Core World: NTR:Netsuzou Trap First World: Rakudai Kishi No Calvary --------- Ren was a normal young man, with a single extra detail, who slept with his friends' girlfriends. Which cost him his life when one found out
Friday had arrived, the day that most students were looking forward to, since with that day their 3 days of rest began, unless they had to study for an exam or do homework. So in an apartment where a pale gray-haired young man with a purple-haired woman, they watched the television with the latter on the former's lap.
"We woke up early today" - Said the young man with pale gray hair, also known as Fujiwara Ren, who was passing his hand through the girl's hair in an affectionate way
"That was because we slept early, I don't even feel the exhaustion of our activity yesterday" - The purple-haired young woman, also known as Mizushina Hotaru, replied, who was lying on Ren's chest, her eyes showing satisfaction when she felt his hand in her hair.
"Yes, we have a couple and a half hours to spend" - Ren nodded at Hotaru's words - "We should buy a console, to pass our time" - Ren said, while he watched television without finding any interesting program to watch.
"We can buy it when we come back from school, for now let's spend our time like this" - Hotaru nodded at Ren's words, since before they could not afford a console, since they saved the money for when the government will stop helping them, and so on have something saved to use at that time.
"I also think the same" - Ren answered affirmatively towards Hotaru, since it would be a good idea to buy the console on the way home - "We will buy the Play 5" - Ren said, while looking at Hotaru, to which she nodded since she could not see no problem.
"How is your conquest with Yuma?" - Hotaru asked curiously, since she had noticed how easily Ren had made Yuma look at him, although remembering the power of he kiss, she only nodded. As a girl with zero experience when it comes to pleasure, she would be easily conquered by feeling the enormous pleasure that Ren's kisses provided.
Even she, who was very experienced on the subject, was easily 'corrupted' by he kisses, to the point that she only had thoughts about him every time she looked at him. So Hotaru couldn't imagine how Yuma would be.
"Okay, I'm getting closer and closer to her" -Ren answered with a calm smile on he face- "Last night I asked her if she wanted to continue, and after thinking about it a bit, she accepted" -.
"So it could be said that she is falling towards my charms"- Ren finished, while he smiled at Hotaru, who listened to all that calmly while she looked at him.
"Or rather, she's falling for your kisses" -said Hotaru with a funny smile on her face- "Seriously, your kisses are addictive for women who kiss you. Fortunately, you said that you would choose carefully the women that interest you. "-Hotaru looked towards Ren, as she finished saying her words.
"You're hurting my pride by saying that" - Laughing at her words, Ren tightened her cheeks - "Now how about we talk about something, like my girlfriend, don't you mind me looking for other girls?" Ren asked with a calm smile appearing on his face.
Hotaru, upon hearing her question, laughed slightly- "I think you already know the answer, but as you said, we are despicable and selfish people, who harm others just to keep ourselves happy" -.
Placing her hand on Ren's cheek while pausing in her words, she looked him straight in the eye - "That's why we are so compatible, because when I'm with you I feel calm and relaxed, I feel at peace" - Finishing saying that, Hotaru approached Ren and gave him a kiss.
Parting her lips from he after a few seconds, Hotaru licked her lips while she looked at him- "Besides, I don't think I can live without your kisses anymore." -And with those words, Hotaru leaned back on Ren's chest. .
Ren upon hearing her words smiled more widely- "Then he gladly accepted your 'confession of love'" -kissing Hotaru after finishing he words, that's how the two stayed for a few minutes and then parted ways.
"And I accept your confirmation." -Answering between gasps, Hotaru said that as a smile appeared on her face.
"So now we are formally a couple." Laughing slightly at the end of he words, Ren affectionately stroked Hotaru's head, then continued watching television.
"Yes, now we are formal boyfriend and girlfriend" - Smiling towards Ren, Hotaru returned to focus on television, thus spending a few minutes watching only the latter, since they had a couple of hours to go to school.
So they spent several minutes watching various programs to pass the time, and then later they went to cook and prepare breakfast. Since they had spent 30 minutes on television, and it was time to get ready.
After cooking a simple breakfast of miso soup, steamed rice with vegetables for several minutes, the two of they grabbed the part of them and sat on the table to eat in silence comfortable, with the television in the background making noise, while from time to time they talked to each other.
Finishing breakfast, the two of them again realized a shower and then went to their room and took out their uniforms, which Ren put to wash at night and then dry, since he had left the other uniforms at home and had to look for it, in this days.
They left the apartment after an hour and 30 minutes as they took their time bathing and dressing, finally leaving the place. To find a surprising Yuma, wake up at that time
Yuma turning her gaze towards Ren blushed, while at the same time she greeted them- "Good morning Hotaru-Chan, Ren-Kun" - Approaching the two, while she unconsciously moved closer to Ren.
Hotaru seeing Yuma's movement only smiled softly, since although her plan could not be put into action, she had a boyfriend who had made his own plans, and although she already had Ren. Hotaru also wanted Yuma to stay with them.
"Good morning, Yuma-chan" - Saluting at the same time with Hotaru having a soft smile on her face, and with Ren with his calm smile on he face. The small group of three people headed towards the school, while they had a conversation between them
In which Yuma every time she looked at Ren she blushed as her gaze went to her lips in an unconscious way. Since she every time she observed him always in her mind the pleasure that he could provide her was repeated.
Seeing that, Hotaru and Ren simply smiled as if nothing had happened, as their claws had sunk into Yuma's skin and there was nothing they could do to rescue her. It was only left that she herself fell and succumbed to her desire
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