
I'm Playing Celestial Skills In Ishgar (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail I'm Playing Celestial Skills In Ishgar

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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298 Chs

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Seventieth chapter Jellal (second more)

I saw a foot in diameter crater of hundreds of meters, and around the pit, and it is a mess, seem to have been plowed over like.

Under the circular pit, Spire traces still remained.

In addition, it is a stone with countless corpses.

Seeing this, Su Jue nodded with satisfaction.

Thunderstruck is now able to release his strongest Thunder, though just not used fully, but the power is not weak.


While hasty footsteps from behind, Su Jue turned to look and found that the Lahore with a group of council members to drive over.

"This is..."

See under circular pit, when with numerous charred bodies, Lahore and his body council members are stunned and speechless.

Although they have all read some books, heard a powerful mage enough to destroy the terrain, but really see, but still the first time.

"R prototype system has to get rid of, but on the island there are many workers were imprisoned."

Su Jue pointed to the surrounding Not far away, there are many seats piled-rock prison cell.

"I see, so we are going to liberate them!"

Lahore nodded, and subsequently council members behind, and go and liberate cell inside a Labor seat.

"Young, Makarov these years flies right?"

After seeing things understood, and Rob was relieved, turned and looked Su Jue, look kindly said.

"You say the president ah, his old body healthiness, life is very joyful."

"But how do you know our president?"

Su Jue said, pretending to be puzzled.

In fact, Su Jue early as Rob mobilize magic, he has guessed his identity a.

However, although Su Jue know who Rob, but the other information would have to be blocked, except Makarov personally say it, but only a very small number of people know Rob's identity.

So naturally as Su Jue I do not know.

"Yes, in fact I am also a member of Fairy Tail's!"

Rob nodded, then turned, took off his shirt, revealing a large Fairy Tail behind the coat of arms!

"What exactly is going on?"

Su Jue frown, or look "confused" inquired.

"Oh! Long story ah!"

"When for some reason, resulting in the loss of my magic, it will be caught here."

Rob sighed and said with a look of melancholy.

See Rob did not elaborate, Su Jue will not continue to ask.

He then walked slowly to the port at, where Su is the first stop Jue landed on the island.

On the road, Su Jue tells the Fairy Tail guild and change many of the new members, while Rob is a look of nostalgia.

"Rob Grandpa!"

Soon, Su Jue and Rob came to the port, then there is a voice.

"So is Millianna ah!"

Rob looked ran the Millianna, look kindly.

See Millianna, Su Jue is immediately recognized each other's identity.

For sister, Su Jue still impresses.

And if not ahead of him from the hands of the Mission black magic, the village of Mary Rhodes him down, perhaps Erza will come here, and Millianna become one pair of good friends.

Glancing around, Su Jue found plenty to keep him familiar children.

Such is the empty, midnight, cobra and other future Six Demon will.

In addition, there is a cause Su Jue attention to children.

That is short blue hair, right there at some kind of magic runes coat of arms.

The child is Jellal!

But Jellal not original in that after being used Ultear, you can not get Grimoire Heart covert support, naturally can not learn magic objects.

Perhaps, since then, he will become an ordinary person.

Gently shook his head, Su Jue not control the guy, but with Rob and Millianna, the magic to ship around.

Although there is no blood relationship, but in the VIII island experience, so Rob will Millianna long as his granddaughter, it also has been close at hand.

After about half an hour later, Lahore and other personnel will complete release of all labor, return to the magic warships.

Standing above the deck of the battleship magic, Su Jue looked VIII moving away from the island, stretched out his right hand.

"Now that we have rescued all the labor, the island also keep the scourge."

"Rather than do dark council to re-use, not as a direct destroy!"

The cold wave white Cong Su Jue right hand palm surfaced, low temperatures, even around him have to bear a thin layer of frost.

Mana terror from Su Jue body broke out into a thousand white cold speed soar sky.

Then the cold white which shares a moment to construct enough to have a thousand-meter-high iceberg!

"Ice Emperor tactic – the thrill of climbing the fall!"

With Su Jue's voice down, huge icebergs from the sky, directly to VIII islands fall! *