
I'm Not the Hero

I thought I was the hero witnessing the villain's execution, but everything felt so wrong. I was too late when I realised... this life was not mine.

Brother_Yu · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Experiences of Villains and Heroes

"You're lying," I spoke with widened eyes. She's got to be! There's no way that true! How can someone like Wren be chosen as a villain, but at the same time… why was I the villain? If I've never done anything but was still named the villain, then it could be true that Wren is one too however, people don't avoid her from hatred like they avoid me. They avoid her from fear because of the achievements she has. She was widely admired in the future when Kassiel won the war too, but this world runs by the logic of 'the hero gets all and the villain gets nothing', so how is possible for her to be admired and gain recognition if she's really a villain?

"I'm not lying," said the girl, "In fact, Wren was the first villain to come into this world. In other words, you could call her the 'original villain'."

"If there was already a villain in this world, then why were we taken here too? If Wren's already here, then we aren't needed, are we?" I myself couldn't tell how I felt in the current moment. Anger? Sadness? Do I feel wronged for no reason? Do I blame Wren? No, it's not Wren fault that I was taken here but… what if it was her fault? What if I had to suffer here because she wasn't enough to fulfil her role as a villain? Maybe instead of transmigrating here and living my whole life named the 'villain', I could've felt a bit happiness from heaven.

"In full honesty I don't believe someone like Wren could be a villain," said the girl. "She's an amazing person! Everyone here admires her! She's the face of us villains! She's our leader and pride!" It was like she was hypnotised or controlled to only speak good about Wren. She seemed too enthusiastic when it came to the topic of Wren and so did everyone here. At this point, I can't tell if everything they're telling me is false or reality.

I turn to look at William, desperately hoping he didn't act like he too being mind controlled into adoring Wren. Luckily, he wasn't, but he still agreed with the girl.

"Wren helped me and my sister. That's enough for me to feel grateful towards her. Everyone here, even the heroes on the other side of the wall are in her debt," William stared at the stone wall before turning back to me, "I believe this is enough to give you a reason why the wall mustn't be destroyed," he whispered. "Now let's go get your bandages changed. I didn't have any at my house, but I took some from Lucas."

"Lucas?" I questioned. William then pointed at a boy with brown hair and eyes, smiling widely at me which made me shudder. I felt like something was wrong with him. He seemed weird and if I had to be honest, I was creeped out just seeing his smile. Lucas has the perfect smile and vibe for a villain.

"Are you coming or not?" came William's impatient voice. I followed behind him and when there was no one else in sight, I began to speak.

"Lucas seems… strange," I said truthfully.

"He is strange, but the villains here love him. He's very popular actually," William sits down before patting the bench seat next to him, "sit."

"Why? Did he sweet talk them? Is he really kind? Ran a few favours around here?" I questioned after sitting down next to William.

"No. None of that. He has a pretty bad personality too," William started taking off the bloodied bandages wrapped around my neck. "The reason why the love him here is quite messed up."

"How messed up?" I asked.

"He killed his hero."

"… What?" I was beyond surprised, "he killed the person who saved him?"

"No, he killed the person who he came here with. You've only found out that there are multiple villains and heroes today, so you don't know this, but everyone who was taken to this world appeared here with another person. In every pair, one has the role of the hero while the other has the role of villain. Of course, they don't even know that and may even become best friends but when they find out, it could get brutal," William explained.

"So Lucas killed the one he came here with after he found out?"

"He killed the girl as soon as he appeared in this world. He didn't even know. Around eight months ago, Kelan said that another pair would appear. Then six months ago, we came to the exact location where Lucas and his hero would appear and saw him hovering over the poor girl's dead body."

"The villains here still agreed to let someone that dangerous live here with them? Aren't they afraid he'd kill them?" I asked.

"Look, we all have stories to tell but at the end of the day as long as we have one thing in common which is the fact that we're all villains, we don't care. Besides, most of the villains here have experienced things from their heroes that are seen are worse here. That girl with a scar on her arm got injured by her hero in her vital points and couldn't move her arm. The guy with a scar on his neck was slashed by his hero and was bedridden for a long time, nearly dying from bleeding out. They were both hopeless cases until Lucas appeared and healed them with his abilities," said William.

"Lucas is that powerful?"

"Yes, I was blinded in both eyes but he even restored my vision."

"How did you become blind? Was it from your hero too?" I questioned, hoping I wouldn't make him uncomfortable.

"I went blind from my sister's abilities. I know it sounds wrong, but it wasn't her fault. She lost control of herself because the Goddess of light tried to forcefully steal her body," William replied. "Wren saved us both and took us here. The villains pitied me for the 'betrayal' of my own sister, but she never betrayed me at all."

"Wait, the Goddess of light?" I then realised something.

"Yes, then Goddess of light, Nova," answered William.

"But isn't Nova the Goddess of another nation? She's the Goddess of Floran. Is your sister so special that a Goddess from another nation would come here for her?"

"Felix, I never said that every pair of heroes and villains appear in Kascis. Me, my sister and Lucas appeared in Floran, Kelan appeared in Thanar ,Wren and her hero appeared in the boarder between Floran and Kascis while you are your hero appeared in Kascis," replied William. "We were lucky that the second pair to appear included Kelan who was able to pinpoint when another pair would appear so we could sneak there and take them."

"Oh, I see…. Wait, did you say Kelan appeared in Thanar the nation of lightning and war?"

"Yeah. I heard from Kelan's villain that every time he recalls what he saw in Thanar, the only thing he could think of was 'Wren would love it here'. He said she looked quite interested in Thanar too, but she's bound to Kascis because the king saved her from dying from her injuries and starvation at the border. If I were her, I would just say 'fuck it' and run away to Thanar. She's meant to be a warrior, not a fancy knight. There in Thanar, she could go as berserk as she wants and fight warriors just like herself, but I don't think she can do that now since she has responsibilities in this village too. Plus, I don't think she'll abandon it since she named this village after the one she loves."

"The one she loves? Is it her hero?"

"No, her hero left a year after they built this village together. In full honesty, I want to know what he's like since he's the one who mentored Kelan because he can also see the future. From what Kelan told me, Wren's hero has abilities that allow him to see fate as well," said William. Wren's hero can see the future and fate? Is he the one Wren was talking about? He must be right? Or maybe the one who she was talking about is Kelan.

"Has anyone seen him?"

"Only Kelan and his villain but his villain refuses to speak while Kelan swore to not say anything. I heard he was in love with Wren but Wren's not into guys. The one she loves is back in her home world. The injuries she had when she appeared here was for the one she loves too. I never thought that Wren could ever be beaten that badly, but I guess people really do get weak when it comes to love," William then finished bandaging my neck and placed the rest of the bandage roll in his pocket.

"People get weak when they fall in love?" I asked. Do they really? It sounds unbelievable though. How could love do so much damage to someone? If love can weaken you, then why fall in love in the first place?

"Yes, it does make you weak."

"How do you know?" There has to be a reason why he's saying that right?

"Family, friends or lovers, we've all loved someone before, so we all know how it feels like," William replied with a small smile.

Family? What exactly defines someone as your family? Eason…. Does Eason count as my family? We did grow up in the same place together. Friends? Eason's my family but he also took my friends too. Is that what love is? Lovers? How could someone like me find someone to love? William says everyone knows how love feels like but I… I don't know. I don't understand. Why does love have to be such a hard thing? It's much harder to understand than anything that I've learnt in the academy.

"William, I don't understand."

"What don't you understand?" he asked me.

"Is love… really necessary?"

This chapters less active so I hope it's not to boring. It should get better in 1 or 2 more chapters so bare with me.

Brother_Yucreators' thoughts