
I'm really in the Doraemon!?

[Note: The system will make its appearance in Chapter 10.] As an average individual, I never imagined that the cliché trope of a truck, often seen in otaku culture, would be the means to transport me into a parallel universe. Initially, I believed that my new surroundings were merely another version of reality, a parallel world. However, much to my surprise, I found myself in the universe of Doraemon—a beloved anime and comic from my previous life. (Note: There will be some difference in novel's timeline and the canon, to have a stable pace. Due to the canon have inconsistent timeline in every episode since it's a kids comics and it almost have the same pace as Detective Conan.) (Read advance chapters in Patreon.com/NewComer714.)

NewComer714 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Ken's chaotic pov


Advance chapters on P@treon.com/NewComer714.

Discord: https://discord.gg/rxWtvxd2

You can copy the link of the discord on P@treon page.


Ken's perspective:

"G-Good morning, everyone," Nobita stammered, his voice cracking like a rusty old radio trying to tune in.

I turned around to find Nobita doing his best impression of a magician's grand entrance—poof, he popped out of nowhere, as if he had just been beamed in from another dimension.

"Hey there, Nobita! So, when exactly did you acquire the mystical powers of invisibility to appear out of nowhere? I totally missed that upgrade," I said with a playful grin, taking a few steps closer.

"Um... Just now," Nobita replied, his cheeks turning a shade of pink that could rival a cherry blossom.

"Uh... Alright," I nodded knowingly, mentally adding another point to the tally of times he used Doraemon's gadgets to escape the clutches of tardiness.

"Oh, by the way, I've already spread the word to everyone about the impending party. You know the one we're hosting later," I chimed in, punctuating the sentence with a friendly pat on Nobita's shoulder.

"I know," Nobita nodded in agreement, his expression suggesting that this particular piece of information had been hammered into his brain with the subtlety of a sledgehammer.

As if on cue, the teacher chose that moment to make a dramatic entrance of their own—like a knight in a slightly crumpled suit of armor—to officially kick off the day's educational adventure.

With the teacher's arrival, the air shifted from casual chatter to the melodious tune of knowledge being imparted, or at least, that was the plan. I must admit, my attention had a way of wandering through the windows and into the world beyond.

Time waltzed on, or rather stumbled awkwardly, as the teacher conducted the symphony of learning until the crescendo of the bell released us from its spell. And boy, were we all ready to break free.

As the classroom doors swung open, the exuberance of a thousand unleashed children filled the air. It was like a zoo just after the gates had been flung wide open—unpredictable, chaotic, and oddly exhilarating.

Amidst the tornado of excitement, a handful of brave souls extended invitations for me to join in the merriment. In a moment that could only be described as sheer genius, I graciously declined. Sometimes, you've got to embrace the art of selective participation.

With the flurry of activity fading, I found myself in the company of the remaining few—Nobita, our motley crew of friends, and yours truly. The camaraderie was palpable as we huddled, conspiring about the details of the impending social gathering.

And just like that, as if a cue had been whispered through the wind, we dispersed like confetti in a sudden gust, each of us on a mission to prepare for the party of the year.

As I made my way home, a scene of orchestrated chaos greeted me. My mother, Ruri, along with a squadron of her trusted aides, was orchestrating a whirlwind of preparations that could put a Broadway show to shame.

"Ken-chan, welcome back! The stage is set, and the show is ready to begin. You and your merry band are in for quite the adventure," Ruri greeted me with a warmth that could rival the summer sun. It felt like just yesterday that I was a pint-sized troublemaker under her watchful eye.

I returned her smile with a nod of gratitude, my curiosity piqued. "Is dad at his usual grind?"

Ruri chuckled, the sound carrying the familiarity of a cherished melody. "You know your father too well, my dear. Even if a life of leisure beckons, he's got the energy of a perpetual motion machine. Work is his passion, or perhaps his kryptonite. He'll be home before you know it."

With a knowing nod, I retreated to my domain—my room—where the mysteries of the day waited to be unraveled.

Summoning the ethereal power of thought, I accessed the mysterious system panel, embarking on a quest to uncover the forgotten everyday task.

"Task: Survey. Behold the sacred list before you, and pick a gem of your choice. In return, treasures shall be bestowed upon thee."

I furrowed my brow, a maze of confusion forming on my face. A survey? I couldn't recall signing up for any cosmic questionnaire.

Engaging further, the extended info emerged like a phoenix from the ashes:

"Survey: Choose your chariot of preference:

A: Car-kun

B: Bus-kun

C: Train-kun

D: Truck-kun."

My forehead furrowed deeper, as if the very wrinkles were conspiring against this kun-infused charade. And then it hit me like a bolt of cosmic irony—was this the handiwork of that infamous Truck-kun, the very one who had whisked me away to this realm?

With a shrug that screamed, "Why not?" I cast my lot with option D.

"Rejoice! Victory is yours! Reward: 2 Copycat slots!"

Hot diggity dog! I was on fire today. The stars had aligned, and I had cracked the code of the mysterious survey, tracing its origin back to the notorious Truck-kun.

But wait, there was more—a pull, a whisper from the depths of curiosity. So, with the bravery of a time traveler stepping into an uncharted era, I delved deeper into the rabbit hole of the system panel.

[Inventory: 1x Dokodemo Door (Expand)]

It was a cunning riddle, a challenge to the wise. Only when I applied my arcane touch to the inventory tab did the hidden scroll of "expand" reveal itself beside the legendary Dokodemo Door.

Intrigued, I danced on the precipice of discovery and tapped "expand," unleashing a cascade of knowledge about the mysterious Door.

[Dokodemo Door: Invented by the genius Dr. Hartman. A once-forbidden vehicle of teleportation in the mists of the 22nd century. Our imitation, a homage to Doraemon's fabled door, has been gifted with an extra sprinkling of stardust by the system. While Doraemon's door may gallivant through a galaxy up to 100,000 light years away—no small feat—our version ups the ante with a ticket to parallel worlds.]

Hold the intergalactic phone! Did I just stumble upon a cosmic paradox, a puzzle piece that didn't fit? A door that could whisk me away to parallel dimensions I had already traversed? It was as if reality itself had been edited with a cosmic highlighter.

But wait, rewind, let's give credit where it's due—Doraemon's door could traverse an interstellar marathon of 100,000 light years. Impressive, no doubt, but it was a sprinter to my marathoner. My ride had the unlimited pass to Anywhere-town.

Ah, the possibilities! My Door could take me to the heart of the Sahara, the peaks of the Himalayas, or even... well, why not, Nobita's room for starters.

And in that blinding moment, a revelation thundered through me, shattering the walls of doubt and hesitation. Why on earth—no, why in the universe—was I fussing over party preparations like a dandelion in a windstorm? My trusty Dokodemo Door was the ultimate party planner, capable of whisking me anywhere I desired.

But alas, the sands of time had slipped through the hourglass, and the train of preparation had already left the station. The door to party paradise remained tantalizingly open, yet I had chosen a more circuitous route.

A resigned sigh escaped my lips, mingling with the wistful echo of missed opportunities. Oh, how fickle fate could be, weaving its tapestry of choices and consequences.

And there, in the depths of my musings, I found myself at the crossroads of memory lane and the information superhighway. Was there a way to jog my recollections, to mend the frayed threads of time?

The words echoed in my mind like a mantra—I needed a good smack, a figurative jolt to shake the cobwebs of forgetfulness.

"Somebody, give me a good smack!" (AN: I will, if you don't stop the drama!)


Advance chapters on P@treon.com/NewComer714.

Discord: https://discord.gg/rxWtvxd2

You can copy the link of the discord on P@treon page.


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