
I'm Patricia

When the gateway to the realm of beasts was opened, a multitude of perilous creatures were unleashed upon the human world, resulting in significant damage and loss of human life. In light of their family's impoverished state, Patricia, a resilient young girl, and her twin brother Patrick, a skilled wizard, made the decision to embark on a quest to vanquish these beasts and earn much-needed funds. Operating covertly, they harnessed their extraordinary abilities, harboring the hope of evading detection. Their endeavors progressed smoothly until an unexpected turn of events transpired—the inspector uncovered their true identities. This revelation completely upended their lives, compelling them to embark on a new and challenging journey. During their arduous expedition, they were approached by a nobleman who enlisted their services to slay a formidable dragon. Now faced with this daunting task, what fate awaits the twins? How will they confront such a ferocious creature?

Dream_catch · Fantasy
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83 Chs

Lost and Found

As the deafening roar echoed through the forest, both Patrick and Jacob flinched in alarm.

" What the hell is this?"

Jacob quickly realized the significance of the sound. "What you just heard is the dragon... This island is indeed Majorca, and we've finally arrived."

Patrick felt a mix of emotions. He was relieved that they had reached the island, but his concern for his sister and Lilith intensified.

"This is not good!" Patrick exclaimed urgently. "We must search for the girls before the dragon finds them."

" I think that will take a lot of time", Jacob remarked. "Although the island isn't very large, the forest is incredibly dense."

"We could use our magic to fly," Patrick suggested. "It would make it much easier to spot them."

"That's something you should never do on this island," Jacob cautioned. "Abeloth will immediately notice you and catch you. We must keep ourselves hidden as long as possible."

Patrick's frustration grew, and he pushed Jacob away. "Are you saying that I should just stay still while the girls could be in great danger?"

Jacob sighed, understanding Patrick's concern. He knew it wouldn't be easy to convince him to wait, but he had to try to keep them safe.

We need a plan," Jacob suggested firmly. "Flying recklessly will only put everyone in more danger. Let's think this through and come up with a strategy to locate everyone without drawing attention to ourselves."

Patrick clenched his teeth in frustration but ultimately agreed to follow Jacob's lead.

"Alright, what should we do?" Patrick asked.

Jacob began to explain their plan. "The dragon resides within a large cave in the mountains, and it can detect even the slightest movements. We need to stay away from it and leave signals for the others to find us."

Patrick was curious. "I assume this isn't your first time on this island."

Jacob chuckled. "You're right; I've been here before."

Patrick pressed, "Is there really a diamond mine here?"

Jacob laughed heartily. "I thought you were smarter, Patrick."

Perplexed, Patrick asked, "What do you mean?"

" Jacob replied with a knowing tone, "Can't you see that the nobleman who hired you simply wants to get rid of you? Even if there were a diamond mine, there's no chance for you to hunt that dragon. How could you accept such a ridiculous mission?"

Patrick sighed, recalling how his sister had signed the contract without consulting him.

"Well," Patrick said, "there's nothing we can do about it now. That dragon is just a beast. There must be some way to capture it."

Jacob glared at Patrick for a moment, but then a sly smile crossed his face.

"Good luck with that," he said. "You do realize you'll be on your own, right?"

Patrick looked hopeful. "What about you? Will you help me?"

"Our deal was to bring you to the island, and we've already fulfilled that part," Jacob explained. "Hunting the dragon wasn't part of our agreement, so you'll have to handle that on your own. Am I wrong?"

Patrick couldn't argue with Jacob's logic. It was his mission, and he had to see it through.

"Fine," Patrick conceded, "but at least help me find Patricia and Lilith before you go."

Jacob wore a smirk on his face as he replied, "I believe you might be misunderstanding something, Patrick. While we've fulfilled our part of the agreement, you have yet to complete yours. You agreed to help us open the gateway to the world of the monsters, and we won't be leaving until you fulfill that mission."

Patrick countered with a bright smile meant to irk Jacob. "But what if the dragon ends up killing me? Won't that jeopardize your mission impossible?"

Jacob didn't seem affected by Patrick's attempts to provoke him. "No need to worry; we won't help you hunt the dragon, but we'll ensure your survival," he assured with a thumbs-up, maintaining that annoying smile. "Rest assured and do your best."

Patrick realized that he wouldn't get a rise out of Jacob:

" Shut up and let's start searching for them. "

As they ventured deeper into the forest, Jacob left magical marks on the trees.

"If anyone touches them, I'll be able to feel it and immediately locate their position," he explained to Patrick.

"That's like setting up a spider trap!" Patrick remarked.

Jacob nodded. "Exactly."

Patrick was curious. "How did you acquire such an ability?"

Jacob explained, "I've spent a significant amount of time in the wilderness, observing various animals and honing my skills. With practice, you can reach this level of proficiency."

Patrick, though curious to learn more, allowed his pride to prevent further questions. Instead, he asserted, "I'm still young. I'm certain that as I grow older, I'll become much stronger."

Jacob patted Patrick's head and wore a warm smile this time. "Absolutely. I have no doubt about that. To be honest, I'm quite impressed that a wizard at your age has such great abilities."

Patrick briefly felt reassured by Jacob's encouraging words, something he hadn't experienced much outside of his sister's support. However, he reminded himself not to let his guard down, especially when it came to the captain and his crew, whose intentions were still uncertain.

As they walked through the forest, Jacob suddenly stopped, his senses heightened. Patrick inquired, "What's wrong, Jacob?"

Jacob replied, "Someone touched my traps. I know where they are. Come on, let's go."

In an instant, Jacob teleported both of them to the exact location, ready to discover who had triggered the magical traps.

When they arrived at the exact location, Patrick was very surprised to see Lilith.


He was taken aback to find Lilith in such a dire condition. He rushed to her side, catching her before she could collapse.

"LILITH! ARE YOU OKAY?" Patrick inquired with concern, his eyes filled with worry.

Lilith, struggling to speak, managed to whisper, "I...I'm thirsty."

Patrick quickly offered her some water, but his mind was racing, and he was scanning their surroundings, searching for any sign of Patricia.

"Where is Patricia?" he asked Lilith urgently. "Wasn't she with you?"

Lilith shook her head weakly. "No, I haven't seen her since we were on the ship."

Patrick's shock was palpable. "But didn't she get on the boat with you?"

Lilith's voice trembled as she replied, "What boat? I lost consciousness during the storm, and when I woke up, I was alone on this island..."