

Linda woke up from a deep sleep to the sound of the alarm. Half conscious, she wriggle her arm free and slapped the table beside her bed, searching for the alarm as it relentless burrowed into her brain. The air of the room smelled lavender. Her breath caught in her neck making her open her eyes. She adjusted herself on the bed as she switched off the alarm....

Linda did her morning prayers, she went to her bathroom as she brushed her teeth, she entered the shower as she allowed the warm water pelt on her skin, she came out of the bathroom and cleaned herself with a white towel....

She wore a deep blue tight trouser, a big white top and a canvas, she arranged her hair in a ponytail, she applied little makeup and went out of the house....

Her name is Linda Dam, she is a twenty years old young lady with a long black wavy hair, a well defined face, a long eyelashes, she is 5.6ft, she has a rosy red lip...

Linda got to the restaurant, her working place....

"Good morning, Linda." Her sweet friend, Rose said as she carried a tray full of hamburger and dropped it on the customer's table..

"Rose, morning" Linda said as she hugged her friend...

"You really need to change your dress now, you don't want the witch to see you" Rose said as she winked... and I nodded and went to the dressing room....

Linda changed into a short white mini skirt, a short sleeve shirt and a black short heel....

Linda went out of the dressing room straight to the kitchen and started work...

"This is going to be one long day" Linda said as she started receiving customers....


"Do you really think I must get married to Connor" Penelope said to her friend Ivy as she sipped a cup of coffee...

"You don't have a choice" Ivy said as she giggled...

"You of all people know, I have a boyfriend, but now that my parent have done this stupid arranged marriage, How on earth do you want Blake to react, I love Blake not Connor"Penelope said

" Too bad for Blake, cause now you are Connor's" Ivy said as she took the last fries in the bowl...

" No, I'm not Connor's, till next two weeks... You have finished the fries" Penelope said as she pouted her lip...

" You are rich, order for another" Ivy said..

"Aren't you also rich?" Penelope said...

" Hmm, you promised today, Bills on you" Ivy said....

"Whatever" Penelope said as I called a waitress.

"Your order" Linda said as she took a piece of pen and paper...

"We would have some Pavlova, Fried potato, Fried chicken with sauce" Penelope said...

" With some milkshake" Ivy cut in...

As Linda wrote everything down, "You order would be ready in five minutes" Linda said as she left...

As Ivy continued to look at waitress's back, Penelope noticed...

"Ivy" Penelope said distracting her from the waitress...

"Yeah" Ivy cleared her throat..

"Are you considering lesbianism?" Penelope said with a smirk

"No,Colt would be my one and only man... but Don't you see girl resembles you a little bit?" Ivy said

" No,I didn't see anything suspicious" Penelope said...

" Okay, maybe I was over thinking about you" Ivy mocked as Penelope giggled