
Chapter 09 An under water swim with a Merman.

As it was now afternoon of the weekend they both walk together on beach and have a friendly talk.

"I really love the beach, it makes me feel free", said Fiona smiling calmly.

"I feel the same!", said Dililah with a smile.

" I really feel like swimming right now! Wanna come?", said Fiona excited.

"Well I'll pass for today as I already swam earlier but you can go If you want, I'll be going now ! Bye ", Dililah said and she left.

"Well it's just me then", she said to herself and change into a white swim suit.

She jumped into the ocean and swim all the way up. She was happy and enjoying her bath when suddenly someone pulled her under the water and before she can't react it was Llyr grabbing her by waist.

"Wa... wait! It's you! What you want?", said Fiona surprised and confused.

"I'm Llyr! I want you!", said Llyr smiling.

She pushed him away.

"Are you crazy? We don't met once! You don't even know my name!", said Fiona angry.

"Oh I know your name! It's Fiona, the other lady earlier called you that", said Llyr proudly smirking.

"Wait! Are you stalking me??", said Fiona backing away.

"Well I fell for you at first sight! You also saved my life", said Llyr smiling gently.

"Woah easy there! You are weird", said Fiona annoyed with him.

"I just noticed, you can breathe underwater!?", said Llyr surprised.

"It's obvious it's because I'm not a human duh!", said Fiona with serious expression.

"Now I am going! Good bye", said Fiona and swim up to the top and left. However he followed after transforming his tail with legs.

"Fiona please wait! Don't go away too soon!", said Llyr making sad face and walk towards her but stumbled and fell on ground and Fiona seeing this went back to him and picked him up.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?", said Fiona with worried look and seeing her worried he touched and cares her cheek.

This made Fiona blush.

"You are really weird!", said Fiona with a fake frown still blushing.

"Stop following me! I am not staying here permanently, I have to leave once I'm done with my task here ", said Fiona seriously and standing up.

"Then let stay together until you are here! I wanna be with you no matter what and I'll be with you even if you deny me!", said Llyr full of emotions and love flickering in his eyes and this left Fiona utterly shocked.

Suddenly she noticed a scrape on his left knee.she sighed.

"You are hurt! Come with me, I'll heal it once we're inside as I don't want humans to know", Fiona said and took him to her cottage and there he healed him.

"You healed me once again! I owe you to my life!", said Llyr getting emotional.

"You owe me nothing as it is my duty to save others , now you can leave", said Fiona serious and composed.

"Leave!? I don't want to go!", said Llyr protesting but Fiona pushed him outside shutting the door.

POV: what is wrong with this guy, he was supposed to fell for Dililah, the female lead not me. I'm not the Female Lead!

Like this a week past, Llyr follow her every where she went and kept saying I love you. Until finally day came when other two mermen named Triton and Wade came to the Cafe.