
I'm only a human

In the quite world of Claudine Different kind of race's lives there and each race has a Rank, human being the lowest, and god's being the highest rank possible, of course there still different kind of race like elves, ogre, angel. demon, and many more. Nolan is an 12 years old and an orphan that become an outcast from the only kingdom of human, because of his weak skills, when he got kicked out of the kingdom he does everything to survive from the Vast wilderness will he survive or die in vain. But no one knows that he has a hidden skill. but it's painful. oh, I almost forgot everyone has a skill system but no stat.

Terdy_of_death · Action
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4 Chs

The outcast

In the kingdom of Faith, I stood alone surrounded by a sea of faces as the king's decree echoed throughout the courtyard, "I shall announce that you Nolan of faith Will be cast out from the kingdom because of your low skill", The king declared, his voice firm and unyielding. My heart sunk, betrayal and grief twisted inside me as I began The long walk toward the gate, The only home I had ever known slipping away with each step.

"What did I do wrong to deserve this?", I murmured, Barely audible over the jeers and the pelting of objects thrown by the crowd. "Get out!, don't ever comeback, We don't need weak people like you", They shouted.

As I reached the kingdom's gate, I took one last look at the place. The world beyond was harsh, Filled with monsters and danger I had only heard about in tales, I knew my journey would be anything but easy.

The first night was brutal, hunger gnawed at me, and the cold bit deep, But I focused myself, "I will survive and show them that I'm not weak", I vowed, a spark of determination igniting within me, I spent the night crafting a weapon from wood and sharp rocks, a crude spear that I hope would help me hunt.

By the morning my spear are ready. I ventured out, Searching for prey, and after what it felt like eternity, I spotted a deer, summoning every ounce of strength, I hurled the spear, it struck true, and the deer fell, but carrying it back to the makeshift camp was a struggle; it's weight was almost to much for me to bear. I had to stop and rest frequently, but eventually, I made it back.

I lit a fire a set to cooking the deer, a process that took hours, When it was finally ready, I devoured the meat, The first meal I had since since being cast out. As I ate, I thought about the journey ahead, "is this the right path?", I pondered "Will I be able to survive in this vast world?" with this thought swirling in my mind, I drifted into an uneasy sleep.

The next morning I was back to hunting, A I stalked through the forest, a wild boar charge at me it was fast To fast, I barely had time to react, but somehow, I managed to stab it with my spear. After the boar fell, I received a strange notification from a system I hadn't known existed.

"You have gained a new skill, 'Rush.' Would you like to check the information about this skill?" the system asked. Shocked, I replied, "Show information."

"Rush: This skill allows the user to emulate a ferocious charge toward the enemies."

I was stunned. "I think I got this skill from the boar I killed," I thought. "But why didn't I get a skill from the deer?" It hit me then—the boar had used the skill on me. "It must be it," I realized. Gathering the boar, I returned to camp, pondering this new development. "I just got a new skill by getting hit by a boar," I mused. "Still, it's pretty dangerous to gain skills this way."

That night, I lay awake, thinking. "If I can gain skills from monsters, I might become the strongest human in history," I thought, smiling at the possibility.

The next morning, I set out again and stumbled upon a sword in good condition. As I examined it, I heard rustling nearby. A direwolf was eating a small prey. I moved carefully, but it noticed me and unleashed a "Roar of Fear." My body froze. Desperately, I stabbed my hand with a knife to break the paralysis, then charged at the wolf with my new skill, "Rush," and killed it.

Another notification appeared. "You have gained a new skill 'Roar of Fear.' Would you like to check the information about 'Roar of Fear?'"

"Yes," I replied eagerly.

"Roar of Fear: This skill allows the user to unleash a powerful roar that paralyzes the enemy."

Despite the pain in my hand, I was thrilled to have another useful skill. I wrapped my wound with a piece of cloth I found and continued hunting. That evening, as I lay under the stars, I couldn't help but think about why I had been cast out. "It really is lonely here," I thought. "But I must survive. No, I will survive." With that determination, I fell asleep, ready to face whatever challenges the next day would bring.

I just add a detail and fix my novel.

-A freind advices it to me

thank you

Almost forgot I changed the point of view into first person.

Terdy_of_deathcreators' thoughts