
The King Of Beasts Arrives

Now that I have got the map I need to find the key and cure Kaori completely. Even though she has woken up but her energy is almost depleted. If this keeps up she will lose her life.

"Adel I am fine no need to go to such a dangerous place to find the cure. I am your sword, I can't...."

"Calm down Kaori, your energy is depleted you know. If you try to move too much you will faint again."

"Ability DYNAMIC CREATION activate!"

"Create-Perfect Golem"

"Golem carry her and don't let her face any kind of danger."

"Understood master!"

"Wow my dear so the golems you create have their intelligence and they look quite strange."

(Avila asks with curiosity in her mind.)

"Well, they are actually robots. I call them golem because they sound more fantasy-like. Hehe!"

"Adel no need to make them carry me. I can walk on my...."

"Hahahaha! you are fine? If you are fine then why are you sulking like that after only a few words."