
I'm only a human

In the quite world of Claudine Different kind of race's lives there and each race has a Rank, human being the lowest, and god's being the highest rank possible, of course there still different kind of race like elves, ogre, angel. demon, and many more. Nolan is an 12 years old and an orphan that become an outcast from the only kingdom of human, because of his weak skills, when he got kicked out of the kingdom he does everything to survive from the Vast wilderness will he survive or die in vain. But no one knows that he has a hidden skill. but it's painful. oh, I almost forgot everyone has a skill system but no stat.

Terdy_of_death · Action
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4 Chs


It was a breezy morning, and while I was still sleeping, Elaine was already busy finding a spot to test my talents. "Wake up, Nolan, it's time for you to train," she called out, her voice loud yet calm.

I murmured, still half-asleep, "Hmm, I don't want to go yet, Mom."

Elaine seemed insulted by my response. "Oh, you don't want to get up?" she said, a mischievous glint in her eye. She used her magic to wake me up. "Water Ball!"

I woke up instantly as the cold water hit me. "Cold!" I yelled, scrambling to my feet. A notification from the system appeared.

"You have gained a new skill: Water Manipulation. Would you like to see the information about Water Manipulation?"

"Show," I replied.

"Very well, showing information about Water Manipulation."

"Water Manipulation: This skill allows you to manipulate water in any form."

"Why are you spacing out?" Elaine asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Oh, it's because I just realized how beautiful you are," I replied teasingly.

"Stop teasing me and get ready. We are going to train," Elaine said with a serious tone. We headed out to the spot Elaine had found.

"Here we are," Elaine said, excitement in her voice. We began training, but she was still curious about my skills. "Do you have any new skills?" she asked.

"I have a new skill. It's called Water Manipulation," I replied calmly.

"How did you get that skill?" Elaine asked, looking troubled.

"I don't know. You just woke me up using water," I said.

"So that's why," Elaine murmured. She explained that she had used her Water Manipulation skill to wake me up but hadn't expected me to acquire the skill. She then began teaching me how to use it.

As night began to fall, we headed back to the camp. Meanwhile, somewhere in the Kingdom of Gods, all the high officials were gathering in the meeting hall.

"We must capture the traitor," declared the god sitting in the center. The other gods nodded in agreement. Soon, the head of the castle's royal guard entered. He had yellow hair and a serious expression.

"My lord, I am here to follow your orders," said the guard, Ezekiel.

"Good, you're finally here," replied the king, Arthur. "I have a mission for you: retrieve her alive."

"As you wish," Ezekiel responded, his tone serious. He left the room, leaving the other gods to their discussions.

Back at our camp, it was a breezy night. Elaine and I were talking, and I couldn't help but wonder why she was here. With determination, I asked, "Why are you here in this forest, Elaine?"

Elaine hesitated but then answered, her voice calm yet just above a whisper. "The gods are looking for me. I am a dual elemental god, and everyone wants to use me as a pawn for power. The reason I'm here is that I don't want to be controlled."

"Oh, sorry for asking that question," I said, feeling sad for her.

"It's okay, don't worry about it," Elaine said, her voice reassuring. "We should sleep; it's getting late."

I agreed, and we settled down to sleep for the night.