

"Of all girls in town, you choose Penelope to be my wife" Connor said to his mom(Christine) as they were both in the dinner with his sister, Mandy...

"Connor, Penelope is a good girl, I'm sure you would like her" Christine said as she took a full fork of vegetable and ate it..

" 'Like', I know Penelope, duh, we are childhood enemies, not childhood lovers" Connor said as Mandy giggled..

" Seriously, Mandy. This the time to laugh" Connor said with a straight face as his sister looked at him in a apologetic face..

"I'm sorry, but what you said was a little bit, funny" Mandy apologized as Connor looked back at his Mom..

"Mom, can't I choose the person I want myself" Connor said...

" Connor, you are going to delay me and I'm not getting any younger, I need my grandchildren" Christine said...

" Yeah, that's what you always ' I'm not getting any younger' " Connor airqouted...

" Whatever, let me remind you that you are getting married in two weeks, don't do anything childish" Christine said with a straight face.

" Do I look like a child? That would be doing things in a childish manner" Connor said as he left the dinner room aggressively and ascended upstairs..

"Manners, Connor" Christine said...

Connor entered his room as he sat on the couch opposite the bed...

He took his phone and dailed his friend's number, Collins but he didn't pick up...

'Maybe, he's busy' Connor thought as he used his fingers to brush his brown wavy hair which had little black stripes.

Connor Louis, the CEO of L company, one of the biggest company in Australia, Connor is the eligible bachelor in town, he is known as the Lady-killer... Connor is known of his good looks, he's 6.7ft, light skinned, brown wavy full hair with little black stripes, a pink lip, a grey eyes and a pointed nose and he also has a earring in his left ear..

"Up for a drink", Connor texted his friend, Collins..

"Sure" his friend texted back as he smirked...


Linda changed to her to her normal dress as she bidded her friend, goodbye...

Linda boarded a taxi...

"UCEY Hospital" Linda said as the car drove off...

The taxi stopped in front of the UCEY Hospital as Linda came out and paid the driver, Linda went inside the hospital, Linda greeted the nurses that passed by and they greeted me with a smile... Linda went to a room in the hospital, B13.

Linda entered the room and saw a doctor and a middle-aged woman sleeping...

"Miss Linda" the doctor said with a smile