
I'm Peter Parker, so what?

We all know the guy friendly and at the same time the hero in the neighborhood, Peter Parker or the other person of a spider. But this story will be completely different, our hero is not an altruist that we are used to seeing him. And a person that acts only for his good. Join if you are interested in what adventures the Universe of Marvel has prepared for him!

Ratnik · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 46


I express my deep gratitude to these people for supporting me on Patreon:

Abner Vicente, Farhaan Talati, Chamar Ellis, Tronic42, Alex Huynh, DeathE, Luck George, Bellajsuss, L3oking, clement MARIE, Ruzzzy, Devor, Utkarsh Apoorva, kabier hashimi, Cbnr2336, Joe Thigpen, Maggie329, Kenechukwu Nkem-ossai, Shairon Thompson


Chapter 46


- So what are we going to do? - I looked at Aunt May, who was still in shock at this situation. However, my mental state was also uneasy.

- 'Peter... I think you should accept this inheritance. You can't let all this hard work go to waste.

- But Aunt May, it's incredibly difficult to control such a huge company. Besides, I'm still young, and I don't think their board will just accept me.

- Now, Peter, I understand how you feel. But haven't you forgotten your uncle taught you not to back down in the face of adversity? I want you to take over this company, even if you don't succeed, you have to try and do your best. Norman Osborne entrusted the company to you, his son's former friend, so he saw something special in you, so don't let me down! - Aunt May took a pen and quickly signed all the documents. And now it was up to me to do it.

- Haa, I feel that headache... - I sighed tiredly, and then reluctantly signed all the papers and went to school. After all, you can go to the company in the evening...




On the way to the school, my phone suddenly rang. It was Liz calling me, which surprised me a little because I would have seen her in a minute.

- Good morning, Liz. - I began the conversation by saying hello.

- Peter, please come to me right away! - A panic-filled voice came through the phone and then the call dropped.

- Fuck! - I swore, and then quickly changed into my suit and flew to Liz's house, afraid that something had happened to her.

The whole flight took less than a minute, so when I landed near her house, I put the suit away and then ran to her.

- Liz, where are you?! - I shouted as I broke into her house.

- Over here Peter...I'm here. - I heard the girl's anxious voice from the garden.

Quickly running there, I saw a middle-aged woman, and a literally burning Liz.

- Liz!? - I said in surprise, realizing that it was the effect of her innate abilities.

- Peter, please don't be afraid, I'm fine! - The girl immediately rejoiced, despite her condition.

- Hmm, so you are Peter Parker? Pleased to meet you, my name is Dorias Allen. I'm Liz's mother. - the woman extended her hand.

- Nice to meet you. - I shook it back, and then I looked at the girl.

- I see you're not really surprised by her appearance.

- Huh, you know. There are so many strange things going on in the world that you can't be surprised at such things. It's her special powers, right? What kind are they? And why doesn't she put herself out? - I asked her some important questions.

- Ehhh. It started when Liz was four years old. That's when she first "lit up" for three seconds and burned down the couch. After that, we called in the specialists and it turns out my daughter has x-gene. Or as some people like to call it, she's a mutant. Since then, Liz has had occasional outbursts, but they disappeared pretty quickly, so I didn't see the point of putting her in a school for kids like her. But today, she was on fire for the third hour in a row, so we decided it would be best if she went to a special school after all. And Liz called you to give you a heads-up.


- What!? Liz, you're leaving!? Going where!? - I walked briskly over to her and grabbed her hands.

- NO, PETER! - She was afraid I was going to get burned, but nothing happened to me. So there were incredibly surprised expressions on the faces of my girlfriend and her mother.

- Peter... you... you have some powers, too? - Liz whispered.

- Yes, I'm sorry I kept it from you. I thought you'd be scared of me.

- I understand and I don't blame you. - Liz smiled as she continued to glower.

- Peter, don't worry about me. As it turns out, the school for 'gifted children' is in the northeast corner of Westchester County, so you can visit me anytime.

- I hope you're all here, or Liz's kind of coming over. - came Dorias' voice from behind us.

Turning around I saw two people, a man and a girl.

The man was about forty years old. He had a beard and a strange slightly wild hairstyle. He had a rather thick cigar sticking out of his mouth, and his face looked like it was begging to be hit.

The girl, on the other hand, she looked a little older than Liz. She was quite pretty, despite her short hair. And the black lipstick, and the bubble gum she was blowing bubbles out of, gave her the look of a rebel.

- Put it on, it'll block your powers. - the man tossed something that looked like Liz's collar.

- First of all, introduce yourself as who you are.

- Second, more respect in your voice. You shouldn't talk out of turn to someone you've just met. If you do a job, do it well.

- And third, what the hell kind of collar is that?! Don't you have a better device?

The man was about to step forward and say something, but the girl beat him to it. He must have a shitty temper, and she knew it.

- My name is Ellie Feemister, and this is my colleague James Howlett. Sorry about his behavior, he's not very cooperative. As for the device, unfortunately it's the only kind of portable type. So she'll have to wear it for a while.

- Hmm, that's better. - I nodded, and then walked over to Liz.

- Liz, looks like you're going to have to wear it. - I lifted the device.

- It's okay Peter, it's fine. It's just a temporary inconvenience after all. - Liz smiled, and then I slipped it around her neck.

A light on the device turned on, and then the flames on her body went out, and she returned to her beautiful self.

- When you get to school, if you don't like something or are treated badly, call me. I'll rush over and show them I'm not to be pissed off. Anyway, I'll visit you in a few days. So don't miss me. - I kissed my girlfriend and then they walked towards the exit of the house. Where an expensive black SUV was waiting for them. Apparently this school was a wealthy school, so the staff could afford to drive around in it for nothing. Liz waved at me once more, then got into the car and they drove off.

- Well, Mrs. Allen. Since Liz isn't here anymore, I won't be long. It was nice to meet you! - I didn't give her any time to say anything, and quickly ran out of her sight before she started asking me unnecessary questions....


Early access on my Patreon. Chapter 75 is already available.
