns with my parents kneeling and begging the Hajia to give them more time to finish paying the debt. But the woman refused and insisted she wanted her money or else she was seizing our house and everything in it.

I immediately put my school bag on the ground and joined my parents in pleading with her. She looked at me and said

"Ah Mr and Mrs Hanson you have a beautiful daughter like this and I'm worrying myself. I will only give your house back to you if she comes work for me to settle the debts you owe me."