
I'm Peter Parker, so what?

We all know the guy friendly and at the same time the hero in the neighborhood, Peter Parker or the other person of a spider. But this story will be completely different, our hero is not an altruist that we are used to seeing him. And a person that acts only for his good. Join if you are interested in what adventures the Universe of Marvel has prepared for him!

Ratnik · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 41


I express my deep gratitude to these people for supporting me on Patreon:

Abner Vicente, Farhaan Talati, Chamar Ellis, Tronic42, Alex Huynh, DeathE, Luck George, Bellajsuss, L3oking, clement MARIE, Ruzzzy, Devor, Utkarsh Apoorva


Chapter 41


I didn't interfere right away, I just got closer and started to observe their actions, remembering to turn on invisibility.

 - Why did we come here? - MJ asked, a little sobered by the cold air.

 - Why do you think guys and girls get together in dark alleys like this? - replied one of the guys, and started to get at one of the girls, and she didn't mind.

 - W-what? - The girl was surprised, and then started to pull back, towards the exit of the alley, but her plans went awry when she hit the chest of one of the guys who had blocked her escape route.

 - Where do you think you're going? - he grinned at a startled MJ.

 - I have to go home now. - She tried to run past him, but the guy grabbed her arm.

 - No, don't touch me! Harry, help me! - There was real fear on her face.

 - Don't be afraid MJ, you'll love it. They resisted the first time too, but now you see their faces filled with bliss and desire. - Harry grinned as he approached MJ.

 - No, please don't! - MJ started to back away until she ran into a wall.

 - Don't worry, MJ. You know, I liked you at first sight, so if you don't resist, we'll treat you gently. - Harry had this smirk on his face that immediately made my hands itch. I decided it was time to act, because MJ's face was already incredibly pale and tears of despair were streaming from her eyes.


- MJ, is that you?" I said as I stepped out of invisibility and started walking toward the scum.

 - Peter!? Please help me! - The girl's excited voice was immediately heard, and then she burst out crying and ran up to me.

- What's going on here? I was walking by and I heard a strange noise, are you okay? - I turned to MJ.

But she didn't answer, she tried to say something, but nervous sobs prevented her from doing so.

- Hey, who are you? Get outta here while you're still in one piece! - pulled out a knife from the man who had previously blocked MJ's path and then started walking toward me.

- I suggest you put that toy away before it ends up in your ass. - I said dismissively.

- You asked for it, kid! - He jumped at me with a wicked grin on his face.

Except he was too slow and weak for me. Easily knocking the knife out of his hand, I caught it in mid-air, and then being behind him did what I promised, which was to stick the blade right into his anus.

- AAAH! - He squealed in pain like a slaughtered pig. But I didn't want to hear him scream, so I knocked him out with a blow to the neck.

The rest of the pack of bastards got a good scare, witnessing what had happened to their friend. Without giving them time to say anything, I quickly attacked them and knocked them all out, not touching Harry yet.

- You two, get lost. - I glanced briefly at the shaking girls, then ignored them and started walking toward Harry, who was standing there with his eyes bulging.

- What are you doing, you bastard, trying to rape your own classmate, huh? - I glared at him furiously, which made Harry go pale.

- Peter, I can explain everything..." he started to justify himself.

- I don't need you to explain, you bastard. If you go near her again, you'll be sorry! - When I finished, I hit him hard in the face, from which he immediately fell to the ground with a broken nose and lost consciousness.

Before leaving this place with MJ, I left beacons on all the guys. After all, it was stupid to just let this rabble go. I decided to come back for them deep into the night.



- Ajay, are you okay? - I walked over to the girl who had calmed down from watching me beat up guys.

- Yeah, thank you, Peter. If it wasn't for you... I don't even want to imagine what they did to me, you were right then and I should have listened to you. - Her tears started coming out again, and then she jumped up to me and gave me a big hug.

It made my eye twitch. After all, I already started dating two girls at the same time after so many problems, and here after the rescue, may be born feelings in another, which is not good.

- Come on, calm down, let me walk you home. - I gently patted her on the back, and then gently pushed her away from me, leading her to the main street to catch a cab....


It took us about thirty minutes to get to MJ's house, and she didn't say anything. Apparently it was a real blow to her, but she'll be smarter next time.

- Thanks again for everything, Peter. - I finally heard her voice as the cab pulled up outside her house.

- Don't mention it, we're classmates and friends after all. You don't have to worry about those bastards anymore, I don't think they'll dare to bother you again.

- Yeah, I hope so. - A smile finally appeared on her face, and then she suddenly moved closer to me and kissed me.

My brain shut down from that, not realizing how the events had gone on like that, and when I did regain mental clarity, MJ was already on the doorstep of her house, waving goodbye. And only the taste of strawberries on my lips testified that I had not imagined it.....

- You're a lucky guy, not everyone can pick up such a girl. - smirked at me at that moment, looking at me through the rearview mirror.

- Haa, it's not that simple. - I shook my head and then gave him my home address....




After returning home, I quickly went up to my room and decided to talk to Venom, since she was being very quiet.

- Venom, why aren't you saying anything? - I asked my question.

- After the healing, I have too little energy left, so I'm saving it so I don't lose the ability to talk. - The symbiote answered quietly, and then I remembered that I had promised her to find phenothylamine.

- Haa, I completely forgot about that, sorry. Tomorrow I'll find it for you in large quantities, and today I'll let you eat a few heads..." I said somewhat bloodthirstily.

- Okay. - She said quietly again, but this time I could feel the joy in her voice. And when the clock finally struck one o'clock in the morning, I left the house to punish the bastards....


Early access on my Patreon. Chapter 62 is already available.
